Chapter Thirteen: Kaylien Part One

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Hi people just wanted to say I know things are out of order! I know recent chapters aren't very good I've got three different stories I'm working on and trying to update as soon as possible. Tell me what you think be nice please! And for Kayliens outfit think Alois. The picture is a basic idea of the nun outfit shes wearing. A wimple is what a nuns headpiece is called. Hope you guys like it tell me!  


It’s one thing after another with this kid; bombs on trains, missing kids, a haunted castle and now a cult. It’s nothing but a giant pain in the ass; not to mention Sebastians’ unusual attachment to me. Apparently the Queens butler Ash came by while I was sleeping and gave the Earl another mission. A cult wanting to overthrow the government, now; we’re on our way to visit the creepy Undertaker again seeing as this so called cult has asked for coffins to be delivered.

I sat across from the Earl who was staring out the window. Sebastian had dressed him in an all blue outfit that made him look incredibly childish.  I smiled, “that outfit isn’t very suiting Earl.” He glared at me, “you’re one to talk about un-suiting outfits. Look at what you’re wearing!”

Sebastian had given me brown shorts with a purple top, knee high stockings and high heeled boots. It’s true; he could’ve been more conservative with my outfits, I think he enjoys seeing me this exposed. I smiled and pulled my curled hair over my shoulder, “you try so hard to be seen as an adult, but you dress like a child.” He opened his mouth to yell at me, but the carriage pulled to a stop.

Sebastian opened the door and helped the Earl out, “ladies first,” I mumbled. He growled at me as I hopped down and headed inside. He’d grown used to my constant teasing over the past year, but always makes me work on something pointless as payback…worth it. “Undertaker,” the Earl said trying to get the weird mans’ attention. He stood with his back to us tending to some coffins; he laughed, “well, well Sebastian.”

 He turned and ran towards him, “reunited once again Bassy! True love can’t keep me away!” The grey wig he was wearing flew off revealing bright red hair. “It’s that creep Grell!” I yelled and pointed at the dramatic weirdo. He glared at me.

“What are you doing here and where’s Undertaker?” The Earl asked annoyed. “Hehe over here,” we turned our attention to a salt filled urn; the Undertakers head peeking out. Sebastian pushed Grell away, “what are you doing in there?” Grell jumped in, “Will sent me on a mission, but I was so tired I decided to lie down in a field to take a nap. I shouldn’t have stopped breathing because I woke up here listening to Undertaker calling me ugly so I put him in there.” The Earl sighed, “this isn’t important. Undertaker we need your help getting access to a cult working in abandoned convents. I understand you’ve had requests for coffins to be sent there. I was also told that they had something called a Book of Doomsday, whatever that is.”

“Humans have a real Book of Doomsday? I doubt that. It would be worth investigating though, Will ordered me to find some stolen cinematic records so this would be a good place to start, especially if you’re going Bassy!” Grell wrapped his arm around Sebastian; he sighed and shoved him into the wall.

“Grell, what’s a Book of Doomsday?” I asked; everyone directed their attention to me. He straightened his clothes and glasses before responding, “It’s a book that has the record of human's virtues and evil doings. The book this cult has is probably a fake.” Undertaker grinned, “Because I’m feeling generous I’ll help you with no charge,” he giggled.

The Earl cocked his head to the side, “that’s not like you Undertaker.” He giggled again, “I wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to put you into one of my specialty made coffins. You or your lovely friend,” he looked at me and smiled; shivers ran up and down my spine.

“Use whatever ways you want just get us inside,” the Earl responded. Undertaker kept his eyes locked on me, “happy to oblige. However, Miss Kaylien can’t go dressed like that; she’ll attract too much attention. I think I have something in the back she could wear if you help me out of this.” Sebastian pulled Undertaker out of the urn; he brushed the remaining salt off his clothes, “shall we go?” He stretched his hand out to me I reluctantly took it and he led me to the back of the shop.

“Now where is it? I know it’s around here somewhere,” he was digging through numerous trunks. “Found it! This should get you in just fine, what do you think?” He pulled me close and wrapped an ugly nuns’ outfit around the front of my body, I wiggled free and snatched the dress away from him.

“You expect me to wear this; it’s horrible! Don’t you have anything better?” It was incredibly thick and smelled like mothballs. “Try it on, I bet it will look a lot better once it’s on you.” I glared at him, “fine, but I’m not changing in front of you.” He laughed, “you’re already half naked would it really make a difference?”   

“Get out!” I shoved him out of the room and slammed the door in his face. “Feisty!” He shouted from the other side. I held up the dress looking for an indicator on how to put it on. “How the Hell does this stupid thing work? There are so many random pieces of fabric; do you just slip it over your head?” I said a little too loudly. Someone knocked on the door, “Kaylien are you ok; do you need help?” Sebastian asked from the other side.

“I…I’m fine I think I know how to dress myself.” He laughed and opened the door anyway; I screamed and threw the dress at him. He closed the door and picked the dress up off the floor. “What if I was naked and you opened the door; everyone would’ve seen!” I shouted.

“You weren’t though, now let me help you put this on it won’t take as long if I do it,” he smirked. I crossed my arms, “just slip it over my clothes; I don’t want you to see me.” I glared at him. He stepped closer to me, “nothing I haven’t seen before; besides you’ll sweat to death wearing two outfits.” Something flared up inside me; was it because he was being so calm about seeing me naked? Or was I jealous that he’d seen other girls without clothes on?

He must’ve noticed my reaction to his words, “are you done arguing with me so I can dress you?” I gave in, “just don’t look at me.” He nodded and started removing my shorts; I looked away embarrassed. I stepped out of my shorts as he started unbuttoning my shirt; he slipped the shirt off my shoulders and it fell to the floor. I was standing in front of Sebastian in nothing but my underwear and a sad excuse for a bra; I noticed him staring at me.

“I told you not to look!” He smirked and pressed his index finger into the rose mark on my chest, “it faded; have you grown close to someone?” I smacked his hand away, “that’s none of your business!” He dressed me in silence tying a stupid looking belt around me and adding other parts to the already horrid outfit. “There we go, now we just have to add the wimple.” I looked at him curiously, “what’s a…” he draped fabric over my head and ears and tied it at my chin. “Are you kidding me?”

He stood back admiring his work, “this should be fine, now let’s see what everyone else thinks.” He opened the door and led me outside where everyone was waiting in anticipation. Grell burst out laughing when he saw me. I glared at him and crossed my arms, “I hate this so much.” He couldn’t regain composure, “you look ridiculous!” Earl joined him in laughing; “that’s what you get for poking fun at me!”

I bit the inside of my cheeks trying to keep my anger under control, “let’s hurry up and get this over with!”

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