Part Eighteen

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I stared at my phone and no text from Mikey. Usually he texts me first but I don't know. I texted him before and he wasn't answering. Maybe he was asleep. But it's now night for me. He said that he sleeps late. He must have just over slept. Right?


I fought my mum about letting me go to Ashton's house. For some reason she didn't want me to go, but I forgot my phone there. She wouldn't let me leave because I had family coming over. I hate them all and she knows I do but she forces me to be with them. I need to text Luke. He's the only reason I'm still here I mean I need to talk to him. Fuck what if he thinks I'm dead. Damn my life.

Finally my mum sent me out to get something at the grocery store. Of course I was gonna go to Ashton's and get my phone. My mum just gave me a win win. I get my phone and I can get away for a bit. I just have got to Ashton's finally.

I knock on the door taking a step back waiting. Surprisingly he wasn't home, his mum answered. "Oh hello Mikey. Ash isn't home but you can come in."

She says opening the door letting me in. I walk in seeing she was alone at home. "Um last night when I was over, I left my phone here. Do you mind if I go and get it?"

I ask awkwardly trying not to sound like a stalker. "Oh yea sure."

She says as I walk upstairs and she walks into the kitchen. I open ash's bedroom door and find my phone right on his desk. I sigh knowing that it wasn't not there. I walk downstairs to his mum. "Thank you."

I say as she walks me to the door. "Oh don't worry about it, I really did nothing. But say hi to your mum and have a good day."

She says chuckling. "Alright I will and have a good day."

I say walking to my car sitting down. I quickly plug in my dead phone to the charger in my car. I quickly go to the grocery store and get what I need and rush back home. "I'm back!"

I say opening the door to see everyone. Trust me I wasn't excited to see any of them. I put what I had got for my mum on the counter and rush into my room. I plug in my phone once again and wait for my phone to fully turn on. I receive 5 messages from Luke. But just 2 from today.

Luke: morning Mikey

Luke: Mikey? I sent that a hour ago... Oh god no you said you wouldn't. Fuck

Me: Luke! Luke! I'm here! Omg I left my phone at Ashton's and my mum wouldn't let me get it and I needed to stop at a store and I'm sorry I didn't answer. Omg and I have family over so everything is just worse and omg. Ugh I hate my family.

Luke: omfg Mikey u flipping scared me.

Me: im so sorry for not answering your texts. Omg I was like shit since I got home last night. I'm so so so sorry Lukey

Luke: it's okay it just scared me

Me: Luke I'm not leaving okay?

Luke: I believe you

Me: good :)

Luke: I love you Mikey <3

Me: I love you too Luke <3

Luke: Mikey can I tell u something?...

Me: yes of course

Luke: I seriously definitely love you

Me: I seriously definitely love you too

Luke: but Mikey. I have never had this feeling. Like I'm in love with u. I don't know how to ever explain it

Me: Luke I know I was in love with you since day one.

Luke: I wish we can just meet love

Me: I know Luke I wish that too. It's just so far away. My mum would never let me unless she saw how in love I am with you.

Luke: I know. But even if we can't meet I want you to know I'm in love with you and I'll never ever stop loving you even if something happens to us I don't care. I will never stop loving you Michael Clifford

Me: Luke. Can I tell you something?

Luke: of course you can Mikey

Me: ever since day one you texted me I was in love. I couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious boy I met as a mistake. I knew it happened for a reason and that reason was for both of us. I needed you in my life or I wouldn't be here. Luke you saved me and I don't know how much I can thank you. And I will never stop loving you. Even if something happens to us I will love you until the end of time.

Luke: Mikey I fucking love you

Me: I love you too babe

Luke: Mikey.. Can we have like a unofficial relationship going

Me: like what

Luke: I mean like we're dating but not officially like a real couple but like we kind of aren't. Like I mean I want to be asked out or I want to ask you out in real life together. So can we have a unofficial relationship?

Me: of course we can babe :)

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