♡Chapter 20♡

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"So, has she woken up yet?" I asked her Mom as I looked at her fragile lifeless body through the glass window.

"Not yet. and it's almost been three days." she sighed clearly tired.

"And we know it's a miscarriage for sure?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I don't even know how we're gonna tell her." she said.

"I don't know but I'm not doing it." I said putting my arms up. "it's already too much for me to deal with as it is." I sighed.

I was pretty lost by this whole situation. I mean I was going to have my own baby girl. I was going to bring life to somebody. And now? Its all gone. All of it. I mean the worst part is, is that Maisie was actually attached to it as well now, and honestly, I'm scared out of my mind to break it to her.

The doctor came and joined us in the hallway breaking my inner thoughts.

"Hello, are you the family of Maisie Devereaux?" A random doctor asked us all.

"Yes, her boyfriend is with us too." her mom directed to me.

"Well I'm happy to tell you, she is awake." He said. "but she has slight memory loss." he added.

"What do you mean by "slight memory loss"?" I said mad yet sad, if that makes sense.

"See, due to being in coma for almost 3 days, Maisie has obtained slight loss of memory. We aren't sure how much she's lost yet, so when she is a bit more awake we will ask her some questions. She could've lost on the past few days, or she lost up to 4 months." He said. 

"4 months?!" I said loudly in shock. "B-but that means she's not gonna remember the baby." I said. 

"Which could be better off at this point, but she is 95% most likely going to remember in time, so even if we don't tell her now, she will most likely find out one way or another." He said seriously.

"So can we see her?" I asked impatiently. I just wanted to see my princess, that was all I wanted right now. 

"Go ahead, be quiet though. She has a severe migrane, which she will also go through over this whole memory loss, so we are setting her up for a medication for it as well, so make sure she takes those three times a day everyday for the next 3 weeks." He said. We nodded in response before I gently opened the door.

I walked in to see her fraile body laying in the bed, her eyes barely open. But, when she saw me. They were wide as could be. 

"Sam!" She smiled excitedly, still in pain though, sadly. 

"Hey princess, how you feelin?" I asked her softly pulling a seat beside her and putting her oddly cold hand in mine. 

"Shitty." She laughed. "Did you get a haircut? You look so different from the last time I saw you.." She said taking her hand and running it through my hair. I didn't really know what to say so I looked at the doctor for help. He looked at me before standing up straight from his leaning position on the counter. 

"Maisie, is it alright if I ask you a few questions." He asked her. 

"I've never been good at tests, but I guess." She said making me laugh. 

"Alright, so where do you think you are right now?" He asked her. 

Being An American YouTuber//Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now