Chapter forty-three "please come back"

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Chapter forty-three "please come back"
Third Person p.o.v
Teep skidded to a halt in front of a humanoid figure, it looked like Summer but it was ghostly showing her wounds she'd acquired from her battle with the Wyvern "Summer?" Teep asked the figure looked at him with a look of disparity, "I'm sorry..." it whispered "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough..." Teep kneeled in front of the figure "why did you come here..." it asked Teep looked them in the eyes "I'm here for you, to bring you back" the ghostly figures wounds seemed to heal as it looked to Teep, "this isn't you...isn't it?" Teep asked, James and Jade finally arrived at the scene, the ghostly figure gave a slight nod "I'm nothing bout self doubt... I'm just scattered...the one you truly need to convince is us" it said as two more figures appeared from the ether, a bipedal werewolf and a human, three figures stood in front of the three friends, a werewolf girl, a human girl, and a bipedal werewolf hunched over and crouched.

"So you did arrive, that was one outcome" the human said looking at the three elementals "another one was you let us die" "why would we do that?" James asked stepping forward "Summer you're our friend!" "But I'm nothing but a joke..." The werewolf girl sighed, "who are you all?" Jade asked stepping forward "doubt" "logic" "rage" they spoke "when have we ever been useful? In battle? In plans? WHEN" The werewolf growled "you've been useful in many plans! Why would you think otherwise?" James retorted.

The argument continued for what seemed like hours maybe even days who could tell? Nothing in the Astral plane moved or made a sound, the only colour in the Astral plane was the three elementals, Finally after the long lasting argument they seemed to have come to an agreement.

"So we've come to an agreement?" Doubt asked, Rage huffed in anger but nodded,  "I suppose..." logic trailed off looking at the three friends before them, "so we'll see you soon then Summer?" Teep asked hopeful the three aspects nodded, their forms shimmered and formed into the one body, Summer's body. Two gods ascend from above and landed behind Summer, they weren't giant like any previous encounter they were human sized still taller than the four of them but the point still stands, "congratulations my champion" The Raven Queen congratulated giving a slight nod "t-thank you my queen" James said taking a bow "so does that mean we did it?" Jade asked looking at her deity Sarenrae nodded and gave a soft smile "you've done well my child" Sarenrae said, the Astral plane started to brighten as the four were taken from the Astral plane and taken back to the material plane.

Teep's p.o.v
My eyes shot open as I looked around, the room was dim and warmer? 'Uh wasn't it Christmas like a few minutes ago?' I wondered I looked to James who was on my right and saw him stretch and yawn "mmmm good morning" he mumbled "felt like it was a week since I slept" I looked to Jade, to the left of me, and saw her yawn "we did it... yay" she said flatly as she rubbed her eyes I looked to summer's body "what now?" I asked, as if on cue blue arcane mist swirled around Summer's body, lifting her body off the pillar and into the air, the mist engulfed Summer's body and just as quick as it appeared it disappeared, Summer's body landed back on the pillar, her hair now brown and her fur from her ears and tail were blue, she took a deep breath in and her breathing became continuous. I smiled thankfully placing a hand in her shoulder, her eyes shot open and she shouted out in pain I covered her mouth quickly "shhhh, shhhh it's okay!" I reassured, she was sweating as she looked at me with wide eyes that were filling with tears, she sat up properly whilst groaning in pain "why do I feel like a ecchymois?" Summer asked looking me dead in the face "uh what's that?" James asked summer cleared her throat her voice sounded different too, but only slightly, "why do I feel like a giant bruise?" She asked again "you were—" Jade started "p-please! Don't! Please...not right now I'm not ready" Summer pleaded interrupting Jade, I looked her in the eyes her left eye was light royal purple and her right eye was her normal ruby red "you've changed..." I pointed out "well duh I'm more intellectual than I was previously" she pointed out "Yea but you look different" James pointed out floating above her and playing with Summer's ears, little traces of blue arcane mist traced James' fingers once he let go of her ears.

I bridal carried Summer up the stairs, as the three of us walked up the stairs we saw it was late at night "what time is it?" I asked James and Jade both pulled out their phones "holy shit...well we missed Christmas" James said looking at me "huh?" I asked "it's like five weeks after, we've missed New Years" Jade pointed out "so...kinda like time travelers?" Summer asked "yea I guess so" I said "anyway I'm gonna sleep for a week, I'll see you guys later" I said taking Summer to her room. I opened her door with my foot and placed her down into bed and tucked her in "please don't leave me" she said I sighed "alright fine..." I said pulling a pillow and a blanket from her closet and putting it on the ground, I turned off the light and laid down "Teep?" Summer asked I sighed "yes?" I asked pained and annoyed slightly "can you sing the song?" "Um which one?" "You know, the song" "cat goes woof?" "No! The other song!" "Really?" "Please? You haven't sung it with your real voice! Please~?" "Alright...just for you" I whispered before taking a deep breath

"You.. are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy...when skies are'll never know much...I love you...please don't take my sunshine away" I lulled when I looked over to her she was sound asleep, I hummed the tune once again before falling asleep myself.

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