Part Fourty Six

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School is fucking annoying. Jake and his fucking friends are assholes. I just wanna drop out already. My mum would never let me but I want to so bad. God damnit of course I can't my mum would kill me. I just want to meet Mikey and have him with me. Have him to be there for me and everything. Ugh my mum doesn't even know about him. I should probably tell her.

"Mum?" I say sighing walking in the kitchen finding her. She looks up stopping what she was doing.

"Yes sweetie?" She asks back as I sigh once more.

"I didn't tell you this for maybe 3 months because I don't know. I thought you would judge me. I didn't tell you this but I thought this since middle school, and I know it's true. I'm gay and I'm dating someone. He lives in Australia and we met over the phone. I really like him and we are gonna meet soon when he makes enough money. I'm sorry for not telling you." I say as she smiles.

"Awe Luke. I'm happy for you. Wait your dating him and you never met him?" She asks when I think oh god here we go.

"Well yeah but we video chat all the time and I mean he's gonna come to London. I hope soon. But he's real, I swear." I say blushing because Mikey.

"Well I'm happy for you. I mean I know you haven't met him and all but you will soon. Hopefully." She says as I'm shocked.

"Well I didn't expect that." I say back laughing.

"What do you mean?" She asks confused.

"I didn't expect you to be fine with it. I mean I don't know but thanks." I say walking back to my room.

Me: hi babe

Mikey: hi :)

Me: I told my mum

Mikey: about us?

Me: yeah and me being gay

Mikey: she didn't know?

Me: no. She always over reacted but she didn't this time

Mikey: well that's good

Me: mhm

Mikey: I'm at work :(

Me: should I go?

Mikey: no it's not busy at all today

Me: I want to sleep

Mikey: then go to sleep bby

Me: okay I'm sorry

Mikey: don't be it's okay I promise

Me: you promise?

Mikey: yep. Well go to sleep baby

Me: alright goodnight I love you

Mikey: I love you too my Lukey :)


Little did Luke know I had already told his mum before he did. One day I had called her when he wasn't home. I told her when Mikey was coming and she should get Luke a suit or make sure he doesn't back out of the dance. And I haven't told Luke yet but I think I'm bi. I may like Ashton a bit.

Me: Mikey

Mikey: yeah cal

Me: your still coming right

Mikey: yep we all good

Me: alright goo. Everything is told to his mum about making him go and not having him back out

Mikey: alright good good

Me: can I tell you something

Mikey: yeah sure

Me: I like Ashton

Mikey: wait what? I thought you weren't gay

Me: I'm bi. I just realized that I have real feelings for him

Mikey: awe that's so cute

Me: I'm gonna catch some sleep but I'll talk to u soon

Mikey:  alright

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