Chapter Six

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@TwittrBuggems: @MarcelStyles101 Hey marcel...i miss u. 

@TwittrBuggems: @MarcelStyles101 marcel..pls dm me??

@TwittrBuggems: @MarcelStyles101 y are u ignoring me??? pls tlk to me...

@TwittrBuggems: @MarcelStyles101 we need to tlk...its bout zayn. #SOS txt me.


I quickly sent Ashia a text  , but instantly regretting it.


To:Ashia<33 From:Marcel (2:03am):

what did zayn do?

From:Ashia<33 To:Marcel (2:05am):

i thought tht might work. he didnt do anything. but wats wrong w/ u? y havent u been to school?

To:Ashia<33 From:Marcel (2:08am):

i have been at school. youre too bust snogging zayn to look for me anymore. 

From: Ashia<33 To: Marcel (2:11am):

fine be tht way. bye marcel. ttyl. or shud i say ttyn. </3


I threw my cell phone across the room, an animal like growl coming out of my mouth. I'm not going to lie, I scared myself. Haha. I sulked back down onto the edge of my bed, my head resting inside my sweating palms. I was becoming a wreck over one girl. One freaking girl! Anger snapped through me and next thing I knew my room was a wreck and my mum was looking at me with fear in her eyes at the sight before her. I tried to walk towards her, needed her comfort. But all I got met with was a door to my face. 

I punched the door, breaking out in loud scattered sobbs, falling onto the floor, my knees up to my chest, back leaning on the door. I was going mental over a freaking girl. My mum is scared of me. Heck, I'm scaring myself. I walked through the clutter in my room, picking up my laptop and checking to make sure it still works. Thank the heavens it does, I scroll the new twitter I made for 'Harry' all the girls at school were trying to get in my pants. It was gross. And then, I almost missed it, but I saw were Ashia tweeted me.

@AshiaDABaws: @ImHarryAndIKnowIt hey sxy, dm me sometime ;) 


I woke up in the morning, in the bathroom. 'How did I get here?' I looked around, grabbing hold of the sink and pulling up, before dropping back down as a rain of pain went through my arm, starting at my palm. I looked at my hand, it was covered in blood. Oh god, what did I do? I winced as I put my hands under cold water to try and find where the cuts were. There was only a few, they were cresent shaped meaning I had dug my nails into my palms until I couldn't feel anymore. I sighed mentally kicking myself in the balls. But I was glad that I didn't cut myself. 

I walked back into my disaster area that was now my room, I racked my hands through my curls, put on my glasses, some skinny jeans, boots, and a white v-neck.  Let's see if they can hint who I am now.


A/N: okay im proabably going to get a lot of hate over this chapter, but i was trying to explain how metally broken this girl Ashia has made him, and im sorry if you dont like this but. :/ xx

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