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I walked into the boys apartment and gasped. Holy chicken nuggets, it was a mess. Clothes, cameras, lights, computers, chargers, wrappers, and other things, covered the floor. My eyes got big and I looked at Ricky. He gasped and shoved me out.

"Stay right her for a few minutes.." he said.

Connor asked why and Ricky showed him the state their apartment was in. Connor blushes and told me to stay there, shoving Jc in with him.

"Keep her company Kian.. and be nice!" Ricky rushed out and closed the door.

"Sooo?" I asked after a five minute awkward silence. Gosh, I don't think he hates me..

"I'm sorry about earlier. Me and my girlfriend are fighting so I'm in a bad mood. I swear.. I don't usally act like this. I hope we can be great friends," he explained looking really sincere.

"I guess," I sighed jokingly, then winked laughing. He laughed too, then pulled me into a hug. I didn't question it. I just really needed a hug. Comfort of some sort. Protection from that evil person. I hugged him back tightly and we stayed like that until a girl came up. Oh my ducks. It was THE Andrea Russet. I jumped away and stared in awe. She was even more beautiful in person.

"Already moved on Kian?" she asked, as a tear rolled down her cheek. I looked confused.

"What is going on?" I asked confused. She looked at me surprised.

"You didn't know you were hugging MY BOYFRIEND?" she asked, putting emphasis on "My Boyfriend".

"No.. I just met him today. And he was kind of calling me an attention whore so I didn't get to know him." I explained, fan girling inside. I was talking to Andrea Russet!!! Kian came and hugged her whispering sweet nothings into her ear, making her stop cry, relaxing her. I was so envious of that. No boy has ever given me a second glance. My mood dropped even lower, if that was even possible. I climbed up the stairs and sat outside the guy's door. Kian yelled that he was getting froyo with Andrea and left. I sat out there, scared and depressed.

It was about ten minutes later when Connor opened the door smiling, but his smile fell from his face when he saw me huddled in a ball shivering and no Kian.

"Oh my god, Katie. Are you okay?" He asked kneeling down in front of me.

"Y-Yeah," I said weakly. My voice was going because of all the crying I've done. He picked me up and gasped.

"Holy shit you're cold," he exclaimed, "Ricky! Hot chocolate, Blankets, then a serious Cuddle session."

Jc came out and asked, "Why? Where's-" He saw me and gasped, "her lips are turning blue! RICKY HURRRY!" he screamed, then ran in side. I smiles slightly at how much these guys are doing for me already. I just hope it wasn't out of pity. My smile disappeared. Connor carried me to a bed then set me down and got some dry clothes. He handed me them then went to help Ricky and Jc. I slowly put them on. The sweats were way to long so I rolled them up and sat back on the bed. Jc came and whistled making me blush.

"You look good in my beanie," he said smiling. He set the bundle of blankets on the bed and left. I sat there humming Hallelujah softly. It relaxes me when I'm sad. I screamed alittle when someone cleared their throat. I looked back at a smiling Connor. He came and sat next to me.

"I like how you look in my shirt," he smiled and I blushed, again.

"Thanks. For everything," I croaked out, my voice raspy. He turned to me and grabbed my hands.

"You're so welcome Katie. Its out pleasure," he said, speaking for the other three boys too.

"Is it out of pity?" I asked before I could stop myself. His eyebrows furrowed.

illegal love ~Connor Franta Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now