♡Chapter 6♡

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"Sam focus on the road!" I yelled to Sam laughing. We were currently in the car and he was acting like a complete goof honestly. I then heard one of my favorite song's "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5. Yes, we're pulling a Nichloas Sparks worthy move.

"Turn this one up." I said to Sam. He nodded smiling a bit and turned it up. 

"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door, I've had you so many times but somehow I want more, I don't mind spending every day out on your corner in the pouring rain, look for the girl with the broken smile ask her if she wants to stay awhile" I sang the tune. 

"Maisie, how long have we been dating?" Sam asked. 

"A year why?" I said to Sam looking over at him. 

"How have we been together that long and I didn't know you could actually sing." Sam said wonderstruck. 

"Because I like to keep it to myself.." I shrugged. 

"So who knows you can sing?" He asked curiously. 

"Well..You, and Jc but that's only because he came over one time and didn't tell me so I was sitting there in my room singing and he saw it." I said. Sam looked a bit upset that I didn't tell him and Jc already knew but I just ignored it. I went back to singing the song and of course Sam being the idiot he is decided to join in singing horribly. 

"And she will be loved, and she will be loved" I sang normally. 

"AND SHE WILL BE LOVED!!" He sang horribly at the same time I sang normally.

"No, no, no.." I laughed at him making him stop. Or trying to at least.

"AND SHE WIIIILLLLL BE LOOOOVVVEEEDDD!!" He sang even louder just make me burst into hysterics. 

"Sam! They can hear you in space!" I laughed at him. He finally cracked and joined my laughing fit. See this is what I miss. Sam and I having alone time. It just being me and Sam and it feels like we're the only ones there. It's just nearly impossible not to love this idiot I call my boyfriend, and honestly, I couldn't imagine life without him, honestly it makes me want to cry thinking "what if we never met?" or "what if we never danced that night at vidcon?" Would we still have been together? 

I always looked back to that night and it just shocks me all the things that have changed with Sam and I. That day all we were was friends who maybe flirted a bit here and there but never really confessed our true feelings for one another, then that night we finally told each other and started the best romance I've ever had. I just couldn't ever imagine dating someone else after Sam, I couldn't imagine falling in love again if I did loose Sam, I couldn't imagine sitting in someone else's arms when I was sad, I couldn't imagine kissing another boy and feeling those same cliche sparks I do with Sam, I couldn't. 

"Mais, whatcha thinking 'bout?" Sam asked curiously. It was then that I realized I was crying. I laughed a bit seeing that I was actually crying. Wow Maisie, way to look pathetic.

"Just thinking about what my life would've been like without you." I said laughing a bit as I wiped away the dumb tears. Sam pulled the car over and pulled me onto his lap embracing me in a hug as he rubbed my hair and kissed my forehead. 

"Maisie.." He whispered to me quietly. 

"Sam, I love you." I said to him quietly. 

"I love you too Maisie." He smiled kissing me passionately. I loved these kind of kisses. The ones where we'd be upset before it happened so it'd be passionate and salty. I love it. I really do. "Now come on, let's get some tacos my love." He smiled and opened the door. I got off top of him and stood on the ground him doing the same thing and then closing the door. 

Being An American YouTuber//Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now