Meeting new People

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Illegal Love Chapter Nine.

I saw Jack and Finn Harries.  

My favorite YouTubers. Of all time.  

And I was scared. Because I looked like death. And was in boys clothes.

"Hallooo," chimed a british boy. He came and hugged Caspar then noticed me. 

"Did you bring a whore to our vacation house Caspar Lee?!" He shouted. Why did everyone think I was a whore?! UGH.  

"Uhm no.. I found her alone at starbucks and her "friends" ditched her so I thought she could stay here and not a disease filled hotel, since all the nice ones are taken due to Vid-Con," Caspar replied. I stood there awkwardly and looked at my feet.  

"Oh I'm sorry.. I'm-" he started but I cut him off.  

"Marcus Butler.." I said shyly.  

"I see you watch my YouTube channel?" He smirked.  

"Yeah, Alfie, Jack's Gap and Your's are the only British YouTubers I watch, and I mostly watch British YouTubers.." I informed him. He put a hand over his heart. 

"Well I'm honoured and feel horrible for calling you a whore.. wait is that Connor Franta's shirt.. and Ricky's sweater.. and Jc's hat?!" He asked stepping closer. I nodded but before I could explain, I was pulled into a hug.  

"She's so pretty!" Gushed a very familiar voice. I was chewing my tongue so I didn't scream. Calm Katie. You're only hugging JACK HARRIES. No biggie. 

"Uhm.. can't breath.." I got out using my last puffs of breath.  

"Oh sorry mate!" He said stepping back.  

"Jack, she's only been here for five minutes and you've already almost killed her. SMOOTH MOVE," yelled his yummy twin Finn. I giggled and heard a pouting Jack mumble something under his breath about a having a mean twin.  

"Hi I'm Finn," said a smiling twin. I smiled. 

"I'm Katie," I introduced myself to the three boys.  

"Now why are you wearing the boys clothes.?" Asked Marcus. I explained to him how I stayed at their house and yadayada. They all said their 'ohhhhh's and said that it was really mean.  

Just then three beautiful girls bursted trough the door with two tall lads, and two short lads. 

"WEREEER HO- oh who is this cutie?" Questioned one of the girls. 

"This is Katie. I found her at Starbucks and vrought her home for us to share her cuteness," replied Caspar. I just blushed and bit my lip looking down. They all just called me cute. Oy.  

"I'm Zoella," introduced one of the girls. She was a beauty guru thingy. I watched one of her videos. 

"I'm Louise," said yet another beauty guru thingy. 

"I'm Tanya," said the last girl. 

"I'm her fiancee, Jim," introduced one of the tall lads. 

"I'm Louis," replied the other tall lad. 

"I'm Troye," replied the short lad. Well, not so short lad.

Last was Alfie who just stared at me awkardly.  

"Well, hi to you too Alfie?" I awkwardly said. 

"Whew. She knew me. She's cool," he smiled. I said hi to the rest of them and Casper explained why I was here. 

"That was a dick move," said Alfie. I nodded. 

"Are you wearing their clothes?" Asked Jim. I nodded. "How will you give them back?" 

"Vidcon I guess," I replied. I sighed. I'm going to give them to Ricky and Jc, and not ignore them since they had nothing to do with it, but I was ignoring the rest of them.. minus Trevor who I have yet to meet. 

"LET'S PARTY AND INVITE EVERYONE!" Screamed Alfie. Everyone agreed. 

Well.. let the party begin. 




Woohoo (: 

Remember the contest!  


Please. It would help so much. 

~love Katie Alexis

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