Part Nine

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I was so fucking happy Cal and Ashton finally made me talk to him. He was so fucking beautiful, and I wouldn't have seen that. That was only a couple days ago. We didn't talk yesterday and idk why but I miss him already.

Me: hi Mikey :)
Mikey: hey Lukey :)
Me: thanks for calling me before like and sorry for seeming like a dick for not wanting to show myself
Mikey: it's okay. I mean I get you I was nervous too. Like as Ash told you guys I was shaking.
Me: oh and trust me I was too. And ur in ur senior year right?
Mikey: yep why?
Me: do you have a senior prom?
Mikey: yea and I'm gonna be alone once again but now Ash doesn't have a girlfriend so we will be probably be hanging out there. Hbu
Me: yea I do. I had a date last year but now I obvi don't but like IMMA be alone too with calum
Mikey: imagine we went to each other's proms together.
Me: omfg I wish
Mikey: me too like I fucking wish like it would be like the best time and you take Calum and him and Ash are friends and we all hang out and we dance together and hold hands and omg I wish
Me: I wish and hold hands and dance?
Mikey: sorry.... I nvm
Me: don't be sorry I would dance and hold hands with you any day Mikey :)
Mikey: :) yay cuz I will come to you and come to your prom
Me: wanna skype?
Mikey: wow Lukey being adventurous?
Me: yesh he is

I call Mikey smiling biting the corner of my lip trying not to smile.

"Luke your looking way to fucking hot stop!" Michael says laughing. I laugh as well covering my face as I see his big smile turn into a frown.

"We should go to prom together." He says nodding his head smiling. I smile as well. I couldn't stop smiling matter of fact.

"We should. But yours." I say smiling. He shakes his head making his eyes wide.

"No no no no. I'm going to yours." He says as for most of the time we argue about that and of course Mikey won. We just talk about random things when his laptop dies. We texted after that.

After that I texted Calum just to "FANGIRL" about this.

Me: Calum holy fuck. Mikey wants to go to prom with me and like i want him to go and like he lives in Australia and fuck he's hot omg dude what do I do holy fuck omg omg omg OMG
Calum: damn Luke holy shit u like him
Me: is it obvious
Calum: just a bit
Calum: damn Luke as him fucking out or want me to text Mikey
Calum: IMMA text him anyway.

Me: hey it's Calum. Just a question
Michael: oh hey. Um yea what's up?
Me: do you have feelings for Luke?
Michael: I mean of course I do. Why wouldn't I? He's one of the best things that happened to me
Me: awe Michael your perfect for Luke like tbh like perfect
Michael: thanks Cal. I really like him
Me: he does to
Me: yea a lot like I mean you should have sent the last test he sent me.
Michael: omfg Calum what do I do?
Me: well do you wanna be more than friends with him?
Michael: well yea but I mean I have never met him
Me: I know but I mean he likes you and you like him
Michael: I want to but idk Cal. If I have a boyfriend I kinda wanna be with him in person but I really like him at the same time
Me: then just honestly ask him out.
Michael: I will tomorrow on skype me and ash are hanging out so make sure your with Luke. I'm gonna ask him then
Me: alright good :)
Michael: thanks for telling me



Me and Calum and Mikey and Ash text in a chat for as long as we fell asleep. Now I have 2 more friends and so does Mikey.

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