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Hey guys. I have a few announcements.
First the book cover contest.
The contest winner will be announce April 1. So it gives all of y'all plenty of time to get your entries in!(:

Secondly, I would like to start writing the sequel on April 5. That ins't a set date. I may be sooner or further in the future.

Lastly, but by no means least, it has been brought to my attention, by a friend/fan of mine, that if you google "Connor franta fanfiction" I'm #3 and Con has already read the first one. So i think we should get him to "react" to fanfiction again. If you could tweet or comment or anything at him suggesting that i will be so happy id cry.
So yeah (: sequel will be way more dramatic btw since the killer was revealed.

I love you guys so much words cant explain. Youve helped me get here and get through a though time in my life. I wouldnt be here with out you (in this spot on Wattpad and maybe even writing)
I owe you guys.

May the odds be ever in your favor, I'll see your sexy faces later, gooooooodbiiiiiiiiiie,
Katie Franta

illegal love ~Connor Franta Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now