Epilogue: Alois

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I stared out my bedroom window; why haven’t I heard from him? He isn’t dead I refuse to believe that! I screamed, “I can’t take this anymore! He hasn’t responded to any of my letters; I’m going to the Phantomhive Manor and dragging him back here! I won’t lose you; I can’t lose you, dammit Ciel I need you!” I stormed through my room, destroying everything. I flipped my desk over, broke my bedroom mirror and tore all the bedding to pieces. “Ciel!”

A soft knock came from the other side of my bedroom door, “what! What the Hell is it!” I threw the door open and saw Claude. I balled my hands into fists, “I want to be alone right now; whatever this is, it better be pretty damn important.”

He silently handed me an envelope with the Phantomhive family seal on the front; I smiled, suddenly embarrassed about destroying my bedroom. “Get out!” I shut the door in his face and plopped down onto my ruined bed.

For my dearest Alois,

I love you with all of my heart and I always will, never forget that. I instructed Sebastian to send this letter to you on the day he plans to take my soul.

Please don’t be angry or sad; you and I both know that this day was coming and there was nothing either one of us could have done to stop it.

I wish you a long and wonderful life filled with happiness with whoever you choose to share it with. Don’t forget me, but please don’t dwell in sadness for my short life.

You are the only person that ever made me feel true happiness and I can never thank you enough for that. Live a long, wonderful life; I will cherish my memories of you for eternity.

                                                                                                                                   I love you,


I felt like throwing up, “Ciel if this is some kind of sick joke it’s not funny!” I collapsed onto the floor; still holding the letter. “How dare you leave me like this; how dare you leave me alone!” My large tears rolled down my cheeks and fell onto the letter. “How can you wish me a wonderful life when the one thing that made it wonderful is gone? There will never be anyone else who can hold your place in my heart.”

I looked around my destroyed room and noticed a letter opener lying next to a piece of broken glass. I picked it up and smiled. “A life without you Ciel isn’t worth living. I want to be with you…no matter what.”

I pointed the letter opener at my heart and smiled as I stabbed it through my chest. I love you Ciel.

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