Not Alone

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Chapter 26

Edited by SkittlesAreDrugs


I'm back in the in between with Alyson. She's laying down on her back. Her blonde hair spread out around her head. I remember when we were little, I used to play with her soft hair all the time.

I reached out and grabbed a strand and slid it between my fingers. A small smile formed on my face.

"You're finally awake!" She yelled with glee. I nodded. She sat up and gave me a flower.

"Why am I here?" I asked here as I brought the flower to my nose and breathing in deeply. I sneezed. Damn it. I'm still allergic to pollen.

"You are in another coma. You passed out from lack of air because someone put needles in your food and water and yeah," she explained.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. She sighed.

"They're with the big guy," she looked down.

"Why aren't you there?" I asked. She sighed again and looked up into my eyes. I started to grow nervous.

"I haven't picked between staying here or going back. I'm not aloud in right now. I'm just confused on what to do," she shrugged. I nodded.

"Personally, I think you should go back down. You have a long life to live, and a lonely cousin," I joked on the last part. She sat quietly for a few minutes.

"I think I will. I'll wake up and go to California. I'll find you and live with you. Sound like a plan?" She asked, smiling widely like she did when we were kids.

"It's going to be hard. You're going to miss them but you have to get over it and stay strong. You will always have me," I promised and hugged her. Then our family floated down.

"We got an alert that we must say good bye," Madi, her big sisfer, alerted. Aly nodded and wiped a tear.

"I'm going back with Katie. She needs me. I'm going to miss you guys so much," she sobbed out.

Our family gathered around her and hugged her. I had to turn away so I wouldn't cry. It was like finding out they were dead all over again. I couldn't say good bye. I caught Aly's eye and mouthed 'hurry, I'm getting emotional!'

She let out a small chuckle and broke apart, "I love you guys so much. I'll miss you, just as much as we see Katie miss you. Please keep watching over us. See you in a little while," she walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I turned back and saw my mom mouth 'I'm so proud of you. I love you.'

I smiled and a tear slipped out. I can't say good bye.

"Katie, before you go watch out for...!" Yelled someone but I didn't catch the last part since we were already leaving.

"Don't forget to find me," I smiled at Aly.

"I won't. I'll call you as soon as I can. I promise," and with that promise she let go of my hand and floated away. The next thing I knew I was awake surrounded by my friends, and dads.

"Hi," I tried to get out but I couldn't my throat was dry and hurt so much. I looked around and started to move around. Ricky noticed and yelled to the doctor about me being awake. The doctor rushed in and handed my a bottle if water. I took it and tried to break the seal but I was too weak.

Connor came over and opened it. He took it and tilted it up and ice cold water flowed down my parched throat. I smiled as he screw the lid back on the three quarters drunk water and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, its going to hurt to speak so try not to as much as you can. Do you know sign language?" I held my fingers apart about a half an inch. He nodded and did some stuff to my tubes. My throat felt better already.

"Can I speak to Connor alone?" I choked out. They nodded and left. Connor came up and handed me a box of chocolates, some flowers, and a small teddy bear. I awed inside and bit my lip.

"So you wanted to talk?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. He was a little pale. Awe little Franta was nervous.

"I need to tell you something," I started and then coughed hard. Connor rushed over and placed the water bottle in my hands, after unscrewing the lid. I took a long drink.

"What do you need to, um, tell me?" He asked softly, looking down instead of at me.

"Connor, I uh, I love you," I whispered and his head shot up.

"You what?" He yelled. I flinched.

"Connor Franta, I am in love with you!" I said louder with some effort. A huge grin split his face in too and he did a dance.

"Katie Workman, well technically Caylen-Dillon, I am in love with you too!" And with that he leaned down, and finally gave me that kiss I've been waiting for since the night we had the movie night.



Sorry. Ive been waiting for this for forever. Okay so they finally kissed and confessed their feelings. Ahh. Anywho.

Answers to my last question(s): Yes and yes. I will be writing a sequel and continuing both of my other fanfics! (:

This chapter's question: What do you think I should name my sequel? (:

Okay guys before I tell you the cool fanfics I've been reading I just want to let you guys know that these characters (mostly Jenn and Damon) are totally made up. I love both of them and don't think they are phyco bitches. Its all fake. Just saying.


Should I give up now? A connor franta fanfic by: idonthaveit

How Many Colors by: Impeyton

I love them both (:

Okay so uhm hmm 85 votes 38 comments.

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I'll see your sexy faces later. May the odds be ever in your favor gooooddd biiiiiiieeeee


Katie Franta(:

illegal love ~Connor Franta Fanfic~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें