♡Chapter 25♡

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*Warning, this chapter sucks because it is very short and has mostly dialouge, but it is going to be very funny so KEEP READING!!*

 I opened the door to the house and dropped my bag to the floor instantly. I walked in to the living area and plopped myself on the couch. 

"Ugh, school is so tiring." I said laying down. "So, how was your guys' day at YouTube space?" I asked turning to my side to look at the boys. It was only Ricky, Connor, Jc, and Sam who were home. 

"Long." Connor laughed. 

"What did you guys do?" I asked curiously.

"Well it was this little skit with Shane Dawson." Ricky said.

"THE Shane Dawson, like legit?" I asked in shock emphasizing the "the" part.

"Yes babe." Sam laughed. 

"Damn, y'all lucky son's of a bitches." I groaned. 

"Sorry Maisers." Jc laughed as he made a pouty face making fun of me. 

"But you're lucky too, you got to do the You Generation thing and met Niall." Connor pointed out.

"Okay, okay, you got a point there." I said. 

"OH MY GOD GUYS YOU KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO?!" Ricky exclaimed making us all laugh.

"What is that Rickrad?" I laughed. 

"An #AskMo2l!" He smiled. 

"Good thinking Rickers." Jc said high fiving him. 

"I like the name." Connor laughed. 

"Okay, let's all tweet out to ask us questions." Sam said. We all nodded and grabbed our phones opening twitter.

"@MaisDevereaux: Hello twitter! Send the O2L boys and I some questions with the #AskMo2l hashtag! Keep them random and weird! :)"

"Tweeted it." I said locking my phone. 

"Alright let's get the camera set up and wait a few minutes for them to ask questions." Ricky said as he left to go get Connor's camera and his tripod. I left with Sam to go get the lights and then we all set them up in front of where we were sitting. 

Being the little child I was I called front and middle. On the other side of me was Sam and then on my left was Connor, then Jc and Ricky were on the arm rests on the couch. I pressed the record button and started the intro since we agreed this was going on my channel.

"Hey guys! It's Maisie, and today I have brought along a few friends..Introduce yourselves.." I gestured to the boys. 

"I'm Sam Pottorff." Sam said. Weirdo. Always saying his last name. 

"I'm Connor!" Connor smiled.

"I'm Jc." Jc waved. 

"And I'm Ricky Minaj." Ricky danced which made us all laugh. 

"And today we are going to be doing an ask Mo2l, which is basically ask Maisie and O2L but mixed together." I explained. "So who wants the first question?" I said putting my hand in the air with my phone and being who they are they all raced each other for the phone, and Jc got it. 

"Okay, let's see.." He said looking for a good question. "#askMo2l What if i went to a meet and greet and proposed to all of you with ring pops?" He said. 

"Well I'd eat the ring pop." Connor said. 

"I'd have to say no, because of this chick." Sam said pointing his thumb at me. 

"I'd take the ring pop and leave." Ricky said.

"Ricky that's so mean!" I laughed looking over to him.

"Well, I don't know her!" He defended laughing. 

"Idiot." I laughed. "What about you Jc?" I asked looking over to him. 

"I'd marry you." he winked at the camera. He handed the phone to Sam since we were just going down the row.

"Teala asked, @Our2ndLife @MaisDevereaux are you so dunn right now? and do you believe in unicorns?  #AskMo2l" We all looked around at each other before we looked back at the camera.

"1000% done." We all said at the same time before we bursted out laughing. We know each so well. 

"Give me the phone Pottorff." I said taking it away from him. 

"Love you too Mais." He laughed.

"Okay..Let's see." I closed my eyes and scrolled before I clicked on a random one, way to randomize it ya know? "Alright, WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY #AskMo2l"

"It says shut the fuck up." Connor said with a straight face making us laugh. 

"Clearly Connor hate this song." I said handing the phone to him.

"Okay, @andrewlx asked us #AskMo2l who has farted the most during playlist?" Connor said.

"Who's Andrew?" I asked sarcastically. 

"Andrew who?" Jc joked. 

"Who the heck is this guy?" Ricky asked sarcastically. 

"To be serious though, let's point at who farted the most." I said. "1, 2, 3!!" I yelled as we all pointed at Ricky, besides him of course, he pointed at Jc. 

"Why me?!" He exclaimed. 

"Because, you always fart Ricky." Sam said as we all agreed. 

"Why'd you point at me dork?" Jc asked Ricky. 

"Because it was hard to choose between you and Sam, but I thought you were the accurate choice." He said making us all laugh. 

"Alright then." I said as Connor handed Ricky the phone. 

"Kian Lawley, whoever that is asked, @MaisDevereaux what's your favorite thing about each of the members in o2l & me (; #ASKMo2l"

"I hate them all." I said. "Especially you Kian." I said with a poker face. "Haha no, just kidding. I don't know because in all honesty every one of them are really great guys and I love them all." I said as the boys brought us all into a big group hug. 

"I LOVE YOU TOO MAISIE!!" They yelled with a few "aws" here and there. 

"Kodak moment!" Connor shouted. Even though we didn't even have a camera anyways. We let go of our hug and answered a few more questions before we ended the video. 

"Alright guys, see y'all next week and I hope you all ahve a great day, love you guys so much okay bye!!" I said before we all kissed our hands and put them over the camera. I shut the camera off and called it good as I high fived each boy. Successful Q&A video I say. 

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