♡Chapter 23♡

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"Got everything packed Mais?" Luke asked peeking in to my room. 

"Yeah, do you mind taking it down for me?" I asked. The doctor said I wasn't really supposed to carry anything heavy, or really anything at all for at least a week. 

"Nope." He smiled walking in and taking the suitcase from me. I walked over to my ensuite bathroom turning the light switch on. I took a look at myself in the wide mirror taking in everything. 

I looked at my brown ombre hair that was slightly tangled, going down to my eyes which had darker circles than usual and were slightly baggy. I was clad in a raggedy oversized band tee and a pair of flannel pajama shorts. My thigh gap was clearly visible and my arms were so thin, thinner than usual. 

I lifted my shirts up to see my stomach. Wow. I turned to the side seeing how abnormally thin it was, I could see my hip bones and ribcage a lot more than I used to. I looked down at my feet and saw the bones in them. How? I didn't think I was starving myself, I wasn't trying at least. I mean when was the last time I ate?

Let's think..I didn't have dinner, lunch, or breakfast yesterday and the day before..So the last time I ate was breakfast when I had cold pizza which was on Wednesday. Shit, this is bad. 

I quickly brushed my teeth and applied some foundation to even my skintone and a bit of mascara to look more presentable. I brushed through my tangled hair and let it sit in it's natural waves. I shut the bathroom light off and headed over to my dresser. I pulled out my VS Pink lingerie (bra and underwear basically nothing risque) and then I pulled out a simple pair of black leggings, a plain white tee, which is beyond loose now, a hooded flannel, and lastly my beanie because I needed it desperately. 

I got changed quickly and slipped in to my black combats calling it good. 

I walked down the two flights of stairs yet again counting each step. Not that I really understand why I do because the amount of steps never change, it's pretty pointless. As I was about to reach the last step I felt a bit lightheaded. I held on tighter to avoid collapsing which in the end didn't work out, because if Sam wasn't there to catch me, I would be on the ground by now. 

"Maisie! When was the last time you drank or ate?" He asked his voice strained with worry. 

"Wednesday.." I said still trying to recollect myself. He sighed loudly before picking me up a bit more. 

"Why?" He asked me.

"I didn't mean to, I guess I kind of just forgot." I shrugged.

"How do you forget? Especially being you. You eat like a growing teen boy." He said. Well thanks Sam, too sweet. 

"Wow, you're sweet." I joked. 

"Sorry babe, I didn't mean it like that." He said apologetically.

"I'm kidding Sam, it's alright." I laughed. 

"So, we're gonna make a stop at Taco Bell so you can get some food." He said. "Ya know, so this doesn't happen in the middle of the airport." He joked making me laugh. 

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed. I walked over to my family giving them all big hugs. 

Being An American YouTuber//Sam PottorffМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя