Chapter forty-four "what's the plan now?"

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Chapter forty-four "what's the plan now?"
Snowdrop's p.o.v
My alarm went off as I was startled awake, I sighed trying to find the snooze button 'I don't wanna wake up...' I thought with a whine, I kept trying to hit the button and missed. It kept beeping, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, I slammed my fist into the alarm clock and heard a crunch, 'shit...' I thought feeling the damage to the clock, I sighed pulling the pillow over my head, I heard a knock at my door "you awake yet?" The voice called "regrettably" I mumbled "I'm coming in" they said as I heard the door open "c'mon wake up" they said I heard them turn on the light "nooooo" I whined burying my face deeper into my pillow, I felt them sit on the edge of my bed "seriously? You broke the alarm clock I made you....again?" They asked "I'm sorry..." I mumbled "the other five wouldn't shut up!" They rubbed my back and chuckled "Tink?" I asked finally taking my head out from underneath my pillow he sighed in annoyance "Yes?" He asked "they're awake" I said with a smile "really? When? how late did you stay up?" Tinker asked "that doesn't matter!" I retorted "they're awake and Summer's back!" Tinker chuckled lightly "Okay well we'll get them caught up with everything, I'll get your clothes and you get cleaned up would you?" He suggested I nodded as I felt him get off the bed, I got out of my bed I felt the cold floor beneath me I shivered slightly before shifting my foot on the ground, I saw the colourless outlined world around me, I looked to my drawers and saw Tinker getting my clothes "so no advancements with Sly?" I asked curious before yawning and stretching my arms upwards he sighed and muttered something "I'm not gonna ask..." I said guessing that was a complicated no.

Tinker led me to the bathroom "uh shower or bath?" He asked "Tink.." I said flatly "uh yea?" He asked nervous "I got this! I'm capable enough, if I need help I'll shout you know that" I said taking my clothes from him as we stopped in front of the bathroom "right... sorry" he apologised I smiled "I'll be out in a bit" I said stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind me, I put my clothes on the basin area and started the shower humming the tune I had heard Teep sing.

Flash back~
I heard a distant pained shout, I headed that way quickly when I heard four distant voices 'they're awake!' I thought happily, I heard them begin to approach so I left quickly not wanting to worry them. They talked for a bit before heading for their rooms, I followed Teep wanting to welcome him back I heard Summer request that he'd stay and that he did closing the door, I held my ear to the door to listen in (I was curious!) they talked for a second mentioning a song? Then I heard Teep with his real voice sing a song my mum had taught me when I was younger, I smiled at the happy memories that song reminded me of as I listened to him sing, I decided to leave humming the song as I passed different rooms back to my own.

I turned off the shower and dried myself off and got changed into new clothing and put my amulet on last, I felt around the basin for a spare hair tie, I reached to the very back near the mirror and found one, I tied my hair into a loose ponytail and headed for the door.

Emma's p.o.v
I had finished getting dressed, rubbing my amulet looking at myself in the mirror 'heh not to shabby' I thought finger gunning myself as I left my room, I headed to Sly's room "c'mon bud get up!" I called I heard a grumble but that was it I sighed opening the door when I saw Sly shivering in his blankets "it's gotten worse?!" I asked as I entered the room and walked towards him, he was shivering but he was sweating "jeez okay these hots and colds are really fucking with you huh?" I asked he grumbled at me again I looked over to his plate of food, not touched. I rolled my eyes "your coming down stairs to get something to eat" I stated pulling the blanket off of him, he rolled off the bed and hit the floor at my feet "you Okay to walk?" I asked crouching down to him he nodded so I dropped the blanket on top of him again and helped him up, he bundled himself up and walked with me downstairs and into the dining hall/ kitchen.

I sat Sly down at the table as I went to get the painkillers from the cupboard luckily out of reach of SnowDrop, I got the bottle of painkillers and filled a glass of water and walked back to him, he looked like he was sleeping at the table. I placed the glass of water in front of him and pulled out three pills "c'mon get these down your throat" I said patting his back he grumbled taking the pills from me and putting them in his mouth and guzzling the water down quickly, he stuck his tongue out in disgust "hey never said they'd taste nice" I said with a shrug "brutal as always huh?" A familiar voice joked I looked towards the door and saw Teep "oh my god your finally awake!" I said he yawned as he approached and sitting opposite us "Yea but I wish I was still asleep...." Teep wearied as he rubbed his eyes "well I guess I'm not the only one looking like shit" I nodded "funny thing is when I heal him, it only heals him for an hour or two... and it seems to be getting worse" I stated "So was it a success?" Teep smiled his normal toothy grin "I'll take that as a yes then!" I squealed happily "I've got one question though" Teep said looking at his scar "why'd it take all that to get Summer back but it only took one ritual to get me and James back?" 'Huh I never really thought about it' I thought not knowing how to answer "that would be because of time" Tinker said entering the room with Snowdrop "hey snow" Teep greeted Snow rushed up to him and hugged him "glad your awake!" Snow said "what do you mean time?" I asked "Well Teep and James were only dead for a minute or two where as Summer was near an hour to a day so she was harder to reach than these two" Tinker explained whilst making his coffee "any progress on fixing sleepy here?" I asked motioning to Sly, Tinker sighed "I've come down to two conclusions, now with Summer back she could try and control the venom and getting it out of his body or we go to the water ashari risk dying completely, possibly save it or not, get a healer to heal him and be on our merry way" Tinker suggested joining us at the table with his coffee "yeesh...we don't have many options then" Teep pointed out "didn't I just say that?" Tinker asked confused "yes but I said it simpler" Teep joked getting up from the table and heading into the kitchen, Tinker looked at me confused I just shrugged and giggled.

Summer's p.o.v
I sighed as the light touched my face lightly, and I heard muffled voices outside my door talking loudly, I wished they'd shut up... I was trying to sleep! I heard a knock on my door "Summer? Summer wake up" The voice said "no" I mumbled waving my hand at them dismissively "look I'm glad you're back but get up" the voice demanded sternly "fuck off you stupid— ugh" I muttered under my pillow before sitting up in my bed "oh you look different" they said "yea dying kinda does that" I muttered whilst rubbing my eyes, I looked to the person I was talking with, Sky, "oh hi" I said with a sleepy wave "Yea hi. Now hug me you beautiful bitch" he giggled standing there with his arms open I rolled my eyes but I smiled, "alright gimme a sec, I still feel horrid" I advised as I shakily stood up and walked towards him, and taking his hug, luckily he didn't squeeze but the hug still hurt... but this is nice. We let go and I went to sit back down on my bed "hey so you gonna join us downstairs?" Sky asked "I would if everything didn't hurt when I move" I explained he smiled as he formed a cloud and shaped it into a arm chair type shape before turning back to me "m'lady?" He asked bowing I chuckled "alright, let's do this" I said as the cloud floated down in front of me, I crawled on and sat there as Sky then led me out of my room, down the stairs and into the dining hall where I was greeted by heh everyone "Summer!".

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