Chapter Eight

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{Ashia's POV} *well isn't this a little bit different :) *

I finally pushed Zayn off me, my lips numb from his constant snogging. I shifted myself in my seat, smoothing down my skirt as the teacher walked in. Mrs. Henning was the worst and most boring teacher I've ever met. I swear I wish she would just die in a hole somewhere in the desert. Okay, maybe that was a little bit harsh. 

I turned the page in my notebook, grabbing my pink colored pen, and started writing my notes. We had a huge test in her class in three days and I couldn't focus on it to save my life. All I could think about anymore is how different Marcel's been. I mean, for example, I haven't seen him anywhere in school! It's kind of worrying me. But on the other hand I've also been distracted me this new hunk at school named Harry. God, I wish he was mine, sadly though, I'm stuck with this pervert of a boyfriend, Zayn. 

I felt a rough hand on my thigh, and turned my head over at Zayn who had that ignorant smirk played out on his lips. In a swift motion I snatched Zayn's hand and threw it on his desk making a loud thud circulate through the room, catching Mrs. Henning's attention. 

I groaned and sulked into my seat as Zayn straighted his back, focusing back on his work. Snickers were heard throughout the class as Mrs. Henning called their attention back to the white board. I swear, why were these people so childish?! It was sickning. 

My purse began to quietly vibrate, I picked out my phone, checking my five new text messeges. 


1. --

From:Zaynie To:Ashia(12:34pm):

Srry babe.

To:Zaynie From:Ashia(12:36pm):

watevr. ttyl.

2. --

From:Marcel To:Ashia(12:30pm):

you need to get your act together, youre losing yourself more and more everyday. just dont slip up.

To: Marcel From:Ashia (12:37pm):

wat r u talkin 'bout??? :/

3. --

From: Liam(: To:Ashia (12:28pm):

thnks 4 the othr nite. <3

To: Liam(: From:Ashia (12:38pm):

ur welcome, how did he take it?? did he say yes?? did u ask him out?? ohemgee!! :D

4. --

From: MUMMY<33 To: Ashia (11:59am):

dont forget to pick up milk after school. luv you.<3333

To: MUMMY<33 From: Ashia (12:40pm):

i wont 4get mummy. ilu2<3333333

5. -- 

From: Ebby<3 To: Ashia (12:24pm):

hihihi gurl, r we still goin 2 the mall @ 5???? ntk!!!! ttyl bby doll<33

To:Ebby<3 From:Ashia (12:42pm):

of course bby cakes!! ttyl<333 


I sighed and leaned back in my seat, I hoped Liam did like I told him, and I also hope that Zayn would keep his hands to himself. I was awoken out of my thoughts by the loud bell, it was time to put my plan into action! I was getting my Marcel back to school, whether it's the last thing I do. 


A/N: so what did you guys think? hate it? love it? comment about it! I love to hear what you guys have to say! dont forget, ten votes til the next update! :)

thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments. Love you guys! :)

oh and if you havent been dedicated and you comment first with an "i voted" or something, youll get the dedication for this chapter. :) love you guys! xx

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