Chapter two: Sebastian

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A loud explosion shook the house. I sighed, rubbed my temples and started walking toward the kitchen knowing that moron Bard has wrecked it again. I walked in the door seeing Bard scrubbing vigorously at a scorch mark, burned food, pots and pans scattered around him. “Shit! If Sebastian sees this he’ll kill me!” I smirked, “did you not think I would hear the explosion you caused?” He whipped around, his eyes looking like they were about to pop out of his head. “Sebastian it’s not what…I didn’t mean to!” I sighed “just clean it up without using anything that will cause any more damage.” Relief swept over his face, “right away sir!” I rolled my eyes and stepped out to the foyer.

May-Rin rushed past me holding a stack of plates and cups as if on cue, she trips sending everything flying. I managed to catch the dishes and calmly handed them back to her as she stood up. “I…I’m so sorry sir I…” I interrupted her, “do not let this happen again, we cannot afford to have any more accidents around here ok?” She nodded and hurried off. I knew my warnings fell on deaf ears, how they’ve managed to stay here for this long is beyond me.

“Sebastian!” Finny ran up to me, an unconscious woman in his arms. I raised an eyebrow; she’s dressed similar to that idiot Prince Soma and his servant Agni. This woman however, was clearly not Indian. She had fair skin and long blonde hair and a burn mark on her chest. Where have I seen that mark before? I looked at Finny who was starting to become hysterical, “where did this woman come from?” “She just…appeared! I was outside weeding the garden like you told me and she just showed up right next to me!” I sighed, “Calm down and tell me what happened next.”  He nodded, “she looked at me, but there was something wrong with her eyes.” “Did she say anything?” His eyes widened, “yes! She asked me where she was before  passing out.” I chewed on my bottom lip, thinking about what to do. I held out my arms, “give her to me; I’ll prepare a room for her so she can rest. We’ll get the Masters opinion on what to do once he returns.” He smiled and gently placed the woman in my arms. “Oh wait a minute!” Finny called out. He pulled out a small leather bound journal. “She had this with her.” I took it from him, “thank you; you may return to the garden now.” He smiled, “yes Sebastian!”

I carefully placed the young woman onto a freshly made bed; I looked at the journal contemplating on whether or not to open it. It could hold a clue to where she is from. I skimmed through the pages, none of it making any sense. 1772 Japan, 1904 South America, 1847 India. I closed the journal and set in on the desk next to the bed. Another explosion rocked the mansion followed by a series of swear words. I bit down on the inside of my cheeks, keeping from swearing myself. It might not be a good idea leaving her alone. I could hear Bard and May-Rin voices, “What on earth have you done?! Sebastian is going to kill you!” “He’s going to kill you too; you broke the expensive china!” “At least I didn’t blow up the entire kitchen again!” I grit my teeth and inhaled slowly preparing for the worst. Looks like I have no choice but to leave her here, hopefully not for too long.

“If you weren’t so clumsy than maybe we wouldn’t have so many broken dishes!”  “You can’t criticize me! We’d be lucky if you could boil water without something getting ruined!” I opened the kitchen door to find both of the morons standing in piles of broken glass, destroyed silverware and pieces of brick. I suppressed the urge to yell at them. “Stop yelling at each other,” I said in a calm, but stern voice. I could see their bodies start to shake when they noticed my presence.  Bard started speaking “Sebas…”  I pointed to the door, “Exit the kitchen and not another word.” They both hung their heads in shame as they left.

I removed my tailcoat and placed it where it wouldn’t get damaged. This is going to be a pain to fix, but I must obey the Masters orders. After hours of repair, it was time to get Ciel.


After returning to the mansion

I opened the carriage door and helped him down. “The day’s chores have all been taken care of, but we seemed to have an unexpected guest.” I said as we walked through the door. He looked at me curiously, “what do you mean unexpected guest?” I led him to the guest room where I had left the mysterious woman. Cautiously opening the door I made sure she was still resting. Ciel looked at her with interest. “Where did she come from and why is she dressed so inappropriately?”

“I’m not sure Sir. Finny said he found her out in the garden.” The woman rolled onto her side and sighed, grabbing our attention. “Find out who she is and any other information you can about her. Report all the information to me; I’ll be in my study.” I bowed, “yes my lord.”


Picture on the side is similar to the one Kaylien is wearing!  

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