Chapter thirty-eight "scavenger hunt anyone?"

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Chapter thirty-eight "scavenger hunt anyone?"
Sly's p.o.v
"Wait Summer no!" We shouted out, Me and Sky watched Summer in her wolf snake form jump off the edge, "go get her!" I shouted at Sky pointing my paw down he nodded before diving, faster,and faster I lost visual of them both, I felt my heart begin to pound in my head as I paced by the edge, the fire licking up my body higher with the higher my stress grew, I kept my eyes down looking for either of them....I heard the heavy wing beats coming up towards me, I looked down and saw Sky, his lighting storm hawk form, struggling, as soon as he landed he fell forward I looked to his talons, he didn't have Summer, I felt like my fire had stopped "y-you didn't—" I couldn't finish my sentence Sky's heavy breathing became slower "n-no she's alive" Sky said I looked to him feeling some of my flame return I grabbed his face (it's weird grabbing stuff with paws) and looked him in the eyes "she's alive?!" "Yea she changed into her actual elemental form and landed in the water" I felt my heart stop pounding in my chest I sighed in relief, with a flash of energy Sky changed back to himself, backing away from me quickly, burning paw marks were left on his cheeks "oops sorry buddy" I said sitting in front of him "dude how do you do this so easily?" Sky asked I shrugged "I dunno" I said "but we gotta go find her" I stood up "glad you didn't set this place in fire" Sky sneered I turned my head towards him "uh huh" I said rolling my eyes and looking away "I say we follow the stream" Sky looked over the edge, then back at me "can you track?" Sky asked "I dunno....maybe in this form? Let's get going" I said beginning to walk off.

We made it to the edge of the river and we followed it, but the further we got, the more corrupt the water looked, I sighed changing out of my elemental form looking around "you see anything?" I asked "Nope....well besides the water" Sky said I looked up and saw him on his cloud "you gonna get down here and look or what?" I asked stopping beneath him "I'm going with What" Sky said giggling after that I rolled my eyes, I looked around again, when I saw drag marks? I crouched down and looked at them closer 'no not drag marks, tracks, snake tracks!' I thought following the track wiht my eyes, I looked up "Sky I think I found some tracks" I said he looked down from his cloud at me "oh cool" he said jumping off his cloud and landing next to me, we followed the tracks for while. We came upon a clearing of some sort, it had only just turned night, I looked around and saw a large lump, probably a rock (like the other ten we saw) "can we rest yet?" Sky wined I sighed "fine just sit on that rock and I'll find some wood" I said walking off "Okay I'll scream if anything attacks" Sky said jokingly I rolled my eyes looking for some dry wood to make a fire, when I heard a girly scream I whipped around and saw a giant snake wrapping around Sky "dear god help meee!!" Sky pleaded, I turned my attention to the snake, I felt my blood boil as I summoned my whip, I cracked my whip at its head, it looked at me dead in the eyes, it was strange, I felt calmer, it swerved its head towards me, I mimicked it almost, I heard a distant voice? It was shouting something but I couldn't hear what it was saying, I felt something prick my leg but it was numb,  but it got louder, and louder, and louder "SLY!! HEEELLLLPPP" it shouted, I snapped back to reality realising what had happened, I tightened my grip on my whip and cracked it onto its head, it shriveled back it pain, hissing in anger, "what I wouldn't give for Summer right now!" Sky yelped summoning a storm cloud as it struck the snake with lighting, it released Sky and spazzed out on the ground, when all of a sudden a smaller sea serpent shot out of the mud near us, it latched onto its enemy's throat, they lashed out wildly, Sky fled to my side "is this just Mother Nature or is one of the summer?" Sky asked me I didn't answer I was too busy watching, the smaller snake was thrown off, it whipped its tail at the taller one knocking it out, the lager one fell unconscious, the smaller grabbed it by its throat, it spun around quickly, releasing it mid spin as the larger body flew through the air and back into the water.

Third person
The smaller sea serpent slithered towards the two males, Sly tightened his grip on his whip as the snake approached them, Sky hid behind Sly, the snake towered over them looking them both in the eyes before smiling this big toothy grin, "ssssurprisssee" it hissed "Summer?" The boys asked the snake wagged it's tail before curling up and looking at them "how'd you find us?" Sly asked "well uh I got tired and the voice told me to lay low, and then I heard a girly scream and came running or well slithering" Summer chuckled looking at Sky and laughing more "you said something about a voice? Is that who you were talking to in your room?" Sky asked stepping out from behind Sly, "uh yea? It's from the water ashari people" Summer said looking around before sighing and looking back to the boys "why'd you come?" The boys looked at her confused "because your apart of the team duh" Sky said "am I really? Just because I have an element that makes me an elemental?" Summer said resting her head on her curled up body Sly dropped his whip, the fire crackled and burst into smoke disappearing from site, Sly took a knee, grabbed the side of his reptilein's friend's head and looked her dead in the eyes, the red eyes seemed watery looking into the fierce amber fire like eyes, "we came after you not just because your apart of the team, but because we care about you!" Sly said holding the head tight "your the one person in this shit hole of a team that sees the good in everyone whether you mean to do it or not" Summer tried to pull her head away but Sly's grip was too strong "oh yea come after the joker of the group that's all I am huh?" Summer hissed Sly's ear's twitched but he didn't move "your not just the joker. Your a friend." Sly hissed back the ground beneath him seemed to smoke, "who are your friends?" Sly asked his tail twitching viciously Summer tried to look away he Sly forced her head to look at him again "ANSWER ME, WHO.ARE.YOUR.FRIENDS?!" Sly demanded the ground beneath him caught fire as he stood up looking down at Summer "ANSWER ME", Sky didn't know what to do he could only stand back and watch, "Teep..." "who else?" "I-I.." "WHO. ELSE" "Emma, Jade, James,SnowDrop,Sky,Tom,you, Kye,Rythain and Zoey and the rest of the yogscast and Team crafted" Summer sobbed tears falling down her cheeks, Sly took a breath as the fire around his feet, burned out leaving only a charred remain around his feet "your missing someone" Sly said calmly "who are you missing?" Summer looked to the ground sniffling "h-her sister..." Sky mumbled, Summer sniffled again and wrapped herself around Sly knocking him on his ass, Sly tried to wriggle free "what is this attack?" He asked "it's not an attack, it's a hug" Sky said "a hug...?" "Yea what don't you get hugged often?" "My and my team don't touch much...", Summers body wrapped tighter around Sly's body, Sly hugged back awkwardly "so you gonna come back with us?" Sky asked changing subjects, "no, first I gotta at least find the water ashari" Summer said letting go of Sly, (he was glad the hug was over), "Okay then, we'll do a recon mission on the ashari, if it's too deathly, we'll call in the team, deal?" Sly arranged, Summer held out the end of her tail like for a hand shake, Sly smirked and shook the tail, "Okay now that's outta the way can we please sleep?" Sky asked falling onto his back, Sly looked to him "you good?" Sly asked the only response that Sly was given was heavy snoring "can you keep first watch?" Sly asked feeling sleep creep into his mind "Yea I got this" Summer said, Sly smiled before falling back, and falling into a uncomfortable sleep.

As the night continued on Summer stayed vigilant and was glad two of her friends had come to find her, "your lucky you heard your friends cry for help" The voice spoke "but why'd he attack him?" "The taint has caught many of us, unfortunately most of the guards had let lose the snakes as a protection" "and it didn't sense these guys as ashari?" "The ashari haven't talked or even come in contact with the others in a long long time..." "so that snake, the snake i am right now, you guys have as pets kind of?" "No these snakes are wild life who follow the ashari, deadly poisoned fangs, crushing strength, and one perfectly placed strike of the tail could knock even the strongest opponent prone" "....what kind of poison?" "Hallucinatory poison....that's all we know, since they are brought to us after the strike, where we decide to heal or to let them die" "sounds a bit harsh no?" the voice gave no response, Summer sighed looking over her friends quickly she didn't see any bite marks that she could see, only torn clothing probably from the trip to her, she sighed in relief as she looked up, it was approaching midnight, Summer slithered towards Sky, he was snoring loudly "Sky, sky,sky,sky,sky" Summer repeated poking him in the face, no response, "Adam" she said poking him again, no response, "KING BUTTBUTT, FATHER OF THE BUTT KNIGHTS!!" She shouted, Adam shot up "your king has arrived!" He said in a posh accent looking around, before his eyes fell upon the snake before him, "Summer?" Sky asked, summer changed out of her elemental form and into her wolf snake hybrid state, exhausted, "how'd you know about the butt knights?" Sky asked looking around "you talk in your sleep not even talking more like sleep shouting" Summer admitted "oh....don't mention this to anyone Okay?" "Yea,Yea whatever....your turn" Summer said laying down and lazily closing her eyes "you Okay there?" "What do you mean?" "About earlier?" "Huh?" "The shouting? Sly shouting at you?" "Oh yea....I dunno" Summer yawned causing Sky to yawn "why'd he go off" Summer asked opening one eye looking towards Sky "dunno?" "That was kinda un-called for" "stress I guess? I mean he's a super hero with his own team and now he's an elemental so I guess that factors in" Summer sighed "did either of you get bit?" Sky shook his head no, "no not that I know of" Sky admitted "anyway get some sleep I'll wake Sly up soon" Sky said looking around, as he looked back to Summer she was asleep.

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