illegal love ~O2L Fanfic~

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I dropped my phone, but caught it right before it hit the ground, the second the words left the mouth. They echoed in my head, like a song on repeat. Except this song was one of death.

"Your parents are dead. Your grandparents are dead. All your precious family is dead. I killed them. And now guess what, Katie? I'm coming after you," the altered voice taunted continuously from the other side of the phone. The one who had called me from a restricted number, randomly.

So, I ran from my hotel. I sprinted down the busy, well, the not so busy streets of LA.

Hmm I wonder why no ones- Oh it's raining. Great.

I looked at the street name after a while of running and didn't recognize it. Just my clucking luck. The cherry on top of the turd sundae.

It's pouring and I'm lost. I didn't know which way I came from because I was to deep in thought, in emotions, to pay attention.

Suddenly, I ran into a wall. A really warm and soft wall.. oh.. it was a guy. I quickly shot up and blushed.

"I am soo sorry. I was trying to figure out where I was, so I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking. I'm so so so sorry!" I quickly rushed out not looking up at the guy, or should I say guys, in front of me until I finished babbling. When I did look up I saw four guys, the one I ran into, had beautiful Green-ish blue eyes, kind of dirty blonde hair, and a smile that should be on a toothpaste commercial.

He laughed a smooth, sexy laugh and began to speak,"Don't worry, you're the one who fell, not me. Plus I Wasn't paying attention either. So were both at fault. Anywho, you said you were trying to figure out where you are. You lost?"

I blushed and nodded slowly. "Yeah. I was at my hotel and.." I trailed off remembering the words. I bit my lip and look down trying not to cry in front of this breath taking boy.

"And what?" wondered one who stood next to breath taking boy number one. He was breath taking too with long black hair that swooped, a light blue snap back carefully place on top of his head, deep brown eyes and a look of concern on his face.

"I-I g-got a call, s-saying-" I couldn't finish. I looked down as the salty tears streamed down my face, hopefully blending in with the rain drops, which were falling down heavy now.

"I-I'll tell you i-if we can go in the st-starbucks" I said pointing at the barely filled Starbucks.

One Whooped and started walking there. Breath taking one and two followed quickly behind, whispering to each other. The last guy stayed with me. He was extremely attractive too. And tall. He was wearing a tank top with his muscles on full view and man, it was a nice view. He had brown hair hair, and light brown eyes.
He saw me crying and said "It's okay hun, I don't want my weave to get messed up either".
That made me smile and laugh a little. I also noticed he kind of had a lisp and it was friggin adorable.

I looked up at him, "I'm Katie." I said softly.

"I am the all mighty Ricky!" He said pumping his fist. I giggled again and relized we were already at the door. He opened the door and said "After you, my fine lady".

I smiled and walked up to the counter. I reached into my pocket the get my wallet out then softly cursed under my breath. Ricky obviously had ears of a hawk because he asked what's wrong.

"I just forgot my wallet in my room" I said and started to walk to a table in the corner.

"Hey, you seem like your having a rough day, let me buy you something," he said grabbing my arm softly pulling me back.

I sighed, a mocha latte sounded so good right now, but I didn't want to seem like I was a broke girl.

"Fine, but I will pay you back," I whispered.

"No need," he shrugged, "what do you want?"

"A mocha latte please," I pointed to the menu.

"Okay, I'll order, now go find Kian, Connor, and Jc. I ll bring it to you," he instructed and turned to order before I could ask who Kian, Connor, and Jc were. I sighed and guessed it was the three boys who were with him.

I walked around and couldn't find them. Ricky saw me and pointed to the stair. My mouth formed a little 'o' and I smiled a thank you to him. I slowly walked up the stairs, but not before I heard, "Bro, she's kind of weird. I mean she was fucking bawling her eyes out. I bet she just wants attention from us. She probably watches us on YouTube, stalks out Twitter, and our Facebook."

I hadn't heard that voice before so I guess it was the guy who whooped. I slowly walked in acting like I didn't hear him just say all the stuff about me. I didn't even know they were on YouTube. I stood there awkwardly, waiting for them to notice me when Ricky came with our drinks. He handed to me and Whoop boy scoffed. "You bought Mrs. Attention Whore a drink!?" he exclaimed looking at Ricky.

"She left her wallet at her hotel. And why are you calling her an attention whore?" Ricky asked, his words getting filled with a little anger. Whoop boy explained his theory, but I zoned out thinking about how many funerals I have to plan and attend. And where I was going to go. I'm only 16. I can't live on my own. But no way in the devils ass am I going to an orphanage or Foster Care.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat, wreaking my poor train of thought. Aww poor train. Then I looked up to find that all eyes were on me.

"What?" I questioned blushing.

"We asked if you knew us from YouTube." said Ricky.

"Oh, uh no. I dont watch much Youtubers." I explained, then sipped on my drink and smiled as it made its way to my tummy, warming it up.

"Oh." Whoop boy was a deep red. "Uhm, Sorry then. So, what's your name?"

"Katie." I replyed when my legs started to hurt. I wonder how long I've been standing. I looked at my watch. It read 3:47. Well, I got the call at 1:00, and took off seconds after that. I felt one start to give out because of the lack of food and sleep I've had. I squealed and held up my coffee but never hit the floor. I looked up at Ricky who had his arm around my waist and wide eyes.

"Woah, are you okay there?" they asked, in sync.. CREEEPY.

I nodded slowly, "I just need to sit."

Snap back pulled out a chair next to him and across from Green eyes. Ricky helped me to it and carefully sat me down sitting next to me.

"What are all your guy's names?" I asked after a awkward silence.

Snap back answer first, "I'm Jc Caylen!"

Then whoop boy, "Kian Lawley" he mumbled. I just rolled my eyes.

Lastly Green eyes, "Connor Frantaaaaaaaaaa" He said smiling holding out A. I giggled at that.

"Rickayyy, Jc! Kian, and Conner Frantaaaaaaaaa," I said copying them, "I think I should explain my situation."



hehe. I hope you guys liked it!

Uhm, find out what happens next time on "Illegal Love!"


illegal love ~Connor Franta Fanfic~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang