Part Fifteen

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Once again I was home. I didn't go to school since the thing with Luke happened. I'm sad all the time now on. Ash comes by almost everyday to check on me. Make sure I didn't do anything stupid. I miss him but I know it's best for me to stay away for now.

Now I'm just laying down watching Breaking Bad on my laptop when my phone rings. I figured it was Luke, but it wasn't this time. It was a unknown number.

"Hello?" I answer, hearing no one answer until I finally hear someone.

"Um hello. Um- I I-um. Listen Mikey. You don't need to talk but just listen." Of course it was Luke I was about to hang up but I wanna hear what he needs to say and actually give him his chance.

"Go on." I say back as I hear a sigh come from the phone as a sign of relief.

"That day. I don't know what happened. All I do everyday is go back to that moment. Thinking how my life could have been so much better and yours as well. I could have had my best friend or maybe boyfriend still there. I could have had something not going on everyday making me want to kill my self. Everyday, everyday that one moment haunts me. I think of you everyday and wonder if your still there. I don't know how I live everyday. My mums forcing me to go to school even though she sees how upset I am. I love you Mikey so fucking much."

Of course I start to cry as he says all this. I'm sure he heard me crying. And that last one fucking sentence he said made me start crying so much my pillow was soaked.

"L-Luke." I say back not able to make out some words I wanted to say.

"Yes Mikey? I'm here." He says back in his nice accent.

"I miss you and love you and just I don't know. I'm sorry I haven't been answering you. I just thought distancing my self was best. It wasn't. It made me sad and I don't even know. I-I'm sorry for making you feel like all this was on you. I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. I love you so much Luke. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have asked you if you aren't ready and it's my fault for never answering you. I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry Luke." I say crying my eyes out.

"Mikey it was my fault. I shouldn't have said no. All I wanted was what you asked. And I freaked out and I'm not sure why. I just want you either as a friend or more back. I love you and miss you. I'm just so fucking happy to hear your voice for once again. It's been 3 months since I heard your voice." He says back crying as well.

"Luke I love you so much. I'm sorry for all I have done. I don't want to ignore you anymore. I don't want to go a day without texting or talking to you. I'm so happy to hear you and actually talk to you. I'm so sorry love." I say back.

We talk for much longer until we both needed to go. Luke had class and I had to sleep. I can't believe this all happened. I love Lucas Robert Hemmings.

Me: I'm back Lukey. I love you goodnight
Luke: goodnight my love. I love you too

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