Confresstion(; and Dares

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Illegal love chapter 10.

"Let's go dress shopping!" Exclaimed Zoey.

"Sure, why not?" Was my reply. And boy, am I glad that I said yes. I was now standing in my brand new dress, with brand new heels, amazing make up and, perfect hair. I look wow.

My dress was strapless with a sweet heart neck line. It was diffrent shades of blue on the bottom and black on the top with a light blue-turquoise belt separating them. The top hugged my chest and flared out at my waist. The bottom half was ruffly and kind of sparkly.

My heels were four inch light blue with a bow and sparkles on the toe, they perfectly matched my belt. And my make up was a light blush, light pink lipstick, a beautiful light blue smokey eye. My hair was just straight with a few curls here and there. There were two black wave pins pinning my hair put of my face on either side.

I walked down stairs and all the boys starred at me wide eyed. Even Tanya.

"You look, perfect,"


"Breath taking,"


Were the verbal responses.

"You look good girl!" Exclaimed Tanya.

I was about to respond but heard a knock on the door. Caspar strutted to get it.

"Gurl!" Screamed Ricky. I smiled and ran to him hugging him.

"Why did you leave?" He asked me, sadly.

"What? They left me, I didn't leave them," I explain to him what happened.

"They lied to me and Jc. Jc won't take this well.. You look stunning by the way. All the boys will be begging for you," he whispered the last part and winked. I blushed.

"Thank you Ricky. Can we still be friends?" I asked hopefully.

"We never stopped, Katie," he smiled at me. I hugged him again. He said he had to get back to the apartment to pick up the boys for the party and said his good-byes.

Ten minutes later there was another knock at the door. Everyone else was getting ready so I decided to go get it. I opened it and squealed. It was Jordan.

"What are you doing here!? Aren't you suppose to be in Kentucky?!" I squealed out.

"I asked to stay until after Vidcon," she said. I pulled her in and dragged her up stairs to Zoella and Louise.

"Guys, this is my best friend Jordan," I introduced smiling.

"Hi, I'm Zoella, or Zoey," smiled Zoey, she was putting on her make-up.

"And I'm Louise!" Yelled Louise from the corner, with a hair curler in her hand.

"Why's everyone getting ready?" Asked Jordan.

"We're having a partayyyy," said Alfie from behind us. He was doing the robot and I giggled. He just winked back then noticed there was another new person.

"And who is this?" He asked smiling.

"Oh uhm this is my best friend Jordan.. is it okay that she's here?" I asked nervous.

"Well duh. You're staying here too silly," he rolled his eyes and strolled away. Jordan shot me a confused look and I made a 'I'll tell you later' look. She nodded.

"Do you have a dress to wear?" Asked Zoey, setting down her eye-liner. Jordan nodded eagerly.

"I just got a brand new one. Its black on the top and light blue on the bottom," she smiled. Zoey pulled her in and suggested that they do her hair and make up. She agreed and I left.

illegal love ~Connor Franta Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now