Chapter Five: Ciel

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I know things are out of order, but I thought it would be more interesting that way! Also, characters from here on are going to be a lot darker than most people would expect. Hope you like it!


“Sebastian what is taking her so long? She slept all day yesterday and through the night there is no excuse for her to be sleeping in.” We both were standing in the foyer waiting for Kaylien. “I don’t know what’s keeping her, but sir if she is from another time than wouldn’t it be easier to ask her about this Jack the Ripper instead of going all the way to the Undertaker?” I sighed and looked up at him. “She worked as a prostitute right? I’ve never known a prostitute to be educated; Sebastian bring her out here I’m tired of waiting.”

“Yes my lord,” he bowed and disappeared up the stairs. It was only seconds after that I heard both of them yelling. “I don’t need your help I can dress myself!” “The Earl is tired of waiting it will be faster if you just let me do it.” “No, get out!” I heard a door slam, what childish behavior from both of them. Finally, after minutes of waiting they came down the stairs. I could tell by the look on Sebastians face that argument had put him in a bad mood.

Kaylien had her arms crossed over her chest, her lips pursed in an angry frown. I winced when I saw the outfit Sebastian had made for her. Dark colored shorts that stopped mid-thigh, a short sleeve white button up shirt with stockings stopping just below her knees and high heeled boots, her hair falling loosely down her back. “You’re clothes are ridiculous go and change into a dress like a respectable lady would wear.” I waved her away. “You don’t think I’m respectable just because I don’t wear a stupid dress? I like this outfit and I’m not changing so deal with it!” I glared at her, “my apologies my lord she insisted on wearing this.” I ignored him.

She is so quick to anger, it’s entertaining. “I don’t know how women dress where you’re from, but here everyone dresses properly, this is just embarrassing. I suppose this would be a bit of an adjustment for a prostitute.” I wanted to see how far I could push this girl. Her cheeks had grown red and her hands were balled into fists. “You’re goanna pay for talking to me like that!” She rushed toward me, fists raised; Sebastian quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her away. “The Earl has shown you kindness by letting you stay here; I suggest you treat him with more respect.”

“Enough fooling around, let’s go.” I walked ahead of them toward the carriage that was waiting for us, Sebastian and Kaylien still arguing. “Let go of me I’m not helpless!” I whipped around, “will you stop acting like a child and be quiet both of you!” Sebastian bowed, “Yes my…” He was cut off by a loud shriek; Kaylien had latched onto Sebastian who rolled his eyes and pushed her away.

“Who is that and why is he naked?” She pointed to my left. I knew she was talking about Pluto, but I’m not going to tell her that we have a demon hound. I quickly came up with an explanation, “this man suffered a traumatic experience that’s affected his mental state, we call him Pluto; and don’t worry he’s harmless.” Sebastian grinned, “Can we leave now? I want to get this visit over with.” Sebastian opened the carriage door helping me inside. He motioned to Kaylien; she took the seat across from me and stared out the window avoiding eye contact.

Sebastian closed the door, climbed in the front and slowly pulled the carriage away from my estate. Kaylien remained silent and continued to stare out the window, finally some peace. “Earl?” Can’t she stay quiet? I glanced over at her. She was looking at me twisting strands of her hair around her fingers. “What is it?” She bit her bottom lip, “where exactly is it we’re going?” I sighed, “We’re going to get information about someone named Jack the Ripper.” Her eyes widened, “I know that name! I remember learning about him back in school, he was a murderer right?” I sat back in my seat pressing my forefinger against my temple.

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