Chapter Nine: Ciel

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This is so humiliating wearing this dress; if anyone recognizes me the Phantomhive name will be tarnished forever. I sat in the carriage watching Kaylien say her goodbyes to Finny, the sooner we catch Jack the Ripper the sooner she will be out of my life; and I can focus on obtaining my revenge. She waved one last time before letting Sebastian lead her over. He helped her inside, took his place next to me; closing the door behind him, as the carriage pulled away. She looked at me and smiled.

"What are you smiling for," might as well get in some last minute grammar practice. "Just that dress looks better on you than I expected," she stifled a laugh. "Be quiet, I do not wear this because I want to!" The feminine voice I used to hide my identity did not help my case. "Never mind my attire; do you remember what I told you about our background; in case anyone should ask?" She did not answer; her eyes were narrowed and staring intently at the right side of my face. Did she notice my eye? "Stop staring at me and answer my question."

"Oh, I am sorry; yes I do remember, I am your elder sister Mary and your name is Anna. We are Nobles from Bristol visiting family." She twisted her already curled hair around her index finger, "stop that; if you mess up your hair you will not catch the Viscounts eye," Sebastian said. She returned her hands to her lap, "How will we know which one is the Viscount?" She asked me. "I have met him once before it will be easy; he has blonde hair, usually is wearing white and overreacts to everything." She pressed her left hand to her chest, "let's hope we catch him soon; I do not know how long I can last in this corset without passing out."

"You will get used to it, it is not that bad," I lied. I was suffering in this horrible corset just as much as she was, but I would never admit weakness to anyone; especially her. Hopefully, if I am unable to catch the eye of the Viscount; Kayliens dress would defiantly get his attention. A purple ruffled dress with straps both across her shoulders and her arms. I made sure Sebastian made something she would be comfortable in. Showing so much skin should not be a problem for a prostitute. Yes I was showing skin as well, but I made sure to wear long gloves, a hat and ribbons around my neck; the hat mostly to cover my eye if my hair were to fail.

The sun had just started to set as we pulled up to the Viscounts manor. Sebastian opened the door, climbed out and held out his hand, "shall I escort you ladies inside?" I took his hand and stepped out, Kaylien right behind me. He stood between us; grabbed my left hand; Kayliens right and walked inside. The ballroom was filled with people chatting about pointless topics; soft music playing in the background. "Is there anything else you ladies need?" Sebastian let go of our hands. "No that will be all," I leaned in close to him, making sure no one could hear. "Keep your distance; I will call you once we have our evidence." "Yes my lord," He smiled and disappeared into the crowd.

"Well sister what shall we... oh god no," Madam Red was a few feet behind Kaylien with her idiot butler Grell. "What is it?" She turned her head to look, I grabbed her arm. "Do not look! My aunt Madam Red and her butler Grell are here; we have to stay away from them." She raised an eyebrow, "how am I supposed to stay away from someone when I have no idea what they look like or are wearing?" She whispered. I gritted my teeth to keep from shouting, "she goes by Madam Red what do you think she is wearing!" She frowned, "no need to be rude about it sister." Every time she said that word I felt like throwing up.

Oh no she sees us! Calm down Ciel and act natural, "She is coming over here do not freak out." "You are the one freaking out here!" Madam Red and Grell stood behind Kaylien; she placed a hand on her shoulder, "I noticed you ladies standing here alone, has an acceptable man not asked you to dance?" Kaylien turned and smiled at her, "actually we just got here my name is Mary and this is my younger sister Anna." She gestured to me, "oh what lovely names! You can call me Madam Red and this is my butler Grell," he bowed, "it is an honor to be in the presence of two beautiful women; I noticed the blush decorating Kayliens face.

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