Chapter four: Alois

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This place is almost unbearable without Ciel! I wandered the halls of my large mansion. No matter what I try I can’t get him out of my mind! Claude still hasn’t returned from the pointless errand I’d sent him on earlier, the triplets are off doing god knows what and Hannah’s probably somewhere messing something up, so it’s just me. I sighed and fell back against the wall. Why does it have to be this way? Why can’t we be together like a normal couple should? It’s all stupid Sebastians fault and that stupid Funtom Company getting in our way! Hannah ran past me carrying a bucket of hot water that she somehow managed to dump all over me. “I’m so sorry Your Highness I…” My anger boiled over and I struck her, her body smashing into the wall. “Stupid wench look at what you’ve done!” I slapped her again and she fell to the floor. “Clean this floor and stay out of my sight!” I stormed off to my room leaving her lying on the floor.

I closed my bedroom door and looked at my reflection in the mirror. A soaking wet boy standing alone in his room; away from the one person that makes him happy. I screamed and punched the mirror, shattering it. Blood started pouring from my left hand and dripped onto the carpet. “Are you done throwing a fit Your Highness?” I spun around and smiled, “Claude you’re back!” He glanced at me and pushed up his glasses.

“You injured yourself, come here.” He motioned to a chair next to him and pulled something out of his pocket. I happily sat down and held out my injured hand. He sighed, “So foolish.” I frowned, “did you complete your task?” “Just as you ordered,” he said without looking up. Silence filled the room as he continued to bandage my hand. “Claude, is Sebastian really responsible for what happened?” He stopped and the whole room grew tense. He looked up at me darkness behind his eyes. “He is responsible for everything.” He finished with my hand and stood, “I’ll get a broom and a towel.”

The door quietly closed behind him. If Sebastian really is the one responsible than this makes it easier for me, but I don’t want to do anything to make my Ciel angry; what do I do! Claude returned with the broom and tossed the towel at me. I wiped the water off my body and hair. Ciel wants revenge on whoever killed his parents, but once he does; Sebastian gets his soul I won’t let that happen; I won’t let everything I care about be taken away from me again! Not knowing what to do is infuriating; I sighed and crossed my arms over my stomach.

“I don’t feel well, Claude I want to retire early tonight.” He looked at me, sweeping up the last pieces of glass. “Yes Your Highness, I’ll get you a nightshirt.” He pulled a large shirt out of my small dresser; I walked to bed and sat down still clutching my stomach. A tear started to roll down my right cheek; I instantly wiped it away. No I have to be strong for the both of us, I’ll find a way! Claude set the shirt down next to me and removed my clothing in silence.

“Is there anything else you need Your Highness?” Claude asked before leaving. I shook my head, “no I think I’ll be ok.” He nodded and left. I lay down on my back and closed my eyes. Ciel can’t possibly want to lose his soul to Sebastian, if I get rid of him than he will be mine, but what about Claude? No matter what idea I come up with something’s always in the way! If only we hadn’t made deals with these stupid butlers we would be able to be together without all these problems. I bit my bottom lip until I tasted blood. I won’t lose you Ciel, I can’t; you’re the most important thing to me I can’t imagine living without you.



“Ciel!” He was standing in my garden surrounded by blooming flowers, butterflies fluttering around him. He smiled; a rare occurrence and I knew he was just as happy as I was. I ran and wrapped my arms around his waist. “I’m so glad we can be together without those pointless demons standing in our way,” he whispered. I pulled away and brushed a strand of hair off his face. I smiled, “you make me happy; promise you won’t leave me.” Ciel grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled me back into his arms, “I promise I will always be with you.”

End of dream


A short chapter I know. Alois does have a bigger part in this story than a random sex scene with Ciel. He does appear again! Tell me what you think and I'll update as soon as I can!

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