Chapter nineteen "the elementals before"

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Chapter nineteen "the elementals before"
Third person p.o.v
The fourth elemental generation consisted of these element bearers
Damien Thorne: dark element
Jonny Fireburst: Fire element (wow who would've guessed 😑)
Dean: water element
Violet: earth element
Petal: nature element
Mathew: electricity element
April: potion magic element
May: witchcraft magic element
Skylar: air elemental
Winter: ice elemental
Fin sharky: light elemental

"Ugh why is there never any good food in this blasted fridge?!" Jonny screeched in anger "well I could cook something like usual?" Fin suggested "SCREW YOU AND YOUR KINDNESS!!" Jonny said sitting down at the table pouting Damien looked at Jonny confused "what are you looking at?!" Jonny asked annoyed "a dodo bird surprisingly" Damien said coldly "WHAT WHERE!? LEMME KILL IT!!" Jonny said jumping out a window "Damien you know how I feel about you tricking Jonny!" Fin said pouting "um can someone please explain why Jonny is trying to burn down the castle again?" Dean asked looking in from the outside of the broken window they heard a crash then angry shouts violet walked in with a rock ball someone loose a Jonny? Violet signed "um I'm gonna go put out the fires now see you later" dean said dropping out of view violet made the rocks dissolve down to dirt letting Jonny out "here Jonny scrambled eggs!" Fin said handing a plate of scrambled eggs to Jonny, Jonny grumbled taking the plate and sitting down at the table, "UGH MAY CAN'T WORK LIKE THIS!!" May shouted at April "WELL WHOSE FAULT IS THAT HUH?!" April argued back "whoa,whoa what's going on here?!" Skylar asked intervening "April stole May's special teddy!!" May hissed her ears and tail puffing up "well excuse me if I'm having nightmares!!"April shouted squeezing the stuffed owl tightly her cat ears and tail also on end "okay me'fwa girls look you uh can borrow mine!" Skylar said bring out a dog plushie handing it to May "yay thank you skylar!" May said, may and April smiled running off "phew that was a close call" Skylar said "BOO" Mathew shouted at Skylar, she jumped summoning her whip "jeezus you scared me!" Skylar said dropping her weapon "ha ha" Mathew laughed "uh anyway nice job there" Mathew said "oh shut it lightbulb boy" Skylar laughed, "WINTER GET YOUR FROSTY ASS BACK HERE!!" Petal shouted angrily chasing after Winter who was skating away, petal tripped and fell on her but on the cold ice, Winter spun around and skated back to petal "see not so easy now huh?" Winter asked cockily "ugh okay I admit ice skating in REALLY HARD!!" Petal said defeated "can you please get rid of the ice now? I can't feel my face anymore" winter made the ice on the ground melt being soaked into the ground petal rolled over looking at the sky "ugh I'm so cold now" petal whined "oh suck it up princess" winter said " said a princess *cough cough*" petal coughed winter kicked petal in the butt "OW!" Petal shouted in pain.

Damien had finally done it "okay hopefully this is successful" Damien said to the limp body placing the knowing intelligence amulet into the body, the body glowed brightly before gaining colour in its eyes and body "h-hello" it said nervously "I think your ready to meet the others" Damien said helping the body down from the table Damien brought the body through the shadow to the middle of the training room where the rest of them were "oh who's this little person?!" Fin said picking up the child like body "knowing intelligence" Damien said "it needs a name!" Fin said inspecting the child "knowing intelligence" "Hmmm shorten it to KI then double it" "Fin please don't" "your now called Kiki! Everyone else agree?" Fin asked the rest of the elementals completely ignoring Damien, everyone agreed "oh for fffff---" "what do you think?" Fin asked the child "u-um y-yea I like that name!" Kiki said happily "UGH I seriously hate you all" Damien mumbled angrily.

Time skip to when ender is captured (dang haven't done a time skip in ages XD)

Ender screeched as she was trapped within a amulet of good and evil a ying and yang amulet "now what are we's supposed to do?" Jonny asked poking the amulet "honestly I'm just glad it's over" petal said helping up Fin who was trapped under rubble "but what will we do with it?" Fin asked "hey as long as we're okay I don't care!" Dean said helping Mathew to his feet I don't really think we should keep that thing violet signed Skylar brought down her cloud holding May and April "yea that thing is giving may the hibi-jibes" May said shuddering "I agree with may it's too good to be true" April said "...can we focus on getting outta here please?" Skylar asked "I agree with Skylar over here" winter said dusting herself off "hey at least we're not all dead right?" Mathew said "I don't care we've trapped her so let's get out of here and go heal up and then decide on what to do with this thing" Damien said coldly walking out. Everyone was patched up, and all sat around a table where the amulet laid in the middle "soooo can I burn it?" Jonny asked Damien gave him a filthy look "don't even think about" Damien hissed "I say we burry it deep underground" Petal said "I say we hide it in a sky temple!" Skylar said "um burying it underground is a good idea but wouldn't people dig it up?" Fin asked "and hiding it in a sky temple is also a great idea but wouldn't people scavenge it from up there thinking it's rare loot?" Everyone stayed silent staring at it maybe we give it away? Like a rare artifice, so museums could hold it for ages? Violet suggested "not a bad idea but then what about us?" Mathew asked "we find someone else to give our powers?" Dean suggested "we can't just give up our elements!" Winter protested "no but we can choose who to give it too" Damien said "what do you mean?" May and April asked in sync "first we must go to a place where our element is at its strongest and meditate there causing us to go to the spirit realm and then from there we choose the next element bearers" Damien explained "but what will happen to our body's?" Dean asked "they will remain there until we return to our body's" Damien said standing up "petal can you take this amulet to the museum? And the rest of you, be ready for one hell of a trip" Damien said walking out, Petal grabbed the amulet "Finn you coming with?" Petal asked Finn jumped up and followed petal out the door "May will be making cookies if anyone needs her" May said walking out April followed close behind "welp..." dean said "I guess that's it huh?" Skylar, winter and Mathew nodded "better get going then" everyone got up and walked out.

"okay first element to go is Jonny" Damien said "FUCK OFF I'M NOT GOING FIRST!!" Jonny screeched running off Damien changed into his black griffin form and tackled Jonny to the ground "you don't have a choice" Damien said flying into the shadow room to end up at the foot of a volcano, Damien fly up Jonny in his talons, "see you on the other side Jonny" Damien said dropping him into the volcano Jonny screamed like a little girl as he fell, Jonny landed on the ruff hard ground right next to a lake of molten lava "when i get out of here your so dead!" Jonny yelled out to no one 'now how am i not burning up?' Jonny thought looking around 'ugh better do that whole "meditation" thing he was talking about' Jonny thought getting comfortable , "right uh who's next?" Damien asked changing back to his normal form. Dean was located in a water temple, Jonny a volcano, violet underground, Mathew in a weather temple surrounded by lighting storms, Skylar was also located in the weather temple, Winter in a snowy mountain, "um Damien may doesn't wanna oppose your leadership or anything but where are we going?" May asked "right here" Damien pointed to May and April's Den it looked like a hole in the ground "I'm not going in the *yawn* hole" petal yawned "this must be a perfect spot for you" Damien said pushing petal in "whoa!!" Petal said tumbling through a fake ground May and April were close behind followed by Finn and Damien "Damien did you have to push petal down here?" Finn asked sliding down once they reached the bottom May and April began to yawn but Petal was already in her meditating state (or asleep basically they are all asleep once they are with their elements) Finn placed a pillow on the ground then placing petal down on the pillow "really? We won't see her again so why bother?" Damien asked Finn gave a huff "because if we're gonna leave might as well make it comfy right?" Finn asked Damien rolled his eyes Finn helped May and April to their positions and as soon as they closed their eyes it was as if the room filled with magic things began to float, practicals flew threw the air carelessly "come on we got to go" Damien said leaving "bye girls see you on the other side (I hope)" Finn said catching up to Damien "s-so uh where do we meditate?" Finn asked "somewhere private" Damien said grabbing Finns wrist dragging him through a shadow to a dark room but as soon as Finn entered the room he illuminated half the room "whoa COOL!!" Finn said running around the light followed him, Damien sat down and began to float in the middle of the darkness "can your hurry up and meditate?" Damien scoffed "oh your no fun" Finn said sitting down in the middle of the light and began to float, everyone had made it to the spirit realm at last.

"Finally I'm rid of those--" "DARKY!!" Someone shouted interrupting Damien "oh come on!!!" Damien sighed before realising that a light wolf tackled him "ugh Finn?!" Damien shouted pushing him off "what are you doing here?! You should be looking for the next bearer!" "Oh uh well all of us are just kinda floating around?" Finn said shrugging (which is impressive for a wolf) Damien sighed "and where would be the flaming ass?" "I'M A PEGASUS FOR FUCKS SAKE!! (At least I think?)" Jonny shouted bucking Damien in the ass, Damien squawked at the sudden pain covering his griffin beak shortly after "ha ha darky got a squeaker!" Dean teased in his crocodile form may and April floated around each other both in their cat forms, Mathew's mane sparked with electrical power (a lion), violet hopped around stamping her large roo feet on the ground impatiently, "ugh can we get going?!" Skylar shouted zooming past them in her hawk form "hey I kinda just wanna get used to this" winter said in her arctic fox form "glad to see everyone is here to be honest" petal said shrugging in her dingo form "okay enough of the reunion! Let's get going!!" Damien shouted floating off they quickly followed after, soon they all dropped off one by one till all who was left was May,April,Damien,Finn,Petal, "why are we here?" Petal asked Finn pointed to a bunch of young kids playing around playing pretend with swords and bows "pick your victim I guess" Damien said Finn rushed into one of the small girls who was shooting her seemed to be her brother who was swinging wildly at this kid who was floating around May and April entered two boys playing with wires and other sorts of things, petal entered a werewolf child "really I'm stuck with the idiotic male?!" Damien shouted angrily before unwilling going inside of the final male.

"Okay wait so if your in my body now and I'm able to see you what about the others? And why aren't you in your elemental form?" James asked "ugh really? You idiotic--" "shhhh!" Kiki shushed "don't be rude Damien or should I say Darky?" James chuckled at the nickname "grrr f-fine! You can see me is because you've unlocked enough power to see me as me where as the others haven't unlocked enough power to even see them" Damien explained a slow clapping sound came from behind them "oh boohoo so sad now grandpa how bout you go take a nap with the small kiddie?" Decay teased "GRANDPA?! HOW DARE YOU!!" Damien said changing into his griffin form chasing decay around "ugh how and when do I wake up?" James said rubbing between his eyes at the brewing headache "uh in due time?" Kiki suggested shrugging before rubbing James on the back sympathetically "ugh I wanna wake up" James complained

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