Chapter Six: Sebastian

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I added the POV of Viscount here instead of making a new part. Just as an introduction!


I followed Ciel to the library Kaylien trailing behind. We passed by Mey-Rin and Bard in the hallway they waved to the Ciel, but he completely ignored them. This attitude must be the outcome of the argument he got into with Kaylien earlier. It wasn’t my place to speak in a situation like that, but I will confront Kaylien about the matter later. We reached the library; Ciel angrily yanked the door open and stomped inside. He took his place at the small table, I stood behind him feet together, and my right hand resting over the other; the way a Phantomhive butler should be.

Ciel clasped his hands together and studied Kaylien who was avoiding eye contact. She nervously pulled at the bottom of her shirt, “sit.” Ciel said without emotion. She jerked her head up, hair dancing across her shoulders. She took the seat across from Ciel and again, averted her eyes. I frowned, “it is rude to look away when someone speaks to you;” she gazed up at me. Her eyes had lost the sparkle from before; all that remained was a faded and empty green.

“We have exactly two weeks before the Viscounts party and to find a way to get in without being noticed; I refuse to have the Phantomhive name tainted.” An idea played through my mind. “Sir I have a proposal it might be the only way to get close to the Viscount, if you’re willing to do it.” He turned to face me; Kaylien raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “The Viscount is known to have an obsession with women, so if we were to find a way to catch his eye; maybe we could get the evidence needed to prove he’s Jack the Ripper.” He narrowed his eyes, “what exactly are you implying?” I grinned, he knew; but just wanted me to say it.

“You don’t want the Phantomhive name to be tainted, but you also need to get information from the Viscount, if you were to wear a disguise…” Ciel shot up out of his chair, “you expect me to dress as a woman to grab the attention of some rich pervert! Why don’t you let the prostitute do it, she has more than enough experience at getting a man’s attention!” “Kaylien will be joining you, posing as your sister; we will have a better chance of speaking with him if both of you are in disguise.” Kaylien slammed her hands on the table, “no! I refuse to be your personal dress up doll!” Ciel whipped around, “I would rather die a painful death than work with a horrible brat like you!” I grinned at the thought. “You have no room to complain about wearing a dress you’re a girl! I only do this to protect the Phantomhive name and serve my country!” Her eyes widened, and she lifted her arms in an attempt to shield herself from his words. Frustrated, he sat back down, “very good sir; tomorrow we’ll begin your lessons.” He nodded, “go start dinner preparations.” I bowed, “yes my lord.” Kaylien stood, “what about me?” Ciel glared at her, “stay out of my sight.” She hung her head and walked out; I followed closing the door behind me, “Kaylien?” She looked at me; her eyes still clung to their eerie glazed look. “You want me to get out of your sight too, don’t worry I’m leaving.” Her voice had no tone and took me by surprise. She turned away, but I quickly grabbed her arm. “Actually I want to talk to you before dinner, follow me to my room.”

She blushed, a light pink color that highlighted her features. I let go of her and led the way down to my rarely used bedroom. She scanned the small, dull room. “Someone who is loyal to the Earl like you deserves a better room than this.” “This room is almost never used so it’s reasonable.” I walked over to the neatly made bed and sat down; she took the place next to me. “So…you wanted to talk about something?” She waved a few small strands of hair out of her eyes. “Yes, about the argument you had with the Earl earlier today.” The color in her face drained away. “There are things about him you will never be able to understand. The things he’s endured over the past two years have changed him greatly. His parents were taken away from him in a large fire forcing him to take the responsibility of being head of the Phantomhive estate.” She gasped, “He lost his parents at such a young age? It must’ve been so hard.” I nodded, “it isn’t my place to tell you these things however arguments like that must be avoided, understand?” She nodded, “I feel horrible! I’m so sorry.” She inched closer to me and looked deep into my eyes. I stared back at her, the shine slowly returning to the green pools.

“Ahem…yes you can do that at dinner, but now I need to start preparations; can you find your way back to your room?” She smiled brightly and stood “of course I can!” I stood, “well I must…” Kaylien jumped and wrapped her arms around my neck I staggered, but quickly regained my balance. I awkwardly placed my hands on her back; her body was surprisingly warm despite the cold of the room. She stepped away, face completely red. “Sorry,” she said while rubbing the back of her neck. A small wave of heat brushed over my cheeks. “See you at dinner,” She waved before heading back. What just happened to me? I shrugged it away and started walking toward the kitchen to start dinner.


“This feisty young robin is quite a beauty; perfect for fulfilling your dreams and desires, perfect soft skin and sparkling brown eyes.”  I removed her blindfold “Do we have an opening bid, you sir!”  A large man in the front raised his hand, more followed after; eager to get their hands on such a beautiful lady. These creatures are stunning, but it’s still not enough to keep as my own. However, the less than perfect ones bring me profit so there’s no room to complain. The men continued their fight to win her.

No need to worry, the perfect one will come soon and I shall make her mine. A grin pulled at the corners of my mouth. “We have a winner! Come up and claim your prize!” A fat, dirty man stood in front of me. I pulled the leash that bound her wrists, making her stand. I exchanged her for a large pouch of money. I smirked, “enjoy.” He dragged the beauty away. “Sorry everyone, but that’s the last one for tonight! My next auction will be two weeks from now, enjoy the rest of your night and don’t forget to come back!” The dim room cleared out, “soon my perfect robin will come to me.”

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