Chapter thirty-nine "Is this real?"

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Chapter-nine "Is this real?"
Third person p.o.v
Sly awoke groggily looking around, it was still night, the world was windy and wavey and colourless, he rubbed his eyes thinking it was the grogginess of sleep, but his vision didn't changed, rubbed again, same result. He sat up and looked around, the world seemed to bend and twist around his vision, he looked for his friends quickly, no sign of them just sleeping hulking clawed and fanged creatures like something out of a nightmare, he stood up shakily and began to back away from the hulking creatures that seemed to be asleep, the ground was uneven as he ran, he didn't know where, he didn't care, he wanted away from these nightmare beasts. He ran as best he could before tripping over his own feet, the ground was wet and mud like and seemed to suck him into the marsh, he scrambled up quickly wanting out of the marsh, he felt so small compared to this nightmare realm. His leg was in pain, he looked at it after pulling up his pant leg, two puncture wounds on his shin but they looked like they were bleeding brackish blood, it trailed down his leg, it seemed like there was no end to it, he began to panic looking around frantically, for Summer or Sky or anyone, anyone who could help him! Suddenly there was a snap of thick twigs, he spun around quickly, Fire covered his hands, or that's what he hoped, he looked at them, his hands seemed to be covered in this thick black sludge that reacted like fire, he didn't like this, he looked to where he heard the sound, his ears folded back, his tail between his legs, one of the hulking creatures he'd saw before was walking towards him, horribly unfinished wings seemed to sprout from its back, half of its face seemed to be melting, part human part bird, the hands were like claws and their body looked horrifying, the whole creature seemed to be melting as it gave this gravely sucking sound as it approached, Sly felt like a child stuck in a nightmare he wanted to scream but air just seemed to escape him as he backed away, the creature gave this what could only be described as an amp first turning on esk level of a terrifying undead screech, Sly tried to use his fire and blast the creature, the black sludge that surrounded his hands shot out at the creature to no affect, he tried again and again and again, nothing was happening to the creature. Sly looked around frantically looking for somewhere to run, his mind was nothing but panic and basic instinct at this point as he ran in a direction, his leg was in more pain as he ran, he didn't care he wanted away from this nightmare beast, the sky above him cracked with thunder, he panicked firing the sludge backwards at the beast at a final attempt he heard a wail of pain, he'd hit it! (He hoped). He stopped after a while, breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his brow as he collapsed the pain was too much, he scratched away at the sludge covering his hands, it wouldn't come off, he continued scratching, it still wouldn't come off! He whimpered everything hurt, everything was strange and he didn't understand it, and now nightmare beasts were coming after him, he was a child trapped in an never ending nightmare, he heard low growling he looked around quickly his breath quickening as he didn't see anything, his eyes fell upon two red glowing eyes one of which looked like goo was seeping out from, he shuffled back as the creature emerged into the open, again it was human-esk smoke seemed to drip and crowd this beast as it approached, part wolf, it's snout had knife like teeth piercing through its skin from its jaw it also seemed to be melting before him, smoke seemed to spill out of its mouth, its ears just anywhere he looked, it was a horrible thing of nature. He attacked with the sludge as he frantically backed away, the creature reared back and snarled at him, he got up again and ran, he didn't know where but he ran, the creature pounced onto him pinning him to the wet and mushy ground, he desperately tried to escape but the creature reared back its snout and went to lash down onto him, in a panic he shot into the creatures mouth, it fell back wailing in pain. Everything hurt....but he got to his feet and ran once again, he was tired but he was scared, he couldn't hear anything anymore, it became distant as ringing was now clearly heard, his vision was clouded now as he fell to the ground, he couldn't move, he willed himself to move nothing would move, he saw two blurry figures approach, was it the monsters?! He whimpered thinking this was it, he tried to move anything!, they crouched down close, the melting figures dripping on top of him, he wanted to cry, he wanted to shout, anything, but his body wouldn't allow it, he felt claws grasp his face and force his head to look at them, "sLy....SlY..." they repeated their voices broken and hollow "dON't ClOsE yOuR EyES..." But Sly couldn't help it, he closed his eyes as he felt the world slip away from him.

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