Chapter twenty-eight "Deaths Door"

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Chapter twenty-eight "Deaths Door" (happy Halloween! 🎃.....yes I know I'm late gimme a break I'm trying)
Third person (continuation) p.o.v
Dark, darker, yet darker the world grew around them, James was familiar with this feeling, the feeling of deaths door, muffled voices cried out to him but it was nothing but sound, meaningless sound. Teep has never been to deaths door, it hurt and it was cold, he couldn't make anything out, he'd seen what could bring him to deaths door multiple times before but never expected to visit the door quite this soon, and it frightened him, Teep looked around and saw the faint figure of Violet, he growled, "you did this..." Teep growled his voice growling in his throat, an actual voice came from him he didn't care, he wouldn't care, not when he was dying, "t-Teep I-I'm -" "no! I don't want to hear it! You've killed me!" "I-I didn't mean to! I swear!" "No! I don't want to hear you excuses! I trusted you!" Teep shouted out letting tears of fear pour down his face as he grabbed Violet by the collar of her shirt "I-I can fix this!" "HOW?! you gonna posses me again and force me to try and kill another of my friends?! Who's next?! Summer?! Dean?! WHO?!" Teep shouted out his voice cracking, he growled before falling to his knees and to his side, it was so cold and dark he couldn't take it, he didn't want to die.
James looked around strings covered the walls and ceiling and one floated off from his chest "heh well isn't this familiar?" James chuckled out loud knowing he'd awake soon, being a hybrid with and immortal creature early death wasn't a problem more like an inconvenience, but he wasn't ready to awake yet he had a few things to settle "Shay?" James called out into the cold darkness, Shay walked forward appearing out of thin air "you-you summoned?" Shay asked sounding unsure "was what Violet said true?" James asked looking Shay in the white eyes not moving "m-mostly I am a-" Shay stopped his sentence looking away "your a What?" James asked raising an eyebrow in annoyance Shay seemed to shrink back and bow "to the raven queen..." Shay whispered and with a sudden looming presence the raven towered over James her face appeared to be a feminine mask, her body covered in this long black robe of some sort, James had met her once before, when he first became a hybrid, "Shay..." the queen greeted with this velvet smooth voice, calm yet scary, "ah James....I thought you told me you wouldn't be back here for quite a while" the raven queen said sitting down, and leaning towards James "yea well I didn't really plan to be back here...." James said rubbing the back of his head "but I'll be out of your long ass hair as soon as I get answers from this dude" James said pointing to Shay when he noticed The raven queen holding a piece of string in her hand like the string decorating the room, she was holding a string of life, someone's life, "w-who's life you got there?" James asked not taking his eyes off the string "the one you defeated in battle, the half Vampire, I must say a shard to just above the heart, I was surprised" The raven queen said "don't take his life!" James shouted out in desperation quickly the raven queen chuckled slightly "no,no,no he has much more that needs to be done, he's already leaving deaths door as we speak" The raven queen spoke as the string glowed a bright golden yellow as it left her hands and floated up and joined the rest of the strings around the room, James turned back to Shay "why? Why are you making me kill people? For all I know they don't deserve it! Why?!" James asked walking towards Shay "you need me, otherwise your nothing" Shay snapped James didn't take kindly to this grabbing Shay by the throat letting his true hybrid colours shine "I don't need you, you need me, so how about you do as I say? And I'm the puppet master now..." James growled strengthening his grip around Shays throat, Shay choked and gasped for air looking for the raven queen who had vanished "......" Shay said nothing but bowed his head defeated knowing he wasn't going to win "good. Now get out of my sight!" James commanded as Shay disappeared in a poof of smoke, James sighed dropping his hybrid form now awaiting to be awoken.

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