♡Chapter 8♡

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I can't fucking believe it. No no no, this has to be wrong. I kept looking at the two blue lines on the little white test thinking where did I go wrong? When did I become this stupid? When did I become this sexually active to where I'm fucking pregnant. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I mean Sam and I have the money to take care of it, but we don't have the time nor maturity for something this big to happen. 

Sam. Oh my god, I have to tell Sam too. What will Sam think? How will Sam react? Will he leave? Will his stay? At this point my life is one big question, questioning if my boyfriend will stay or leave after getting me pregnant and if I'm even going to keep it, and if I am keeping it, how will I do it? Jesus, when did life become so complicated though? 

Why can't it be like it used to, me and Sam were two innocent friends who never admitted their hidden feelings for each other and when he finally got to I was so glad, but sometimes I wish as if we never decided that we would sex in the relationship because back when we didn't, things were easy. Things weren't complicated like if I missed a period or was late for one I'd have to stress about being pregnant, I just want to go back before that, when we were innocent and young. 

"Jenn!" I yelled to my best friend as she came rushing in. 

"What's wrong?" She said in worry. I sighed and showed her the test. She brought her hand up to her mouth gasping as she looked at the results. 

"I did not expect that one." She said exaggerating the not. 

"Me neither!" I laughed sarcastically. 

"So should you get Sam now then?" She asked.

"Probably, I'm just afraid." I sighed fiddling with my fingers.

"Just think about this one, if he doesn't stay after you tell him then he wasn't ever worth it in the first place and if he does then you worried for nothing." She smiled. 

"Thanks girl, I owe you." I said to Jenn giving her a big hug. 

"No problem, that's what best friend's are for right?" She smiled.

"Right." I smiled back. "I'm going to tell him now." I said. She nodded and made her way downstairs as I stayed at the top seeing everyone sitting down there. 

"Sam, come here!" I called down to Sam. He turned his head and saw me calling him. He got up quickly and ran up the stairs faster than I've seen before. He grabbed my hand gently and walked into our room shutting the door behind him locking it. 

"What's up babe?" He asked smiling at me as he wrapped his arms around me while we were sitting on the bean bag in the room. 

"You're not still mad right?" I asked him.

"How could I stay mad at a cutie like you?" He smiled kissing me, I just smiled in the kiss and then kissed him back quickly. 

"So then I have something to tell you.." I started but he quickly cut me off. 

"You're pregnant aren't you?" He asked with a smile on his perfect little baby face.

"Yeah.." I sighed. 

"Hey, hey, why so sad?" He asked lifting up my chin. 

"Because, I can't be the mother I need to be. " I sighed. "I have way too much school as it is and when the baby comes I don't know what I'll do, I'll probably have to stop making videos." I sighed. 

"Maisie, it's not like you're alone, I'm here too." He smiled. 

"But we travel all the time Sam, we just finished our 6 week travel thing from Vidcon, to Teen Hoot, to the Teen Choice Awards, to the VMAS, and then to the interview in Chicago." I said. "It's too much, we have too much going on right now." I said. 

"Mais, you need to think of the positive though, like that we can do this, we have money, we have time, we have what it needs Maisie, you just have to trust me." He said. 

"But how can I know that this is the right descion?" I said.

"Because I'm your boyfriend, you have to trust me." He said.

"Well last time I did I got impregnated, so we see how well that worked." I said sarcastically. 

"Please babe, we can do this, together." He said holding my hands. 

"I feel so cliche right now." I said laughing.

"Way to ruin a moment you dork." Sam laughed as he rolled his eyes leaning back onto the beanbag. I leaned back as well climbing on top of him. 

"You're cute." I laughed poking his cheeks. 

"You're cuter." He smiled.

"You're cutest." I smirked.

"You're cutest to infinity." He smirked. "HA BEAT THAT DEVEREAUX!!" He yelled. 

"You're weird go away." I laughed pushing him away. 

"Baby come back to me!" He yelled. 

"In my heart I still believe.." I sang dramatically like the freak I am. 

"We were meant to be.." He sang along acting dramatic as well. 

"Together so whatever it takes.." We sang together as we finished the line bursting out laughing. 

"You're so weird." I laughed.

"You are too!" He defended himself making me laugh. 

"No babe, I'm 10 times weirder than you." I laughed. 

"Yeah, you really are though." He said making me slap his arm playfully. 

"Kidding!" He laughed putting his arms up in defense. Oh god he's so adorable.

"Babe, let's take a picture." I said to him with my phone in my hand. 

"Nooooooo..." He whined playfully setting his chin on my shoulder making a pouty face. I laughed and brought the camera up to us and flipping it to front view so we could see ourselves. I made a smiley face but like one of those cute little kid ones I guess? I don't really know honestly, but then Sam is making a pouty face on my shoulder. Ain't we cuties? 

I laughed and posted it on Instagram and Twitter captioning it.

"yeah, I know, I have a cute boyfriend (; @sampottorff" 

I laughed and then posted the picture locking my screen after. I went back and leaned on Sam as he kissed my forehead gently. 

"Everything will be okay Mais, I promise." He smiled to me.

"You promise?" I asked.

"Pinky promise." He smiled and brought out his pinky.

"You know if you break that promise I'll have to cut your pinky off." I said to him smirking. 

"You wouldn't." He gasped like a girl. Gotta love him. 

"Oh but I would Mr. Pottorff." I smirked. 

"I hate you." he groaned laughing as he hid behind my back. 

"The feelings are mutual friend." I smirked. He just laughs behind me and I turned around to see his face.

"I'm just kidding, I love you baby." I said giving him a kiss. 

"I love you more." he smiled. "I love you to the moon and back." 

Well then. Didn't expect that huh guys? Nah, you probably did, haha but yeah I hope you liked it! Leave a comment or two below because ya know, it helps me out (: Don't forget to vote and tell your friends as well!

Being An American YouTuber//Sam PottorffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang