The Truth

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Chapter 24 (:


Katie's POV***

I sat up, drenched in sweat. There were doctors and nurses surrounding me. They all wore a look of terror, until they saw I was awake. Their faces melted into relief. I looked around asking for an answer with my eyes. Ricky stepped forward and he looked extremely pale.

"Ricky, why is everyone freaked out?" I asked worried. He let out a shaky breath and a small smile formed on his face.

"Katie, you were screaming, and your heart was beating way too fast. You were sweating and crying. We all thought you were about to die," he explained and scratched the back of his neck.

I nodded, and guilt flowed through my veins. I made everyone worry. I sighed and plastered on a fake smile. "I'm fine Ricky. When can I get out of here? Are you my father yet?" I asked, trying to change the subject. He smiled widely and called for Jc to come in.

"Hi daughter," smirked Jc. I squealed and threw my arms around them. I had a new family. I released them and laid back down. I glanced around and felt my heart drop.

"Where's Connor?" I asked. They shrugged and excused themselves saying some thing about needing to move into their new house. I nodded and curled up in a ball. Sleep pressed heavily to me but I was scared. I've had nothing but nightmares lately, and the last one almost gave my doctors and dads a heart attack.

I sat up in the bed and reached for my phone. I logged into my twitter and a tear slipped out of my eye. Jenn and Caspar were... engaged. There was a picture of the ring and a video of the proposal. It was beautiful. The ring and the proposal. I still loved Caspar. How could I not? It has only been a week. I clicked on his profile and it showed that Jenn was freaking 6 weeks along. He was cheating on me for our whole relationship. Even before it. How fucked up. I sobbed, to be honest. He was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first date. So many firsts that I can't take back. No wonder Jenn slutted up when we started dating.

Because she loved him.

I let out another mangled sob and someone walked in. It was the devil himself.

Caspar Lee.

"What do you want Caspar?" I hissed out as I quickly wiped my tears. A look of guilt hurt and sorrow flashed across his face.

"I need to explain. I need you to know this. I hope you don't kill me, or hate me. I hope you'll understand and let us be friends again. Just let me state my claim. Please Katie?" He pleaded. His eyes had filled up with tears. I guess it would be heartless not to let him.

But then again what he did was heartless. I just stared at him for a few seconds. Then sighed. I guess... my thought was cut off by a stabbing pain in my throat. I screamed for a doctor before I blacked out.

***CASPAR'S POV*** [;

I got down on one knee and as the last line of the song played, I asked Jenn to marry me. She was crying and nodded then pressed her slobbery lips on mine. She tasted like salt and desperation.

I hate Jenn.

She tricked me into sleeping with her about a month and a half or so ago. I was shit face drunk. I just remember going into bed with her, then waking up with her the next morning, naked. It was before I even knew Katie! She announced that she was pregnant with my child and threatened to say I raped her, if I didn't kiss her that day at Vidcon. Then if I didn't marry her. And if I didn't seem happy about it.

She's blackmailing me. She's ruining my life, and almost ended Katie's life. I hate her so much. But I have to protect my Katie, from the monster named Jenn McAllister soon to be Lee. Ew. Lord give me strength and please let Katie forgive me.

***MYSTERY POV*** [;(;(;(;(;

I spat out in disgust. She was alive. At least she hates herself. I heard her scream and chuckled as I dashed out of the hospital so I didn't get caught. I slipped a tiny, very tiny needle into her water that she stupidly chugged down. I know she probably won't die but it sure does hurt like hell! Her pain is causing me great happiness.

I hopped into my car and turned to kiss Jenn. She was so sweet. My precious love. She's the only thing keeping me from stabbing her in front of everyone. She's pregnant with my little baby.

She climbed into bed with a drunk Caspar, drugged too, and slipped off his clothes then joined me in my car for some real fun. She went back before he woke up and took off her clothes. He thought he slept with her, and now my little almost wife is taking him from Katie. She caused both of them pain and now Caspar is a beautiful pawn in our game. A key player.

"I love you..." I cut her off with a huge kiss and rubbed her belly. I hope it's twins. One of each sex. I'd name one after me and one after Jenn. The wedding will happen once all this shenanigan's are done. It will be on a beach, maybe in Hawaii. Then she'll be a Mrs.


WHAT. CLIFF HANGER HARDCORE. ITS NOT OVER BABIES. And even if it was, there will be a sequel (; Oh snap.

I hope you like and I'm sorry if I didn't follow you yet. Message me on the social media site and I will follow you quicker! And PM me your books pleases dears. It will draw my attention to it since I never get PMs. (Private messages)

Answer to the last question:

TWITTER: katie_ison_fire

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Instagram: kati3_al3xis

This chapter's question: Name your top 5 favorite songs atm (: Since its so hard to pick one. And what is your favorite thing you received over the holiday and what holiday you celebrated.

GUYS I MADE A YOUTUBE VIDEO AND I'M POSTING IT SOON. I'll post the link next chapter (;

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Katie Franta.

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