This chapter doesn't end out well

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Chapter 20(:

*Katie's pov*

I smirk at Connor.

"Told you I could beat you. In all strokes," I winked and swam a victory lap. The crowd that gathered cheered for me. Connor scolded me through narrow eyes. I smiled and swam to him.

"Hey slave," I teased and bumped him slightly. I won by a long shot on the free style, breast stroke, and butterfly, and a few seconds on the back stroke. I relax to much on that stroke.

"You're really good!" Whined Connor. "It's not fair! I haven't swam in a while!" I shrugged and reminded him it was his idea. He pouted, until a few teenage girls came up, giggling.

"Hi," spoke the tallest one. She had on a skimpy bikini, and sunglasses  perched on her fake blonde hair. But not any sun glasses, because little miss perfect must get Ray-Bans.

"Hey," he replied smirking. She and her minions giggled.

"You're so good. That's so sexy," she giggled. I rolled my eyes and swam to the other end of the lane. I watched as the girls sat and dipped their manicured toes in, then their long spray taned legs in, then flirted shamelessly with Connor. But the worse part was her flirted back. I sighed and blinked hack tears. I'm truly unwanted by any male.

"Hey. Why's a pretty girl like you sitting alone?" I heard a familiar voice joke. I turn around and see Marcus and Alfie.

"Connor was too busy flirting with the barbies," I choked out, pointing to them. Their faces turn deadly they help me up and start planning.

*Connor's POV*

When I turned around I saw Katie with Marcus and Alfie in a huddle. Katie was just kind of staring  off, nodding every now and then. The frown had found its way back on to her face, and the pain of her heartbreak had made its way back into her beautiful, sad brown eyes. I swallowed and turned back to Maddy, Sarah, and Melody.

"So, how about we go leave this place and get a bite to eat, then head to my house?" Asked Maddy, the leader of the three girls. I turned and saw Katie. I saw her heartbreak right before me, as I watched her eyes. She can read lips. She knows what Maddy said.

"Sorry Maddy. But my best friend just got cheated on, and she really needs me," I start. "Maybe some other time?" I offered. She nodded and reached into her purse pulling out her phone.

"Wanna give m  your number? We can text and find out the details later," she held out her phone to me. I typed in my name and number. I gave her back her phone and she took a silly picture of me for my contact icon. We laughed after laughing then said our goodbyes.

I turned to go to Katie but I noticed her hugging Marcus, and Alfie rubbing her back soothingly. I swam over there in record speed.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked. Marcus turned to me, sorrow etched onto his face.

"Katie.. heard the Jenn was pregnant, and the baby's Caspar's. She's 10 weeks along," he sighed as Katie sobbed into his chest. My heart broke for her. She really fell for Caspar. Her first love had broken her heart by cheating on her, now even having a child with that girl.

"Let's go home?" I suggested. They nodded and carried Katie out of the pool and walked to their car. We got in and drove back to the hotel, in a silent car, save for Katie's sniffles.

When we got to the room everyone was in one room and gathered around a smiling Caspar and Jenn.

"I'm so happy!" Exclaimed Jenn. Caspar leaned in and kissed her smiling face. Katie bit her lip, trying to contain the sobs. It didn't work. One slipped from her mouth and everyone turned to us. They all rushed over to the sobbing Katie and Jenn's face turned murderous.

"Ugh, that attention whore is back?! Why don't you just die! Caspar doesn't love you. He never did. We going to have a baby, and be happy together," she held out her hand and a huge diamond was perched on her ring finger, "we're getting married. You're pathetic thinking someone like him would actually LIKE you, yet alone love you. No one wants you here. So just go back to your family. Oh wait they're DEAD! They probably killed them self because they hated being even accommodated with you. You should join them six feet under. Do us all a favor." Jenn let out a sinister laugh and Katie dashed for the door faster than we could process. We haven't seen Katie for six hours now. She left all her stuff, including her phone. Everyone screamed at Jenn, and she just laughed. We all go into groups of two and split up.

No one has found her. Me and Ricky were constantly checking our phone.

*two hours later*

We were now on the ocean, and I walked down the dock, to a girl at the end. It took me a second but I realized it was Katie.

"Ricky! I found her!" I yelled and he sprited over to me. We set off to the end of the dock, a smile splitting my face. But before we got there. Before we got even halfway there. She threw herself into the ocean, hitting her head on one of the beams as she fell.



Ive hardly had time to sleep. I skipped my play rehearsals today, took a nap, and wrote. It's not very long, but the next chapter is already being written!

So, on twitter, people are shipping Konnor!(: love you guys for that.

Follow me on twitter for updates on my writing: @katie_ison_fire

I need an editor. Someone who will help me set a date to update, and to check over my work. It would mean faster updates and previews at my work... and it would me so much to me.

If you are interested:

Message me on here or kik me 3mptyl0v3

Answer to the last question:

I don't have any questions for myself? XD

This chapter's question:

How's school? What grade are you in?
what does SYTYCW mean?! I've been seeing it ln everything.

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See ya sexy faces later!



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