Chapter thrity-seven "a voice is heard"

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Chapter thirty-seven "a voice is heard"
Teep's p.o.v
It was getting late, I'd gotten as many answers as I could from Tinker, he'd change back into his normal form and I saw tear marks down his cheeks "had you been crying in happiness?" I asked he looked up to me, his eyes were red and puffy, he went back to looking at the ground "Tinker?" I asked concerned he sniffled "how do you do it?" He asked hoarsely looking up to me again "huh?" I asked "How do you keep going even if you feel so alone, how do you deal with all this guilt?" He asked as tears one after another started to pour down his cheeks "look even when you feel lonely, your not really alone" "huh?" "From across the silence, your voice will be heard" "how are you so sure?" "Even when the dark comes crashing through, even when you need a friend to carry you, when your broken on the ground, you will be found" "how?" "Look I was once alone, and scared but I was found" "Mm?" "Heh Rythain had found me in a cave one day, I thought he was there to kill me, but he looked just as tired and broken as me, and soon he'd welcomed me into a brand new family, and a new best friend found me not long after" "well....what happened to your family? Like before Summer and whoever his name was" I thought about this when a crack of thunder shook the sky, as rain began to down pour heavily I looked around and saw a sizeable rock mound "come on this way" I said leading him to the rock, I used my powers to shift the rocks away to make a cave, I sat down inside the cave glad to be out of the rain, Tinker sat on the other side of me "you got something to make a fire with?" I asked Tinker pulled out a kit and began to make a fire. The fire was crackling loudly as the thunderstorm outside raged on, I spaced out looking at the rain fall "so how did you lose your family?" "Lighting...storm..." I looked out into the rain hearing distant wails of pain and panic from nothing but a memory "a lighting storm?" Tinker asked I didn't answer, I saw my family in front of me, I reached out to them when there was a crack of thunder and their forms seemed to melt before my eyes, I recoiled my hand and took a shaky breath "the rain..." I mumbled "Teep? Teep!" Tinker said I felt something small hit my head I looked up towards Tinker, he'd thrown a rock, "hm yes?" I asked snapping back to reality "do you realise what you just did?" "Remember my past?" "No you spoke, but with your actual voice" "huh but how?" ...."how'd you become a mute in the first place?" "Trauma I guess? Seeing my family die is kinda traumatic" "maybe you dying has kinda reversed that affect almost?" Tinker said before groaning holding his head "you want some?" He asked pulling out a bottle of alcohol I rolled my eyes, standing up and walking over to him and sitting down next to him taking the bottle "what's this?" I asked "I dunno it's either called keg or courage" He slurred taking the bottle and drinking from it before handing it back to me "whats the difference?" I asked but before I could ask he seemed to space out I waved my hand in front of his face and he just smiled, I rolled my eyes again 'first time for everything' I thought "cheers" I mumbled taking a sip, it burnt my tongue and my throat but the burning feeling was replaced by an instant numbness, my mind seemed to go into a spin my jaw slacked open slightly and my tongue was numb as all hell "I can't feel my tongue or my throat, or anything" I said struggling to think straight "keg, definitely keg" He slurred I chuckled he sounded funny, the world seemed to grow darker, and darker, I closed my eyes and fell into a drunken sleep.

I felt something warm in front of me it was holding my arm close, I opened one eye slowly, the world was blurry, and there was a pounding headache present, I sniffed in the air, alcohol, wet grass and a burnt out fire, I rubbed my eye with my free hand and my vision clarified I looked at what was in front of me and scooted back quickly, 'was I just?! With him?! Ew! No!, no it's just the headache talking' I hoped "noooo, come back you were surprisingly warm!" Tinker wined "dude....what?" I asked "hey dude did you know you purr in your sleep?" "Wait hold up I do What now?" "Heheheh, don't worry it was just holding close for warmth nothing more" he reassured I sighed in relief "you know, your talking more with your real voice then usual" Tinker said I smiled slightly "yea I guess I am" "anyway! Shall we get going?" Tinker asked standing up grabbing his jacket from the ground (I think we used that as a blanket? I don't know), and grabbing the sac of alcohol, "quick question are you an alcoholic?" I asked "used to....but I've cut it down" Tinker said I stood up and walked outside of the cave followed by Tinker, "how far did we go?" I asked "um depends of flight speed and how far we fell" "couple of feet up" "no-no I mean we fell and tumbled, so it depends on how far we tumbled" Tinker said I rubbed my head from the headache "Okay let's get going!" Tinker said leading the way "Okay.." I mumbled rubbing my head further.

Summer's p.o.v
I was sitting in my room trying to listen to the voice I was hearing from that town I saw from the scrying spell the water ashari I'm pretty sure "hey I need a sign from you just a clue or something" "we have failed....why do you wish to find us?" "I wanna help!" "Your answering the call of your ancestors, the water ashari" "ancestors?" "My dear water child, all the elements came from a ashari" "really? But where's the others then?" "The Ender ashari was destroyed long ago, the few survivors fled to the Dark ashari, many of them didn't survive all except one, thus Ender survived but was being treated poorly, being forgotten the Ender child seeked attention, but few dark ashari members following a dark oath offered that attention which corrupted the child, thus the birth of corrupt Ender darkness, the corrupted child reeked havick on the dark ashari, and spread to the rest of the ashari, but not before one ashari member of each element came together to subside this child, they killed the child but their spirit lived on corrupting their next host" I covered my mouth in shock "only four elements survived, but now I fear the child has come for the rest of their revenge and worse" "where are you?, I'm gonna fix this, how many of you are left?" "There a few but we can help heal them we just need the source if this problem removed from our village" I nodded and stood up "I'll be there soon" I found a bag, I packed it with a med kit, dry foot rashens, a water bottle and some other stuff, I zipped up the bag and out it on my back, I changed into my wolf form, the bag sat comfy on my back as I started to rush outside, when I was stopped a gust of wind "you know you were talking in a different language throughout that right?" "WOW, can't even let me have like five minutes to myself without someone being nosy huh?!" I snapped as I broke free from the wind "mkay Wolfy where you going?" "I gotta tell you?" "Well, no.." "that's what I thought" I said running out the door at full speed into the forest with Sky's shouting becoming distant.

I was pretty thick in the forest, I slowed my pace to a trot, as I trotted along I heard heavy wing beats and very angry shouts of "something something YOU FUCKING BIRD BRAIN PUT ME DOWN!!!" I think? I looked up and saw a giant hawk human sized, carrying a humanoid creature (Sly I'm gonna guess from all the shouting), I growled slightly as I kept close to the trees, a heard the wing beats come closer, I huffed 'okay running start again' I thought taking off running again, "where do I go?" I asked "follow your instincts" The voice whispered, I slowly closed my eyes before opening them quickly, I felt like I knew where to go, I hooked a sharp right heading further and further from the forest path, I saw a faint blue line guiding me I followed it closely, I leaped over a fallen log when I felt something tackle me to the side, my vision had black dots covering it, I rolled to the side and jumped up, the dots cleared as I looked at what was getting up in front of me, Sly, I rolled my eyes and went to walk off when a whip cracked next to my head making me freeze, I took a deep breath turning towards him and sitting down "really?" I asked "Look you gonna come back with us" Sly said I raised a eyebrow as I looked up seeing the hawk above him, I held up my paw in front of me pointing towards him he seemed to flinch as I did so, I looked at my paw, scales and fur (no wonder he flinched), I curled my paw in a fist, I concentrated on the water in his body, his body seemed to tighten as I tightened my fist, "argh" he groaned as I threw my paw to the ground making him fall, I got up quickly and took off running again, I looked around for the blue line again, I didn't see it "left..." the voice whispered without thinking I hooked a sharp left, I heard a crash behind me, I saw the line and picked up the pace rushing towards it, "into the water" the voice spoke as the line seemed to turn off, I looked behind me and saw of course the fire fox and thunderous looking hawk rushing towards me, I followed the line and saw a cliff and line led right off it, I skidded to a stop quickly approaching the edge I looked around frantically "there's gotta be a better way!" I yelped, the hawk swooped in front of me, I turned quickly jumping over the fox and rushing back into the forest, "you must trust me water pup" the voice said I took a deep breath 'you haven't killed me yet' I thought, I felt something bite the back of my leg I yelped turning around and kicking the thing off me, I ducked quickly after as I was swooped, "ENOUGH OF THIS!!" I shouted running full speed to the edge again "wait Summer no!" The two called out as I leapt from the edge and fell, faster, faster,faster, my heart was pounding in my head as I saw nothing below me, I turned around and saw the hawk bomb diving towards me, talons outstretched reaching for me, I turned back around...., water, I heard water, I summersaulted in the air as I felt myself change, the wind rushed past me until, splash, I felt my body being rocked in the water, I opened my eyes expecting to be dead, but I wasn't, I was a sea serpent! I looked up and saw the hawk scanning the water furiously, I looked through the water and saw my bag floating on the top being taken by the current, I swam to it easily and snagged it in my mouth, I swam back beneath the surface of the water "follow the current" the voice said, so I did. 

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