Chapter eight "discoveries"

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Chapter eight "discoveries"
SnowDrop's p.o.v
Sly sat down next to me meditating "breath in one two three and breath out three two one..." I said Sly took a deep breath then breathed out I heard a crash sly jumped and growled heat radiated from him "sly breath one two three" I said Sly took a breath and held it "and out three two one" I said he took a breath out "better?" I asked "yea better" sly said "come on let's find out what happened" I said we stood up I moved my foot and got a image two body's looking up at a third up on what I think was the chandelier? We walked out to the main area "SKY GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" Tom and Kye yelled "What's going on?!" Sly shouted "Sky pranked us and is being a chicken hiding where we can't reach!" Kye shouted angrily "I REGRET NOTHING!!!" Sky shouted "you will regret when we get up there!" Tom Yelled Sly had heat radiating from him again only it was getting hotter and hotter "sly" I said "whoa sly your amulet is glowing!" Sky shouted Sly didn't listen all of a sudden I was blasted back by a force so was Tom and Kye by the vibration I saw I rubbed my head "w-what happened?!" kye asked "sly?!" Sky yelled "YOUR ON FIRE! NO I TAKE THAT BACK YOUR A FIRE FOX!!" "huh?!" I said

Sky's p.o.v
The others were blasted back and blinded well expect for SnowDrop but I saw what happened a giant flame consumed Sly and he changed into a fox but it's was made of fire I could see him clearly because of my sunglasses Sly snarled at Kye and Tom "s-sly?" Kye asked Sly snapped at them "Sly please don't attack us..." Tom said I had one chance I was still on my cloud I floated down above sly and kicked it Lighting struck next to him he jumped up at me and bit my hand it burned and started to bleed "ARGH!!!" I yelled kicking him away he landed near SnowDrop my blood dripping from his mouth "Sly?" SnowDrop asked Sly froze and turned around and faced her "S-Sly where are you?" She asked Sly changed back and held her hand "I-I'm here..." He said "what happened?" SnowDrop asked "we can barley see..." Kye said rubbing his eyes "I know what happened..." I said through my clenched teeth fighting the pain "your in pain..." SnowDrop said I walked towards her "I can help..." She said I held out my hand she put her hands on my hand and created ice around my hand "it's not water but it'll do..." SnowDrop said "thanks...." I said

Corrupt Ender Drakness's p.o.v
I looked down at my feet darkness covered my every move it trailed me and spread like taint "perfect....." I said my voice demonic and emotionless I started to walk across the sandy desert my tail sweeping in the sand the taint spreading across the sand and growing quickly I floated above the ground about 3cm off the ground I floated forward taint following behind me I saw a large city up ahead "perfect...." I said I flew up and reached out my hand my eyes glowed a dark royal purple colour and taint formed in my hand I shot it at one of the roofs it landed it started to bubble and spread across the roof tops making its way down to the pavement the humans were running and screaming but getting caught in the taint they're now tainted and under my control I landed in the city, the tainted humans faced me "now my children Divide and Conquer this pitiful world I shall start it from scratch if I have to this world will be perfect!!" I commanded they all groaned and started to walk off I laughed "the Elementals are next...." I said flying off towards the next city

Tinker's p.o.v
"Yes for the last time we all have something called a elemental form!" I shouted "AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL US SOONER?!" Sly shouted "I didn't think we would discover it this soon!" I argued I sighed "Thomas can you gather the others?" I asked Thomas nodded and ran out "ok then why didn't sly have control huh?!" Sky yelled "BECAUSE OF HIS ANGER!! AND HE DOESN'T HAVE THE BRAINS TO CONTROL IT!!' I spat in an angry manner the room went silent I sighed and jumped onto one of the ladders on the book shelf I pushed off and the ladder slid across the rail down the book shelf I stopped it and climbed to the top of the book shelf I say on the edge the room silent everyone was either angry, hurt or both I rubbed the amulet hanging around my neck 'I never asked for this any of this but no I'm stuck with this and clueless Idiots running around like their head are cut off!' I thought "hey that isn't very nice..." Teep said telepathically I looked up and saw him on the other book shelf in front of me "what would you care? Your just a dinosaur who's a elemental" I spat "heh wrong I am I elemental dinosaur but I'm also a friend,sniper and someone who can hear thoughts" Teep said telepathically "bullshit" "heh you'd be surprised and I was lying about the mind reading thing" "then how could you tell what I'm thinking?" "that sad broken look in your eyes... Ever heard that the eyes tell all?" "Yea...guess since you don't talk you read eyes correct?" "Heh correct now why did you yell?" "How'd you know you weren't in the room...?" "Heh well I'm the quite type I was on the book shelves watching and saw you coming" "heh why don't you add assassin to your list?" "I don't work for money I work to protect the ones I wise!" I chuckled 'this guys not half bad' I thought "so none of you have learnt to harness your elemental forms huh?" "Nah only learnt of this power lately and looking at the others same with them well besides snowdrop she already knew how to use her's" Teep explained I remembered how broken she looked when I found her poor kid "heh she's been through more than me losing family in the blink of an eye" "huh? What do you mean?" "When I found her she was trying to dig through snow her house and village was killed in a Avalanche...the poor kid broke my heart seeing her like that" I said I sighed "so Tinker was it? Uh how'd you find your element and this place?" Teep asked trying to change subject "oh well I came from a small city close to a village who worshiped the Elemental bearers, they got every child from the city to come to that village every other kid was excited to do this but me? Heh I was a kid who stayed in their basement tinkering hence my name Tinker but I was dragged out by my friend we made it to the village and went through tests that could kill if you weren't careful..." "That seems a bit extreme! Especially for kids!" "Well how'd you find your element?" "Uh I was being attacked and I thought I was gonna die..." "My point exactly that's why they made the test so dangerous now shit up and Lemme finish my damm story!" "Ok ok!" Teep said getting comfy "right so anyway"

Flash back
I was in my basement tinkering as always when my friend knocked on the basement door "you may enter!" I said fixing my goggles as I started to weld something together "hey Tink you ready?" He asked "no and I will never be" I said "oh come on! Tink you gotta every kid from the whole city is going!" He said "look Micky there's a one in ninety-nine chance it will be me" I argued "UGH HOW ARE WE EVEN FRIENDS!!??" Micky shouted "I don't know I'm antisocial, hardworking, know it all and your a social, happy go lucky, not a know it all complete opposites..." I pointed out "well you know what they say opposites attracted" Micky pointed out I stopped welding and put my goggles on my forehead "Micky I'm not going..." I said he groaned he tapped a button on his wrist device and a blue aura covered my body and lifted me up "gravity gun app really?" I asked Micky gave a goofy smile he was wearing black pants blue top and headphones around his neck and a wrist device that I made on his left wrist "come on we're heading to the village! Oh and your mum already packed your things..." Micky said I sighed "she told you to get me huh?" I asked he nodded he turned off the app and I landed on my backside I got up we walked up the stairs we grabbed our suit cases "bye mum thanks...." I said "come on a once in a life time opportunity is right in front of us!" Micky said "yea yea 'a great opportunity to become worshiped!' Blah blah blah" I said mimicking Micky's voice "come on let's get in the damm car already..." I said we jumped into one of the cars from the city the car drove for a few minutes to the village, the car stopped and we got out and went into the village days pasted with each new test days turned to weeks and weeks to months but by the end me and Micky were left it was a battle i couldn't kill my best friend "NO I won't kill him!" I shouted "you don't have to kill him you just have to defeat him and show the element" the monk said "No I won't hurt my friend for the last time!" I shouted "you don't have too..." Micky said he grabbed a metal bat and swung at me fear filled my body as I reached both hands out and grabbed the bat electricity surged through the bat it flowed into Micky "GAAAAHHH!!!!" Micky shouted getting blasted back "MICKY!!" I shouted he was bleeding and barely conscious "Micky why you stupid idiot...." I said "heh.....I'll miss you too...." Micky said before passing out the monks ordered me to step away so I followed orders and stepped away more monks dragged Micky away and I was sent off to find the rest of the Elementals and here we are
End of flash back

Sky's p.o.v
So when Tinker stormed off we kinda left I brought SnowDrop into my room I floated on my cloud on my back and SnowDrop laid next to me I looked at the room and sighed "sky?" SnowDrop asked "uh yea?" "Do you think we'll master our powers?" "Pffffft of course we're awesome!" I said she sighed "so your blind but you say your not blind what's with that?" I asked "well I have a sense I see things by vibration and sound like how moles dig holes and other blind creatures use echolocation" she explained " uh when'd you find your element?" "Can't remember but I've always known I could do it and you?" "Lately...heh kinda funny I fell off the roof and saw the ground rushing towards me and I thought I was gonna die or you know a coma or something serious and all of a sudden I was pushed by a gust of wind back onto the roof" "didn't anyone hear you?" "No they had a game marathon or something I dunno" I said SnowDrop yawned "you know I've always wanted to feel a cloud I never knew how soft they were..." She said I looked over at her and she fell asleep 'sleep doesn't seem so bad' I thought falling asleep

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