Chapter thirty-one "concealed within a book"

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Chapter thirty-one "concealed within a book"
Third person p.o.v
It was a slow day in week four of this time period, Summer and Jade had barracked themselves  inside the rooms after over hearing Tinker discussing what to do, they didn't like that. Summer was partly asleep on a near by chair she'd dragged into the room, "Teep, please....your not dead, just wake up" Summer repeated for what felt like forever, she closed her eyes dreading the answer she knew, when she heard springs creaking, mattress creaking she looked up and saw Teep stirring, a sudden wave of energy washed over Summer as she leaped onto Teep with a massive hug, no words came from her only joyful mumbling, Teep after so long opened his eyes slightly adjusting to the light and he looked around, looking towards Summer, this dehydrated, lack of sun, and didn't look like she'd eaten, broken yet now overjoyed girl hugging his chest mumbling into his chest, Teep's body felt like a giant bruise that had just started to heal, "Summer?" He asked telepathically "your awake! Your alive! Don't you dare leave me again!" Summer hoarse voice cried into his chest, Teep looked at himself, a scar was left from where he was struck, Teep shuddered at the feeling of Deaths Door and was glad to be back, hugging Summer as best he could.

Jade waited by her brothers side, waiting, she wouldn't except the fact that he's still essentially dead, she rested her head in her hands with a heavy sigh, when she heard a mumbled deep voice try talking she looked up and saw James head tilted to the side looking at her, that same rush of energy rushed over her as she leaped onto James clutching him close "heh, was I gone long?" James joked his voice barely understandable "shut up you dork, your alive and awake that's all I care about" jade mumbled, James looked over his sister, she was in a very poor condition "I think I'm more worried bout you right now" James said sitting up still inspecting her "no-no I'm fine" Jade tried to say but it was a mumble whatever little energy she had was fading fast but she didn't care.

The two girls now reunited, were tired, they hadn't sleep easy, barely at all, they hadn't seen the sun in four weeks, they barely had food or hydration, their eyes hurt from crying, their bodies ached from the lack of everything practically but they didn't care, however the boys, who do feel like a giant bruise, were more worried about their friends then themselves.

Tinker's p.o.v
I opened my eyes slowly looking at my watch 12:00, lunch, I knew staying up so late looking for my journal was a bad idea, but I couldn't help it, I need that thing! That dates back to when I was an actual scientist a part of my life I regret, I need that book back, I searched my room multiple times, I got up and got dressed, not what I normally wear, just a ratty t-shirt with torn jeans, I headed out to the dining hall and grabbed an apple from the closest fruit bowl when I heard Sly and Emma arguing, I walked along the wall staying as silent as I could, listening in, "damn this dude need a fucking chill pill" Emma said "well none of us really know him really so this is our best bet" Sly said "turn the page I wanna see what this whole 'I regret my past' bullshit is about" Emma said, I looked in and saw they had my journal "HEY" I shouted they both jumped looking up to me, I clenched my fists as I walked towards them as they closed it and tried to hide it "so for three weeks I've been looking for that AND YOU HAD IT?!" I shouted out in anger they tried to come up with a reason, I grabbed the book but they didn't let go, "give me back my book!" I shouted my eye twitching "no just let us explain!" Emma shouted out I shot a lighting bolt right between them and they released my book I fell backwards with it, I held it close, I stood up brushing off my book "you shouldn't have done that" I said going to walk away when the torch flames snaked their way in front of me I twitched slightly "don't do this you two" I said looking at the fire "we just want answers mate" Sly said "your making a mistake" I said clutching the book tighter, I saw some vines start to rope up my legs from a nearby plant "don't say I didn't warn you" I said with a final twitch summoning a gun from the nearby electrical source turning on the spot pointing it at Sly, I fired the gun it hit him and paralysed him, the fire behind me snaked back to the torches but the vines wrapped around my legs tighter I pointed the gun at Emma, a smile crawled onto my face "don't do this Tinker" Emma said she looked desperate I looked at Sly who struggled on the ground "I will if you don't release me, I'll do this by force" I chuckled she loosened the vines slightly I stepped away keeping my gun pointed at Emma, "good now I'll make my leave" I said bowing, dropping the gun, it sparked out then disappeared, walking off, I got back to my room locking it behind me and sitting down at my desk.

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