Chapter three: Kaylien

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I woke up in a daze, where am I now? I tried to sit up, but a throbbing pain in my head forced me to lie back down. “Good, you’re awake,” a man’s voice startled me. I turned to find the source and saw a butler sitting in a chair across the room. Something’s strange about him, he’s too perfect! Dark brown eyes, black chin length hair and his skin were clean of any freckles, scars or blemishes. He stood, “my name is Sebastian Michaelis this estates butler.” I managed to sit up and threw my pillow at him, smacking him right in the face. “You were watching me sleep weren’t you, pervert!”

He frowned and tossed the pillow aside, “no I was instructed by the Earl to wait for you to wake up. Now may I ask your name?”  “My names Kaylien,” I ran my fingers through my hair. He grinned; there was something off about it though. “Tell me, Kaylien how did you get to the Phantomhive estate and who gave you that interesting mark?”  He pointed to the rose shaped burn on my chest. I smirked, “you wouldn’t believe me.” In a flash he’d somehow crossed the large room and was looming over me. He lifted my chin so that I was staring directly into his eyes, “tell me.” For a moment his eyes looked to have changed to a dark red. I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

“No, take me to the Earl.” I jerked away. He stepped back and helped me to stand. “Right this way,” He gestured toward the door. He led me down a dark hallway; I gazed at the paintings on the wall. “This place is deprived of any color.” Sebastian stopped; we were standing in front of a wooden door that had lots of strange carvings. “The Earl is not fond of bright decoration.” He knocked and slowly opened the door. “Our guest has awakened.” He was speaking to a young boy sitting at a desk. He looked up at us, an eye patch covering his right eye. The left was a deep blue.

“Sit,” he motioned to a chair across from him. “This is the Earl, but he’s just a kid!” My eyes widened once I realized I had spoken aloud. “I’m so sorry Earl I didn’t mean to insult you!” He scoffed, “just sit.” I took the chair; Sebastian walked behind the desk and stood next to the Earl. “What is your name woman?”  Both of them were staring at me, eyes like daggers. “Um my name is Kaylien sir.” My voice wavered. “What is your purpose for coming to the Phantomhive estate unannounced, and dressed so rudely?” I shifted uncomfortably, “my story is long and complicated.” He folded his arms across his chest, “I have time.”

“Well you see I’m from another time.” Both raised an eyebrow and I felt so stupid. “At the time I was working at um…”I looked at the floor. How do I say I worked at a strip club to a child and his butler? “I was working as an adult entertainer in a place called The Scene; I wasn’t a very good person at the time.” The Earl cocked his head, “an adult entertainer; what do you mean?” Sebastian smirked; he knew exactly what I was talking about. “My lord, an adult entertainer is a woman who gets paid for her services.” I glared at him, he flashed an evil smile. “So, you were a prostitute.”  I sighed, “if that’s the way you want to look at it than yes; a prostitute.

A man came up to me and…” Sebastian covered the Earls ears. “I didn’t do anything like that ok!” He nodded and uncovered his ears. “I tried to steal money from him, but instead well the best way to put it is… he cursed me.” I pointed to the burn, “he burned this into my skin and said I could never go home. That I would have to find someone that would fall for me despite the things I’ve done. The next thing I know I’m waking up in Japan! I managed to acquire a journal that I’ve been using to record the places and times that I travel to. I’ve also learned that in each era I end up in, the first people I meet usually are dealing with some issue. In order to move on I have to help solve these issues, unless I managed to find someone who would actually fall for me and I return his feelings.” I chuckled at the thought of someone actually developing feelings for someone like me.

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