♡Chapter 18♡

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"I-I'm pregnant." I said quietly. To be honest, I'm scared shitless right now. I don't even know how they'll react. I mean yes, they are understanding, but they said that if I ever become pregnant as a teen they'll kick my ass, and damnit, the day has come. 

"You're kidding right?" My Mom said.

"Wish I was Mom." I sighed.

"How long has this been going on for?" My Mom asked clearly dissapointed.

"About a month or so, maybe a bit longer." I said. 

"It's Sam's right?" She asked. 

"Yeah Mom, I'm not a slut." I said. 

"Hey, you never know, you and Jc have had sex before, so obviously stranger things have happened." She defended. 

"Well, you're obviously not as smart and responsible as I thought you were Maisie, and I am very dissapointed in you. I thought we raised you better than to sleep around with guys like that." My Dad spat. No, my Dad is not a bad guy, he's just a strict and tough guy. He means well, he can just be a dick sometimes when it comes to things like these. He reacted like this with so many of my mistakes in the past, like when I smoked weed for the first time, or when he found out I lost my virginity to Jc at 16, or when I got caught stealing baby lips from Walmart even though I wasn't the one whole stole it, when I failed half of my sophmore year. All of it. 

"Malcolm!" My Mom gasped. 

"What? It's true isn't it? The whore is pregnant isn't she? She's too busy fucking around instead of focusing on her studies." My Dad pointed out. Hell to the no. All he ever cares about is school, and how I always have to be a goody two shoes, he can't even let me live my life. Besides, I'm legally an adult, what he says doesn't matter to me one bit, he can call me a whore all he wants, I don't give two fucks what he calls me. 

"Shut the fuck up! You know nothing Dad! I don't fuck around with multiple guys, I have sex with Sam, who in case you didn't know, has been my boyfriend for a year and a half now! It's not like I've only known the kid for a week, I've known Sam for 4 years! Give me a fucking break Dad! I'm 18 years old, I'm still growing up and I'm gonna make mistakes, it's life. It happens." I argued. 

"Don't you dare swear at me again Maisie." He warned. 

"Don't tell me what to fucking do Dad, I can say whatever the hell I want! And let's not forget, who got Mom pregnant with me at 17? Oh yeah, that was you." I said. 

"It's different though Maisie!" He shouted. 

"How Dad? How is it different!?" I shouted back. 


"Because why?!"

"Because Maisie! You're still my little girl. I don't want to see you grow up, but you are, and this is part of growing up, I mean it's a baby Maisie, you're bringing something to life and you're gonna be a parent. There's no more partying like a teenager after this, you're done. I didn't want you to have to loose your childhood so early Maisie. I don't mean to call you those things, I just have no other way to express my feelings than angrily and you know that. I, it's just hard letting you go Mais, because I know you don't need me anymore." He said. 

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