Chapter nineteen: Ciel

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I watched the servants stumble around the room carrying my luggage out to the carriage. God I can’t wait to get away from them and of course talk to Sebastian about how he really is planning to go about this situation with Finny and Kaylien. I smirked.

“Bye Master!” Everyone yelled and waved as Sebastian and I climbed into the carriage. We sat in silence for half of the trip; I watched Sebastian constantly clench and unclench his fists, and bite the inside of his cheeks.

I smirked, “you aren’t giving up on her are you?”

He glared at me, “not a chance.”

I crossed my arms and looked at him with a smug face, “and how do you plan to go about this?” This is too much fun.

“Whatever method I have to use,” he just stared out the window.

“Does that mean you’d kill him; would you really go that far for some girl?” I watched his body tense; I know he’s cursing me.

“I said whatever methods I have to use to make her mine,” he said through clenched teeth. How far can I push you Sebastian?

“What if Finny does something and you’re not there to stop him? You know Kaylien won’t reject him; what will you do then? You can’t admit that her feelings toward him are stronger than whatever she has for you, if anything.” He was trying so hard to keep his composure; he knows I’m right.

“She didn’t reject me either in case you forgot, in the end I will get what I want; I always do. Besides, Finny is just a pathetic child. He would never try to do anything like that with her.” I cringed.

Sebastian chuckled, “she’s in denial; the look on her face that night proved everything. Finny is just a nuisance that I can easily dispose of.” I scoffed; he really believes that, I can’t wait to see how this will end. The rest of the ride to the port and to Paris was silent.

We stood at the expo, not sure what to do with ourselves. “Where should we start Young Master? The Champ de Mars is home to the Palace of Fine Arts. There’s the Machinery Hall that shows the work of iron and glass representing the pinnacle of modern technology. At the Trocade ro Palace is a horticultural exhibit. At the Secondary Site the Esplanade des Invalides there’s a colonial exhibit. It features a reproduction of the ruins at Angkor and folk dancing. I understand Buffalo Bills Wild West show is here from the states. We don’t see an expo every day.” Two men passed by us; their conversation catching my attention.

  “Are you sure?” One of the men said.

“Yes, they say there’s a stuffed angel at the Palace of Wonders!”

“Now that I must see!”

A real angel? I highly doubt it. “Sebastian, let’s go see this angel.” He bowed and led the way to this so called angel. A stuffed monkey with wings glued to its back; I scoffed, “they expect people to believe that’s an angel? Absolutely pathetic, let’s go Sebas…” A loud screech and the sound of glass breaking filled the building; the lights going off as well.

“Master, go outside; I can take care of this.” I ran; ran away from Sebastian; ran away from the darkness. People were running and screaming through the blackness. I’ve lived in never-ending darkness for so long; why, in this moment does it makes my chest feel so heavy? Could this be what’s waiting for me after Sebastian tears my soul from existence?

Finally, I can see the door; the door out of the darkness and into the light. I forced through, letting the warmth wash over my body. It’s so bright; has it always been like this, have I been blind this whole time? I pushed those thoughts out of my brain; no, I chose to live in darkness, I chose to seek revenge and I chose to sacrifice my soul to Sebastian.

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