I Finally Have a Mate

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Chapter Three: -Cole's Perspective-

I was complaining to Geo about how terrible my date was last night when I felt someone hit my foot. They landed face first in front of me and I started to laugh, but felt a sharp pain on my shoulder. "Ouch!"

I could with stand most pain, but this was painful. It started to burn; it felt like my back was on fire now. Soon the pain was on my chest. It felt like a hundred needles digging into my skin. I couldn't show weakness to my pack so I looked up with the best calm expression. In front of me was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her brown hair covered her face from trying to compose herself from the fall she just took. She smelled amazing like vanilla. My werewolf was going crazy. The smell was so good it was like tangy barbecue sauce on a juicy rib. (My wolf likes his meat.) I could sense the hurt in her eyes and I had an urge to help her up.

"I am sorry; I didn't see your foot." Her voice sounded like music to my ears. Ah! The pain was back in my shoulder again. What the hell is that? I tried to look on my shoulder what it was, but I soon stopped.

"What's wrong with your shoulder?" She looked irritated with me. I felt like I was in a daze the more I heard her voice. She blushed and looked down. Was she bleeding?

Yes. Her nose was dripping with blood. Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm not part shark or anything, but that smell always perked up a wolf's senses; it reminded it of attacking their prey. I sensed tension in the werewolfs around me. They began to turn and face the girl causing her face to explode in shades of scarlet. They all smelled the blood. I was nervously thinking. Say something stupid.

"Uh... Your nose is bleeding." My wolf was yelling at me to comfort her. I was so confused from the pain and my wolf's mixed feelings.

The girl turned to her friend and grabbed her wrist running up the remaining stairs to get away from this humiliation jail.

Once the school door closed, everyone went back to their conversations and I turned to Geo. He was staring at me moving his eyebrows up and down. "Was she hot or what?"

I smiled and chuckled, "yes, but the blood masked all the beauty."

She didn't seem like all of the normal girls I have my one night stand with. She seemed different. She had a look of respect in her blue eyes.

The pain in my back repeated again catching me by surprise. "Holy shit. It feels like someone is giving me the worst tattoo in the world!" I shouted.

Geo grabbed my hand and pulled up the back of my shirt. He gasped and dragged me to the school doors.

"What's going on. Was it that bad?"

He shoved me into the guy's bathroom and locked the doors. "Umm."

"Spit it out G."

"Uh. . Shit. How do I put this. I think you found your mate!" He was still wide eyed.

"What? Crap Geo stop joking around." I was annoyed he would joke around about that.

He spun me around so I could look in the mirror. It took me a second to adjust until I saw it. Holy freaking shit, the markings.

There were black arrows traced down my back, swarming around my pack's sign. A diamond with triangles around it was placed in the right side of my shoulder blade, representing the pack alpha sign.

I was in awe, scared that my mate wouldn't be perfect. I ripped off my shirt exposing my chest and saw the excess marks ending right above my belly button. My mate and I's flower was collaged on my chest. It was amazing, a simple violet was wrapped in a vine of leaves. Someone coughed, and I broke my gaze on myself.

"So do you know who she is?" I had forgotten Geo was standing here this whole time.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Damn. Why didn't I pay attention to who touched me today. I had some cheerleaders harassing me, gah, and I had helped a girl in my pack down from the bus today. Maybe it was her.

"How fast did the marks appear on you when you found your mate?" I faced Geo.

"The effect was almost instant, we had both felt the pain after we bumped into each other." He blushed at the memory of it.

Who touched me recently? "That...that girl." I thought aloud.

"I'm glad it was a girl." Geo smirked.

"No the girl that had blood all over her." I laughed at the name we knew her by.

"Oh yea, hot girl!" G. leaned against the stall. It took him a second to churn it in his brain. "Oh! But she wasn't a werewolf."

Oh yea, neither of us smelled wolf on her, but it had to be her. "Maybe she's from an extinct pack." I suggested.

I sulked for a moment, but refused myself to give up. "Come on G. we're going on a field trip."

We both aimlessly walked around the halls looking for the girl who had my marks on her. That sounded funny, MY marks. Ha!

After ten minutes we saw her and her friend coming out of the nurse's office. She had the most disturbed face which caused Geo and I to break out laughing. Yes! Gotta love the creepiest nurse in the world. That's what you get for a low budget school nurse. We both instantly got serious, and I looked at her exposed back from her low shirt. What? No marks! I was confused

"How long did it take for Lindsay to get her marks?" I whispered harshly at Geo.

"Same as me. We both got it at the same time." He followed me by whispering back.

I felt defeated, was she the one?

I was staring at the Band-Aids on her knee and chuckled when I saw the design on them. I looked up to her face and saw her pale skin complimented by her blue eyes. I was staring too long because I saw the dark blue eyes glaring at me. Oh shoot!

I turned to Geo and pointed to a door. "And this is the Art room."

He played along, "I can't wait for the clay unit we can make pretty sculptures."

The girl sighed and looked away turning back to her friend yammering away. That was a close one. Geo and I turned around to take one last peek of the girl. It's got to be her.


Yay! Cole has a mate. I wonder who it is? If Sandra didn't have markings who is Cole's mate? Any guesses who it is and why? Comment below.

If you don't know what a violet is, look at the picture to the right and see.

Vote if you liked this chapter. Peace, Love, Cupcakes!  --Sarah--

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