Chapter seventeen "ransom"

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Chapter seventeen "ransom"
Third person p.o.v
Ender held Kiki in her arms, Kiki struggled to get free "ok ok we're listening! We're listening!" Jade said "you want the bat and the child correct?" They nodded "I also want Mickey back" tinker said coldly "nauhuh it's either one or the other!" Ender said throwing Kiki into James he stumbled back "James what are you doing run!" Jade screeched at her brother "you idiot can't you see he's tainted and the pain is only helping my cause..." ender said motioning to his broken wing "I told you that was stupid" tinker hissed at sam "oh shut it you walking, talking lightbulb" Sam shot back "ten seconds" ender said "tinker come on!!" Sky said "that's it!" Tinker said his blood boiled with electricity he was in his elemental form now he swiped his wing sending bolts of electricity at ender she simply deflected it tinker was shocked at this "hmhmhmhm guess your not as strong as you think" Ender said blasting him back knocking over the rest of the elementals ender opened up a portal behind her "now if you want them come find me" ender said turning around and stepping through then Mickey walked through James looked back at his friends then walking through with Kiki in his arms then the portal closed tinker changed back and rushed towards where the portal was " NO NO!!" Tinker said pounding the ground with his fists in anger "tinker you had one job!!" Sly said standing up and helping SnowDrop up "BUT NO YOU JUST HAD TO ATTACK THE DEMON LADY HUH?!" His tail was puffing out in anger Jade was furious "y-you..." Jade said trying to form words out of nothing Jade summoned her hammer and walked closer to tinker "YOU" she hissed hitting him into the closest tree she dropped her hammer and jumped at him punching him repeatedly she didn't wanna stop Tinker cried out in pain the others either called out for her to stop or just couldn't move and could only watch Sly grabbed her fist as she was about to finish him "we need him alive unfortunately..." Sly said not bothering to look at him Jade sighed and lowered her fist as her and tinker got up when Tinker stood up fully Jade right hooked him he fell over like a log "there now I'm done" Jade sad brushing herself off "let's get outta here I think more zombies are coming!" Alex said taking Sam by the wrist and running back toward the direction of the castle Sky grabbed Tinker's hands while Teep grabbed his legs and they ran with them everyone else followed after quickly. They arrived back exhausted "alright Teep and Sky take Stinker to the med wing to recover" Teep and Sky nodded "Sam and Alex can stay in the living room and the rest of us training rooms now" Sly ordered whilst managing to keep SnowDrop on his back everyone nodded and entered inside

Jade's p.o.v
'WHY?! WHY'D HE ATTACK HER WHY COULDN'T HE JUST SAY 'GIVE JAMES!' WHY WHY WHY?!?!' I mentally swore, I went down to the basement not bothering about my looks or anything I just couldn't wrap my head around what just happened I took a deep breath and exhaled angrily 'I mean I know Mickey was his best friend but James is my flesh and blood but not literally and let's not forget he's also DEATH AND DARK ELEMENTAL I mean for fuck sake we could have saved Mickey later but noooooo to dam important' I mentally scoffed "your down here quicker than I expected" Kye said "huh? Why'd you think that" I asked annoyed "because you look like you've been living under a box" "shut your mouth about boxes otherwise tom will reassemble you in pieces 'Capiche?" I threatened "dam what got your hair in a twist" "WELL GEE I DON'T KNOW LETS-- STINKER LOST MY BROTHER!!!" I shouted "..." Kye was silent looking for an answer "don't bother" I said making light steps to the chandelier I sat on top of it as the steps disappeared "doesn't that hurt?" Tom asked entering the room "fuck off I don't care" I said they whispered to each other but honestly I don't care I just want James back even if he's a dick most of the time and we only spend little time with each other but he's family you can't lose family and just be 'ok' about it, everyone soon shambled down and began to talk I searched the crowd of them and didn't see Tinker thankfully Sly finally came down "right everyone here?" he asked me "besides Stinker yea" i said clenching my teeth in anger "okay guys I'm open to ideas here" Sly said "we can't fight her! i mean even tinker couldn't lay a single point of damage on her!" Sky said "i mean tinker knows how to use his powers better than us and can change into his elemental form with ease but we can barely summon our weapons!" Teep cried Sly sighed in annoyance "ok.... any positive ideas?!" Sly said his ears and tail twitching the room was silent "ok shows over time for us to take the stage" A new but familiar voice said walking down the stairs towards the crowd Alex and Sam had entered the room a bit cleaned up and looked ready for a fight "we sneak in" Sam said "you know that could get us killed?!" Emma shouted "from what we've seen and inspected most of you are really good and sneaking and stealing unfortunately your number one stealth guy is currently on the opposite side" Sam groaned at the last part "and your so called leader is unconscious and possibly in a coma" Alex said looking up at me I rolled my eyes and looked over to wall "anywho... Summer,Jade,Emma and Teep you guys are our best shots at sneaking in and getting Kiki and James outta there while you guys distract edgey dragon woman and her small army" Sam said "so the rest of you guys train as usual and we'll train you four in stealth" Alex said "you keep exchanging sentences..." Teep said with almost annoyance "because we planned this out" they said at the same time

Summer's p.o.v
Everyone kinda left after a while so me, Teep, Jade and Emma stayed as Sam and Alex walked up "ok guys show us what you got you run off and hide and I guess we'll see how good you are" Alex said "so hide and seek?" Teep asked telepathically "hide and seek?!" I asked "oh shit" Teep said I ran off quickly outta the training room/basement and out into the open I changed into human form and ran up the stair railing making it to the top then back flipping onto the biggest chandelier I stayed quit and made sure I was fully human I don't want my fur to burn ya know? I saw Teep,Emma and Jade eventually run off and I guess hide? I dunno but Alex and Sam soon ran out and searched around our game of hide and seek has just begun!

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