Chapter Eight: Kaylien

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I’m so thankful the Earl forgave me at dinner; I said such horrible things to him, I didn’t know about his parents. Only three days left until we go to the Viscounts party. These lessons Sebastian has been putting us through are torture! A lady doesn’t slur her words, sit up straight stand tall; I’m goanna lose it! At least I can slur all I want in this journal. If it turns out that the Viscount is Jack the Ripper than I’ll have to leave, part of me doesn’t want to; it’s strange. Everywhere else I’ve been I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, but not here.

Maybe it’s the Earl or Sebastian? Something’s not right about him; I saw his eyes change color twice since I’ve been here. Normal eyes aren’t supposed to do that. Before I leave I’m going to find out exactly what he is and what’s going on.

“You really want to know?” I jumped and turned to see Sebastian, “why were you reading over my shoulder?” “I came to get you for another lesson and…” “And you decided to read my journal before I realized you were here,” I smirked. He flipped his hair out of his eyes, “exactly, now do you want to know what is really going on?” I hesitated, “Y…yes I do.” He smiled, “I will tell you after we catch Jack the Ripper ok?” I saw it again; his eyes changed color! He leaned in close to me, “do we have a deal?” I pushed him away, “I’m not stupid you won’t be able to tell me after we catch Jack the Ripper I’ll have to leave.”

The dark red vanished from his eyes, “you are a smart girl. Next time use I am not I’m, will not instead of won’t and I will not I’ll.” He walked out into the hallway, “smart ass,” I mumbled. “A lady does not curse, come I have more work for you,” he yelled from the hallway. I chased after him, passing by Mey-Rin who was dusting. We ended up in a large room; a table and a stack of books were its only occupants other than the Earl. Oh no, not this. “Stand up straight a lady does not slouch!” He stabbed his index and middle finger into the small of my back.

I jolted up, “that hurt you jerk!” I shouted angrily. “Ladies do not shout,” he stabbed me again. “Ow! Go pester the Earl,” he spun me around and lifted my chin. “He has made more progress than you. You need a lot more practice.” I scowled, “ladies do not make such faces; smile!” Just to shut him up I forced a smile. “Good,” he walked over to the table, grabbed three books and placed them on my head. “Now walk.”

I couldn’t even take two steps without dropping them. Sebastian placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled; I fell backwards and looked up at him, a devilish smile on his face. “Keep your shoulders back and stand tall, then things like this will not happen. Try again,” I pushed him and picked up the books. “Walk to the other side of the room.” I breathed deeply and closed my eyes, shoulders back and stand tall; then this horrible torture can end. I opened my eyes and carefully took a step. They weren’t falling! Slowly, I continued to the other side of the room. Halfway there Kaylien, you can do this!

I felt one of the books start to slide, no I’m almost there! I stumbled to save them, but they scattered across the floor. I heard both Sebastian and the Earl sigh in unison; I turned to glare at them. “I made it further that time,” Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose. “I said all the way across the room,” I picked up the scattered books and walked back to the table. The Earl stepped in front of me pressing his thumb into the base of my neck and his index finger to my chin; creating an L shape.

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