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Illegal Love Chapter 5

I screamed and fan-girled internally as I figured out who was at the door.

Ricky got up and let the two people in.

"Oh my, who is this?" asked Joey freaking Graceffa.

"This is Katie," I giggled.

I heard a giggle and Joey moved out of the way.

"Hi," giggled a drunk Tyler Oakley. I was bitting my cheek so I didn't scream. They were pretty much the only people I enjoyed watching on YouTube. Tyler walked over to where I was and stroked my face.

"You're prettty" he slurred then passed out on Kian's lap. I giggled and looked and Joey then squealed.

"You're J-joey Graceffa. Ahh," I said, fangirling. I couldn't keep it in any longer. The boys looked at me hurt.

"What?" I asked the hurt puppies.

"You watched Joey, and Tyler but not us?"asked Connor, "I even did a collab with Joey!"

I never saw that.. oh well. I just rolled my eyes at them and turned and faced Joey. I jumped up and hugged him. He hugged me back. I was so friggin happy. I laid back in bed and snuggled up to Connor. What? I was cold..

"Wanna stay here? Were having a sleepover," Ricky asked Joey. I looked up hopefully and smiled as he nodded. He teeth were still white as cluck. We moved so Joey could sleep between me and Kian. I turned to Joey and gave him a hug and said good night. He returned the gesture.

I turned to Connor if it was alright if I cuddled with him because I was literally shivering.

"U-uh y-yeah," was his smart reply. I smiled and laid down v

close to him. He wrapped his arms around me and I fell into a peaceful sleep.


I woke up and I was alone. It was cloudy outside so the house was dark. I walked through the silent house. I heard a noise and went to it. There was a figure standing in all black. They had their back turned to me so I couldn't tell if it was a male or a female. They turned around, but didn't look up.

"Your parents are dead, Your grandparents are dead, all your family is dead. I killed them and now I found you," said the same twisted voice that I heard on the phone.

It laughed and pulled out a knife. I started screaming, then ran. I ran into the room and locked the door then put the chair under it like Connor did the night before.

I went and hid in the back of the closet, which was locked too. I heard loud banging sounds the a crack. It got the door open.

"Come out come out where ever you. I can just slit your throat nice and quick," said the voice.

I heard the foot steps come closer to the closet door. They were eight outside. The door knob moved quickly, then stopped.

I let out a breath, but then a foot came through the thick wood door. I bit my lip so I wouldn't scream or cry.

A hand reached through the door and unlocked it. The door swung open and it strolled in. I hid further into the corner. I had Connor's sweater in my hand and I saw clutching on to it for dead life. The figure came closer and closer to me, then turned to leave. I let out another breath, but hit a tin lunchbox.

The thing laughed again and turned around.

"Stupid, Stupid girl," it hissed.

A hand with black gloves on it came and grabbed me. I pulled me straight onto the knife. The thing laughed and left me there to bleed out. I was alone and weak. And that was good bye.


lul nope jk.

I was being shook hard by two strong hand. I screamed and opened my eyes to see everyone in the room was awake and looking at me with concern in their eyes.

"What? What happened?" I questioned.

"You were crying and screaming. You were begging not to kill Jordan," Jc said.


"We have to go to my hotel and get her. NOW," I said panicking. I hope she's okay. The boys told me to turn around so they could change. I did as I was told but Jc, told me to turn back around to early. I was staring at 5 shirtless boys. My eyes widened but I just stared at Connor's body then squeezed my eyes shut.

"What am I suppose to wear?" I asked.

Sam tossed me a pair of his black jeans. I fit them since he was about my height. I just need a- Kian through his black and white belt at me.

"What about shirt?" I asked bitting my lip.

Connor chucked a black shirt at me. Jc then threw a white beanie at me. Ricky threw his white hoodie at me. I went into the restroom and changed. I came out and heard wolf whistles. I blushed and slipped on my shoes, which were still slightly wet from last night.

Ricky came over to me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

We walked to Ricky's car and he tossed me into the back seat with Jc and Connor.

"You're in the middle," Jc demanded and sat me between Connor and him. I buckled my seat belt and hummed along with the song playing as Kian and Sam go into the front seat. Ricky started the car and we were off.

38.4 minutes later, according to Jc, we stopped in front of our grand hotel.

The boys filed out and I began walking to the elevator.

People were looking at us weird. I just laughed and pressed 8.

I slowly walked to our room and slid in the key. It flashed green so I went on in. I heard Jordan in the shower, so I started to pack my things. I didn't change since the boys clothes we soo comfy and they smelt good.

After I finished packing for me, I packed for Jordan. Right as I finished she walked out and squealed.

"KATIEE I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" She ran up to me and hugged me.

"Missed you too hun," was all I said, knowing I had to tell her our whole family was dead, and we were orphans.

"Wanna go to breakfast with me and the guys?" I asked. She looked at all of them, but stopped on Jc. She bit her lip and nodded. I grabbed my bag and she grabbed hers.

Ricky took us to this nice cafe. There were only three other people there, and two of them were outside. Perfect place to eat and break the news.

I ordered a small fruit salad because I was nervous. If I ate too much, it would come back up.

"Jordan, we need to talk.." I said after we finished eating. Connor moved me onto his lap, hugging me from behind. Ricky and Kian grabbed my hands and squeezed them. I smiled at the boys who I just met, but they meant so much to me.

"Katie.. what is it? What's wrong?" Jordan asked, with wide eyes.

"Jordan.." I took a deep breath, "our family is dead."




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