Chapter V: The Man Behind the Scar

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Drayk and Roku fall from the portal onto the cold ground. The skies are black, filled with stars. A seemingly never-ending desert is underneath them. Cacti in all directions, and sand sweeping in the steady breeze. The portal closes as Drayk stands up. He helps Roku to her feet, looking all around. What appears to be a campfire can be seen off in the distance in front of them.

"Leon," Roku sighs.

"I cannot believe we let that happen," Drayk says.

"It couldn't be avoided. We didn't even see it coming.... I did see Leon's killer right before his realm started falling apart though."


"It was the man in my vision from Lady Parocaav.... I think it was a warning Drayk."

"How could he have entered the Forgotten Forest? Only Leon can decide....."

Drayk's face goes blank, he is stricken with silence.

"What is it Drayk?"


"Father Time?"

Roku now has a very confused look on her face, raising one eyebrow. Drayk looks at her and explains that he assisted in the creation of Leon's realm when it was bestowed to him. Roku stares straight up into the sky. The world seeming so much bigger to her now. So much deception. She never realized what was truly possible. She was raised in some mountain range by a hermit monk after all. Her thoughts wander to Crito as they start walking towards the distant campfire. She wonders how many days have passed outside of the Forgotten Forest. Her mind drifts to random thoughts of how she should have tried to stop the man. With her magic, she might have been able to defeat him. What was that magic arrow he killed Leon with?

Drayk and Roku could only walk in silence for the first mile or so. Neither one can figure out what to say, they feel it better to walk in silence. Both of them are trying to get over seeing their master slain before them. Drayk can't help but blame himself. This was the second time he let someone he cared about slip between his fingers, a second guilt he will have to deal with. Sammi and Leon both murdered while he was helpless to save them. No more. He will never let this happen again. Drayk glances over at Roku. Especially her. He can't explain what he feels for Roku, but he knows he can never lose her too.

They finally draw closer to the fire they had seen from where they landed. The simple campfire is turning out to look more like a bonfire now that they are nearby. The outline of tents can now be seen, outlined with light from the glow of the fire. Drunken laughter is heard, making them slow their pace.

"I think this might be an Elite Soldier's camp. We best keep on our toes," Drayk whispers to Roku.

"Agreed," Roku whispers back.

This is the first time either of them have felt like they are alone. They may have each other, and yet they can't help but feel alone. Nervousness has struck them. This is really happening. All that time spent in the forest, just felt like any other day to them. Their whole lives have been spent training and wielding magic. The actual concept of their quest is only just now sinking in. They know now that things will never be the same. They must stop Lord Xivaac and his forces. This war must come to an end. If not for the peace of mankind, or even for their own sake, it should be ended in the name of the fallen goddess. It needs to end for the sake of everyone whom had lost their lives, freedom or worse.

Approaching the camp, Drayk and Roku remain perfectly quiet. They are sure to not make a sound as they sneak up behind a big tent. They don't want anyone to know they are here until some investigation and reconnaissance has been done. This camp is awfully close to where Leon's realm was hidden, they might have been the ones who invaded. Drayk peeks his head around the corner, trying to get a good look at anyone nearby. Roku pokes her head out underneath Drayk's. She looks around, watching the faceless Elite Soldiers drinking and singing around the bonfire.

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