Oh My

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Chapter 25


I cried out in pain as I felt something scratching my throat and stabbing sensations covering my lungs. The doctor asked me what was wrong but I couldn't breath.

He yelled for an oxygen mask, and put it in. I still couldn't get breath in my lungs. I shook my head and blinked hard, in an attempt to get rid of the black dots. The doctor was yelling, but I couldn't understand it.

The last thought on my mind was; I wonder where Connor is, and I hope he's safe because I love him, and I'd rather die then go on without that smexy boy. Then everything went dark.


I breathed in one more breath of fresh air and climbed off the chilly swing set. I walked into the hospital and stopped by the little stand by the door. Hey, it was selling coffee and boy, did I need it. I also went into the gift shop because I wanted to get Katie chocolates, flowers, and a little teddy bear for when she wakes back up.

I placed all the items on the counter and turned around to see someone running out of the hospital like a bat out of hell. I shrugged and paid for the items.

As I went up in the elevator, I had a twisted feeling that something wasn't right. I walked into the waiting room to find everyone in there, pale faced and pacing.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked. Ricky motioned for me to sit, in a spot that was filled before I left.

"Katie is in emergency surgery because she has punctured her windpipe, and lungs. She passes out, after asking for you," he whispered and put his hands on my shoulders.

"They checked the water and her food and found little needles in it!" Yelled out Maggie, well more like sobbed out. Kian wrapped his arms around her more. Aww he looked like he liked her. He deserved someone, especially with Andrea cheating on him with Sawyer and all.

Molly was seated in the corner with Trevor, both silently crying and then.. THEY HAD SEX OMG IT WAS NASTY AND DIRTY LIKE A PORNO AND EVERYONE JOINED IN AND IT WAS AN ORGY. jk. They just kissed. Jordan was cuddled up, asleep in Jc's lap, and Jc was asleep holding her. Kitty had Ricky, Tyler had Troye, (lul #troyler) etc. Everyone had someone, except me. I slid down to the floor and laid the stuff I bought next to me. Then I hid my face in my knees, and just sobbed.


I smiled at Jenn as we laid down snuggled up together. Caspar called Jenn an hour ago, telling her how he's going to stay at the hospital since Katie is in surgery for a punctured windpipe and punctured lungs.

I kissed Jenn softly. I feel horrible for hitting her the other day when I was mad because The stupid bitch was alive, so I brought her to our beach house. We first met here, so I bought it from the owner and we come here every once in a while to get away.

This is where we made the little baby in her tummy, where we had our first date, and where I asked her to marry me, to one day be Mrs. Damon Fizzy.


omg no one guessed it was him. I mean common. Why would it be Connor?? He was at the playground! Killers dont go to playgrounds! And plus Jenn dumped him for Caspar so he could hurt Katie.

Anywho. Hope y'all like it(:

And I finally got too 100k reads!!!

I have 100.3k atm.

Guys I love y'all. Thanks for making this happen.


So guys, I've been reading a bunch of fanfics (17) that yall have sent in and i havent read them all but some of my favorties that I have read and that you should read are:

• California (Connor Franta/ o2l fanfiction) by Officaltreed_

• Jc or Connor... Or Ricky? (O2l fanfic) by levicaylen

• Him and Me (A Connor Franta Fanfic) by The_Musically_Fun1

•Back Then (One Direction Fanfic) by Justanother_writer

I havent gotten through all of them, so dont worry if your book isnt up here yet! Send me yours and see if i'll promote it(;

Answer to last chapters questions:

Top 5 songs;

Say Something by A great Big world

Let her go by Passenger

Kiss me by Ed Sheeran

Same love by Macklemore

OTP & The Fault in Our Stars by Troye Sivan

I celebrated Christmas and my favorite gift was my Camcorder(:

This chapter's question:

Should I write a sequal?

Should I continue my other 2 books?

75 votes






Love you,

katie franta

illegal love ~Connor Franta Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now