♡Chapter 24♡

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I was sitting on the sofa eating my lucky charms while watching old episodes of AwesomenessTV by myself until all the boys came in, Trevor stayed the night last night. 

"Morning boys." I said to them looking up at all 6 of them. 

"Morning Mais!" They smiled. 

"Did ya make me some coffee?" Connor joked. 

"I ain't your maid, ya nasty." I joked back making them all laugh. 

"So, how are you?" Sam asked me coming over and sitting beside me. 

"Surviving." I shrugged. 

"The pain still there?" He asked directing to my stomach.

"Not really, but mentally it is." I chuckled. Not a happy chuckle though. 

"And you're eating?" He said making sure I was eating. After I almost passed out the other day and told him it was because I haven't ate he was becoming overbearingly protective of me, making sure I always am eating. What he doesn't get is that I wasn't purposely starving myself. 

"Yeah Sam, it's not that I tried not to eat. It just kind of happened." I said. 

"I know, but I just worry." He sighed. 

"I'm okay Sam, don't worry yourself too much." I smiled kissing his lips softly. Ah, Sam lips are like marshmellows. So soft. 

Wow, that sounded so creepy. 

"So whatcha guys thinking about doing today?" I asked all the boys as I joined them in the kitchen sitting at the island. 

"Gotta head to YouTube Space at 12, probably gonna meet up with Andrea." Kian shrugged. 

"I gotta go to YouTube Space too, but other than that nothing really." Connor said.

"Same as Connor." Ricky and Jc said at the same time making us all laugh. 

"And what about you Trevie?" I asked smirking and recieving a frown from him. He hated that name. I was just like his big sister, that older annoying sister that teased him and gave him a hard time, but at the end of the day we still loved each other. 

"I'm gonna finish up with recording Darkside." He smiled. 

"Aw, I'm so proud of you Trevor!" I came around and hugged him making everyone laugh. 

"Thanks Maisers." He laughed. 

"So Maisie anyways, what's your plan today?" Connor asked. 

"I gotta go to school at 11, and then I don't know. I'm thinking about meeting up with Alexa and Jenn." I shrugged. "And lastly, what about you Sammers?" I asked the boy wrapping my arms around him from the side. 

Being An American YouTuber//Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now