Chapter Ten "Whats going on?!"

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Chapter Ten "What's going on?!"
Summer's p.o.v
I peeked out my door the castle was silent besides the creaking roof,moaning zombies and rattling of bones from skeletons outside I changed into my wolf form and crept outside my dorm and to the front door 'hmm I want a bone no one will notice right?' I thought I found a hole in the wall and snuck out I saw a lone skeleton I pounced on it and tore it apart I put the skull on my head "new mask score!" I said I grabbed one of the bones in my mouth and laid down my ears picked up on a sound I moved my head towards the sound it was from the forest surrounding the castle I walked away from the castle my paws getting wet from the wet grass I made my way through the forest and saw a lake as I got closer I saw fishishes in the water my eyes locked onto one of the small ones and swatted it onto the bank with my paw "heh rawr fear me!" I barked the fish flopped around 'hmm ohh! Maybe wolfy buddy is awake she could help me!' I thought I swatted the fish back in the water I ran back to the castle full speed with the skeleton head still on me and the bone still in my mouth I jumped through the hole in the wall again and put the bone and head in my room and sniffed out Emily's room I changed into my human form and knocked on the door I heard a groan I knocked again "I-I'm coming c-com--in" she said barely forming words I opened the door and walked in I poked her wolf ears she shot up instantly "wha huh?! Oh I-it's just you summer" she said before yawning "yep come on your helping me!" I said excitedly I changed into my wolf form and bit her tail and dragged her, she didn't really wake up until I splashed her with the water when I stopped dragging her "pfffft ok ok I'm up I'm up!" She said rubbing her eyes and looking at me her eyes widened "uh summer?" She asked I tilted my head "yeah?" I asked "your blue and have scales on your fur..." She said "what?!" I yelped I looked closer at myself and she was right I yelped and jumped back but what I didn't realise was that I jumped back into the water "y-y-your standing on water" Emily said I looked down at my paws and fell through 'what's going on?!' I mentally screamed I let out a bark under the water I heard it clearly I opened my eyes and saw something completely different from what I saw up there it was beautiful down here the fishes the plant life and I was breathing under the water

Emily's p.o.v
She was in her wolf form and I could see blue scales in her fur and markings under her eyes like a viper and it spread across her fur "uh summer?" I asked "yeah?" She asked unaware "your blue and you have scales in your fur..." I said "what?!" She yelped she looked at her self and jumped back onto the water she was on top she was walking on water "y-y-your walking on water" I said she looked down and fell through she was now completely blue and covered in scales she barked under the water and seemed to look around and was entranced? She was breathing under the water "s-summer?" I called she didn't hear me I changed into my wolf form and looked around I saw vines I grabbed it and made a hoop with it and threw it over a tree branch and waited she swam through it and I pulled her out over the branch and tied her up quickly her eyes flashed red and her tongue flickered at me 'yikes!' I thought I saw a water arrow come towards me a jumped and dodged but I didn't see another one hit me in the head as I was stunned I was hit by multiple I could fight I grabbed the end of the vine and ran with what little energy I had dragging summer behind me I made it inside and threw summers body still in the vines onto the gong it ran out loudly her body rolled down the stairs and back to me everybody rushes out "what the fuck?!" Kye,Thomas and Sly yelled "h-help..." I whimpered collapsing to weak to change back Sky ran forward pulling out the arrows from my body my blood leaking out of my body and covering his hands

Tinker's p.o.v
While everyone was busy with Emily and trying to find medical supplies I walked over to summer she was like a viper wolf "this shouldn't happen so early..." I mumbled she looked towards me and hissed 'I can't believe this' I thought with a smirk I chuckled slightly I stood up and walked over to the magic witchcraft element "you witchcraft magic element I need your assistance" I said "ok first the names Kye not 'witchcraft elemental' OK and what do you want?" 'Kye' asked "I need certain potions" I said "I need a health potions, water breathing,night vision and weakness" he held out his hands and summoned very slowly the health potion and the water breathing one "hurry up!" I hissed "ok ok! I'm not as fast as you!" He said he finally summoned the last of the potions I took the rest and walked back to the water elemental and splashed the water breathing on her she coughed like she was suffocating I then splashed the night vision on her eyes I threw the weakness and health potion together and she passed out and changed back into her normal forest wolf I picked up the water elemental and quickly rushed to the library I ran in and pulled a book and a hidden passage appeared I quickly walked through and it closed behind me I flicked a switch the lights turned on and these tubes lit up I put the water elemental in one of the empty ones and attached wires to her I closed it up and pressed a green button it filled up with this blue liquid it put her in statis I walked over to the computer and checked on her status "power over load course..." I said 'heh I remember my first over load but she should be fine in a few but it's never happened like this so maybe she should stay here longer I mean normal overloads last a few minutes but her's lasted longer' I thought exiting the secret Lab I closed it back up I headed back to my room and sat down on my bed, I opened my book when I heard a knock at my door I got up and opened the door "what do you want?" I asked it was Teep "have you seen summer?" He asked "no" i lied closing my door he knocked again I opened it again "come on I saw you last near her!" He argued "piss off Dino chops" I said slamming my door in his face "first of all ouch and second off all I can still talk to you telepathically!" Teep said I growled and opened the door I clenched my fist as lighting surrounded it "I SAID PISS OFF!!" I shouted punching him we flew through the wall and he was paralysed I slammed my door again and jumped onto my bed and opened up my book again

SnowDrop's p.o.v
I heard a crash I shifted my foot across the ground and saw a figure of Teep in rubble I made my way over there "Teep?" I asked listening for a response "your infront of me just feel downwards..." Teep said telepathically I felt down and touched his nose but I was shocked my electricity "ow!" I yelped I felt down again and it was fine "are you ok?" "I'm paralysed....and I now have a migraine..." "Ok stop thinking I'll take you to the medic wing" I said I slung one of his big Dino arms around me and started dragging him towards the area of the medic wing but I never carried someone before so it kinda messed up my 'vision' I finally made it I knocked on the door "oh god what happened to Teep?" Wellsster asked "uh fuse box?" I said shrugging Wellsster touched Teep and took his hand back quickly (I could see the vibration everywhere while Teep was touching me) "it's doesn't look or feel like a fuse box shock" Wellsster said "and you would know how?" I asked "oh I've been bashed into many things fuse box just being on the list" he said "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!" I asked he made a I dunno sound I dropped Teep and with a thud he was off me I stretched out my arms "your heavier than you look" I said

Welsster's p.o.v
I shrugged as SnowDrop left "Teep tell me what did you run into?" I asked he didn't answer as I put him on one of the beds I looked him in the eyes "tell me" I said he shook his head "ugh stubborn as a mule" I said I sat down on one of the spare beds making my hand turn shadowy then changing it back 'hmmmm I wonder can I do something with my shadow powers?' I wondered I put my hands out in front of me and imagined a sword and to my surprise I shadow sword formed in front of me "whoa..." I said grabbing it I swung it around "hey James!" Someone said I threw the sword towards the voice it was Jade she put her hands in front of her and light blasted out of it I was shot back I rubbed my eyes and looked around I was in the back room again "good fucking job Jade" I said I poked my head out and jade screamed I covered my ears as I walked towards her "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JAMES?!?!?" She shouted kicking me in my pixels "MY PIXELS!!!" I shouted as my voice reached a new pitch most of the windows broke and I screamed and the pitch stayed the same before Jade shoved my jaw upwards shutting my mouth "JEEZUS FUCKING CHRIST YOU ARE A NEW KIND OF ANNOYING!!!" I shouted in my mind "HEY!! YOUR THE ONE YOU SOUNDS LIKE A MOUSES PARACHUTE WON'T OPEN!!" Jade argued back "YOU ARE SO ANNOYING SOMETIMES!!" We shouted I feel hail? But it was hurting more than usual I created a shadow shield and looked around and saw Teep who was red with his hands in the air as rocks were pelting down at us and jade was also protecting herself with her own light shield Teep stopped when he saw us looking at us the rocks stopped and he slowly changed back to his normal green "do you two know how to use inside voices? IN THE MIND?!" Teep shouted at us angrily we sorta jumped back "wait mind?" We asked "did you not notice? Also I think I'm kinda deaf now thanks James,Jade..." Teep said rubbing between his eyes "whoops" we said me and jade kinda looked at each other and laughed "wait Jade can you read minds or something?" I asked "uh sure? Also were you the one who threw the sword at me?" She asked I nodded "typical but sure and I think you might have telekinesis just a hunch sorta" Jade said shrugging "you've always had hunch thing don't lie..." I said she shrugged and looked towards Teep and her eyes glowed white and Teep looked confused "tinker did it" Jade said a cracked my knuckles "wait what no no no stop!" Teep said shaking his hands frantically I jumped through the shadow I fell through before and jumped through another shadow and ended up in his room "tinker we need to talk" I said "first how'd you get in here and second your the one who broke the windows right as well as your sister?" "First yes second also yes" I said I shrugged then went to punch him as shadows surround my hand and hit him right in the face he landed on his back on the floor unconscious "let that be a lesson" I said walking out and using my telekinesis to knock out his lights leaving him in my shadows

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