Author's Note

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I'm sorry for it taking so long to update my sequel but I can't come up with anything honestly, so if you want it to be a bit quicker I'm gonna let you guys do something I never usually do. Write me a few paragraphs of them at Vidcon, making memories, blah blah blah, and if I like it I'll choose yours and give you credit..(: Thank you so much, love you guys! xx

I'll be taking entries by PM on here until the end of July, I'm hoping to find a good one sooner just so you guys can have a chapter, but if I don't choose yours or anyone's, it's not because I don't like your writing or your a horrible writer, I just didn't think it fit with my story well, so if I don't choose you don't take it personally. 

ALSO, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact you guys want a part in the sequel but the spots are already chosen for girlfriends so there's no need to comment(: If I have more spots later on then I'll give you an opportunity but if not i'm sorry, just know that the contest is LONG over, it ended on the 9th(:

Being An American YouTuber//Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now