Epilogue: Sebastian

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I looked down at the empty body that I once called Young Master and smirked, “your soul was worth the wait, I’ll give you that you stupid brat.” I left the body for the vultures and returned to the city, “but what do I do now?” I thought about Ciels words before he let go of the bridge, “she left.” What does that mean; I’ll never see her again? That she’s off somewhere letting another guy take her heart?

That’s not possible, shes mine! She was supposed to stay here with me! Something wet was sliding down my face; is it raining? I wiped the droplets from my face and realized I’d been crying. Demons don’t cry, especially over pathetic humans; damn you Kaylien for doing this to me!

Damn her and her blonde hair, her sweet smile and warm voice. Damn her soft, flawless skin and her sparkling green eyes. “Why did you even come here; to mess with everyones hearts and leave like none of it ever mattered to you? I hate you for doing this to me!” I shouted lies to the dark sky and continued walking.

Where am I even going? Am I just going to spend eternity walking around thinking about some human that passed through my life? No, demons don’t care about anything but eating souls, I lied. No matter how hard I tried, she somehow managed to drift back into my thoughts.

“Look everyone, The Lost Butler has finally made it back to our town!” A womans voice pulled me away from my thoughts about Kaylien.

Lost Butler; what is she talking about?

“Finally, after two years he’s come back!” Another woman shouted.

Two years; have I really been walking around for that long? Time goes by so fast. Townspeople surrounded me and were yelling things I couldn’t care less about. Seems like I’ve become a celebrity these past two years. Ignoring everyone, I walked straight through the town and continued my pointless wandering.

Third person POV:

Without knowing, Sebastian had spent two years walking in the same pattern all across England gaining the nickname The Lost Butler. People grew excited when it was their turn for The Lost Butler to come to their town. Halfway into his third year, The Lost Butler didn’t show up at the town he was supposed to. Confused townspeople sent messages asking if anyone had seen him; no one has. After months of waiting, people gave up on seeing him and The Lost Butler became a story to tell children and eventually faded into legend. He was never seen again.

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