Part Nineteen

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Since I'm on my way to Cals house I stop at a store to get some food. I walk in looking for the snacks when someone goes up to me.

"Hey. Your hot. We should date." Some girl says to me pulling her phone out.

"Listen I'm gay and your not my type anyway." I say back walking away grabbing some food and heading for the check out.

I pay for the snacks and get back in my car going to Cals. I park my car in front of his house and ring the doorbell.

"Morning Luke. Cals in his room." His mum answers letting me in.

"Thanks and morning." I say back going up the stairs to Cals room.

"Hey Cal." I say coming in with snacks setting them down on the bed.

"Hey Luke. So how has Mikey been with the not answering?" Cal asks. I swear I told him he answered, maybe he didn't remember.

"Dude he answered me. And we have a unofficial thing going." I answer back opening a pack of mini brownies.

"Oh yea now I remember. But how, wait wait wait. A unofficial thing going?" He says smiling as I smile along.

"Mhm. Oh and speaking of him here he is texting me." I say opening the text from Mikey.

Mikey: hi my Lukey

Me: hi :)

Mikey: I'm bored lol I'm just home laying in bed

Me: lol I'm at Cals

Mikey: oh okay say hi to him for me

Me: he says hi back

Mikey: okay um what u wanna talk about

Me: Mikey

Mikey: yea Luke?

Me: I love you

Mikey: I love you too

Me: I feel like I always need to say it to make sure you and I know ur mine and I'm urs

Mikey: we will always be each other's :)

Me: I hope this is forever

Mikey: me too Luke

Me: :)

That was the last text I sent. Mikey most likely fell asleep. Me and Cal hung out the rest of the day really doing nothing. I kept reading those texts over. I sometimes think why do I have feelings for a boy I never met, but I remember why. I ask myself maybe I make him uncomfortable when I say that. I don't know. I bet I don't because he says it back. I love him and he loves me. Why can't we just live near each other. God damn. I want to meet him so much.

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