Epilogue: Phantomhive Servants

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Ignoring the rain, I stood outside with Bard and Finny. “It’s been two months since the fire and Master Ciel, Sebastian and Kaylien haven’t returned.” I pulled the glasses from my face and stomped them into the mud. “Face it, they abandoned us; all these years we served this manor and they have the nerve to leave?”

Lightning broke through the grey clouds; thunder following after. Bard nodded his head, “I agree, there’s no point in staying here; it’s time we go our separate ways.”

Finny balled his hands into fists, “you’re wrong! Master Ciel, Sebastian and Kaylien will come back; we can’t leave, it’s our job to protect the manor!”

“What manor Finny? We’ve been sleeping in ruins!” Bard shouted and pointed at what was left of their former home.

“We can fix it; we can make it just like it was before the fire. Everyone will be so surprised when they come back.”

I glared at him over my shoulder, “if you want to live in this fantasy world than go ahead. I couldn’t care less about either one of you. Staying at this manor was a giant waste of my time; don’t follow me.” I turned away from them and trudged through the mud, “I was perfectly fine doing what I was before all this nonsense.”

Third person POV:

Mey-Rin stole any and every gun she could get her hands on; rifles, pistols; if it shot bullets she took it. The next few months she spent shooting down nobles, business owners and their families; taking their belongings in the process. A bounty was placed on her head for 10,000 pounds. She was known as the white rose, for the flower she places on her dead victims chest. As the years passed the bounty on her head had increased to almost 100,000 pounds and in 1902 she was shot in the head by a bystander who’d seen her pointing a gun at a well-known business man.


I watched Mey-Rin disappear into the sheets of rain, “good riddance,” I mumbled. My eyes went to Finny whos gaze was begging me to stay. I glared at the former gardener, “I’m not staying; if you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave these ruins too.” I pulled my feet from the ankle deep mud and headed in the opposite direction as Mey-Rin; ignoring Finny yelling at me to stay.

I don’t know where I’m going, but wherever it is, it’s going to be far away from here. I don’t need that naïve gardener, pathetic maid, useless woman, stubborn brat and his stupid butler. I laughed at my thoughts; that’s right, I don’t need any of them. “Just me!” I laughed and yelled to the sky.

“Who needs them? I don’t need them and they don’t need me…that’s right, they don’t!” I laughed again; “if they needed me for anything then they wouldn’t have just left me in that ruined manor to rot with the rest of those idiots. It’s just me don’t you get it? It’s always been just me; only look out for yourself!” I chuckled darkly, “if I see either one of them again they’ll regret it!”

Third person POV:

Bard lost his sanity and spent years doing nothing but wander all over England talking and laughing to himself. In 1910 while trying to steal food he strangled a young boy in broad daylight, claiming the boy was Ciel Phantomhive. Bard was admitted to a mental health facility and was given electroshock as a treatment for hallucinations. Seeing after two months that no amount of treatment was going to work on him and that he had no family, the doctors drugged and murdered him. Throwing the body into a pit filled with other patients that were deemed “incurable.”


“Mey-Rin, Bard, come back!” I yelled, not getting a reaction from either one. I stared down at my feet sinking down into the mud before cracking a smile. “I bet they went to go look for Master Ciel, Sebastian and Kaylien; they’ll come back!” After falling face first in the mud twice I made it inside the manor.

“Boy, Pluto really did make a mess of things here; I better hurry and fix everything up before everyone gets back. They’ll be so surprised! Its goanna take a while to get everything back to the way it was before, but I can do it!”

I giggled and happily surveyed everything in the manor; making a mental note of everything I’ll have to pick up in town tomorrow. I wiped my forehead and smiled, “this is going to be hard, but worth it!”

Third person POV:

Finny rebuilt the Phantomhive Manor and continued to live there while suffering from delusions. He continued his life the way it had been before the fire. Working in the garden for Ciel, spending time with Kaylien and Pluto, helping Bard and Mey-Rin and trying to stay on Sebastians good side. He spent every day as he would if everyone really was still there with him until he died in his sleep at the age of 53.

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